Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

That was fun, have a good one!

:pray: thanks Doug, you too :grin:

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Sleep well! Enjoy ya REM-cycles! @Oldtimerunderground

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Good night all. It’s been fun watching the gathering!

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Have a good night bud, get some good rest. @MoBilly Good night to you as well.


It was fun for me too :grinning:

Ok one more. A surprise giveaway. You don’t know what you get until you got it. Could be some Bobbie brown booboo hempseed, or some fire, lol. Let’s just say it’s not the hempseed :joy:

First one to guess the number, wins the last pack from me for the night. Who’s it gonna be :thinking:

It’s 42 isn’t it

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55 is my guess

13 is my other other guess

69, dudes!

69 is my second guess

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92 for the win

i meant 70 lol

When someone gets it right, I will upload the original screenshot

79 first guess

54 is another

16 is my third guess

Next is 32

my guess is 43

17 next. Is one