Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

The stuff was way seeded but I did role a dube or 2. Not bad, It is almost a 50/50 ratio of bud to seed but still worth smoking.


I see that and then the next picture I see is seeds. yeah. I laughed out loud. Am I the only one who saw that as humorous as technically they are the finished buds lol


damn nice get! thats a strain i seen some runs of and the end product was always dank

So you get it, lol. tup


I’ve smoked, of course I do! Lol


Ok, so for a 10 pack of Paonia Purple Paralyzer seeds, What was Freddie Mercury‘s real name? First to answer correctly get them. Oh yeah, and…
tenor (3)


Farrokh Bulsara edit: i dont want the seeds, lol

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Made it easy @anonymous4289

If I was smarter

i only responded out of boredom, no its still up for grabs



Farrokh Bulsara ok

Farrokh Bomi Bulsara

FARROKH BULSARA!! ugh tried like ten times… “body unclear…” hate that sh*t

Doug give it to @OldSchoolNewKid

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Auto correct does not like that name

Is Doug choosing answers that auto correct will reject lol

Oh sadness, nobody wants seeds made by Doug… :disappointed_relieved:


I didn’t know the answer but you can always send a pack this way :slight_smile: lol

That’s not it at all buddy

Ooh trust me I do! I just thought I was on a list to get them already so I did not want to take something I may be getting in the near future anyways. Don’t threaten me with a good time sir! :slight_smile: