Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

would you know what the PB stands for? Peanut Butter (Souffle)!? lol! Thanks!

@DougDawson , under @Mr.Sparkle ā€˜s direction, my son made me 600Watt LEDs for the budroom, 6 of em with 6 each of the EBgen2 4ā€™ strips, at a significant reduction in cost! About $110ea. But, as long as they wouldnā€™t cost you anything, the price is def right! But if they want to sell them to you for that $799+ perā€¦mehā€¦

editā€¦ the only difference I see is mine donā€™t fold lol and there are 2 more strips on theirs, but, Iā€™m thinking about adding a couple more strips to each, so then itā€™d be pretty much the sameā€¦

And the cost buying more than 1 is less per so total price would still be around $125-130


Yeah, DIY is defiantly a way to go. The last time they gave me a full grow kit with tent, filter, fabric pots, timer etc. I did that for them since I wanted to speak of their equipment from experience and not just stuff I heard online. I am pretty good for gear really. Still got my 1000w dimmable HPS/MH light, an HLG 600 Rspec with UV bar, a 100 watt and 150 watt Mars Led and 3 150 watt blurples that actually do a decent job. Oh yeah, there is also that 240 watt unit Viparspectra sent me to test. It did well and is rectangular so rocks a 2x4 tent with 30watts per square foot. In the end, I like free stuff :slight_smile:


Iā€™m getting around 50 per Sq. foot, why Iā€™m thinking about adding a couple more strips each fixture. But, the plants love it under even these, as you can see in my Autos thread lol

editā€¦ FREE is the best price to pay! :smile: :sunglasses: :+1:


Damn @DougDawson you got a straight up buffet of lights! Are you using them all now with your plant count up? Do you have a ā€œfavoriteā€ or ā€œbestā€ in your opinion?

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Woo buddy! Stack those lights! lol


This is how Iā€™m gonna imagine Doug now.


I think my favorite is my HLG 600 Rpec with UV bar attachment. Does a great job, in the end the all work well to be honest. The Blurples and HPS are backups in the closet. The 100 watt mars is good for seedlings, clones or veg of small area. The 150 watt mars came with the grow kit so does well in the 2.5 x 2.5 tent. My 600 does my 4x4 tent and the Vipar 240 watt rocks the 2x4 tent. When Vipar reached out to me they offered a smaller light but I told them the 240 watt is what I wanted, I needed something to fit my 2x4 tent :wink: With my plant count up I will be able to do more but wonā€™t be rocking 25 pants in my house. Even if I did I would end up with way more weed than I can use. No point in putting in all the work and expense just to give the stuff away. It will let me clone and play with stuff more though which is really what I wanted. Can always keep my 2.5x2.5 in my basement for seed production while growing bud in my grow room on second floor. The spare bedroom is where I have my other 2 tents set up.


You ever consider breeding? Thatā€™s where I run into problems with plant limits.

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Not really. 25 plants is more than enough to do some hunting but have no plans to do any serious breeding that would require higher numbers. I would rather become a better grower first, this guy still has much to learn volcano


Asking and expecting is rude.
Asking with no expectations may land you wonders!


On another note broke down and ordered a proper Quantum Par Meter so I can dial in lighting better.


Damn very nice! Been wanting a par meter for a while. Too rich for my blood though sadly :frowning:

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Yeah, lux meters and phone apps just dont give accurate readings. This one was actually pretty cheap. $259.84 CAD after tax with free shipping. The guy who reccomended it tested and it was only 40 ppfd off his pulse pro sensor which is pretty close in the grand scheme if things. His test of pulse pro vs MQ500 was off by 30 ppfd. Dont think I have ever seen one at this price that compares to those other 2 top of the line units.


Not to shabby. Anything that can get you in the ballpark is good.


Decent price for a quality item .


I agree and the fact is that if the MQ500 is off by 30 and this one is off by 40 really means itā€™s within 10 ppfd of the MQ500 which is one of the best out there as far as I know.


Thatā€™s pretty awesome. I have been using the ole caveman par meter for years. :raised_hand: lol. Always worked out well but would love to get some real numbers at some point.

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Yeah, I did some testing with a lux meter and 2 phones with lux app. All 3 were way far apart so I just stopped bothering. Best use I found was take one of them and used it for a base reading. When I moved my PPP under my HLG they went all droopy for days. Took a reading and lowered the light to what they were getting in the other tent and they perked right up. Be nice to have actual accurate data of the PPFD they are getting so I can start dialing things in even more.


Ya thatā€™s a game changer for sure, love it. Get the data to get all sorts of nerdy on it heh.

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