Free seeds, Yeti OG x Romulan Heriwana (All Gone)

Join the club :hugging: :laughing:

My story is long & boring but it began with family for me too.

Start slow when you get knocked down but donā€™t give up.

When the shit hitā€™s the fan, it stays messy for a while longerā€¦ flinging & spattering away, until eventually, over time, if it has kept going, it will be clean of filth. :smile: :poop: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :sparkles:

So whatever we can do, even if itā€™s just poop jokes, let us know.

:evergreen_tree: :toilet: :imp:


Do your best to rise above it. Sounds cliche, but things can always get better.

There was a time in my life that I was on welfare, with very few options and no help from anyone. It really got to me. I got severely depressed. Hopeless.

Somehow I found the strength one day to take one simple step to change my life. That led to a second step, then a third. Then someone recognized my potential and gave me a chance.

That was over 20 years ago and today all of that is a distant memory. I have a wife and two beautiful daughters, a 6 figure income, toys, and even some free time for hobbies.

All of this might not have happened unless I found the strength that one day to try to make a positive change. I donā€™t know how I did it. I have no magic answers. Just try, man.

And thank you for your generosity! I really hope my seeds get there and you try them out! :rocket:


Thank you for your contribution, Iā€™m sure they will be appreciated by many. Hope all goes well and know Karma will make things right in the long run. :pray:


family and fake friends are the worstā€¦ canā€™t even calculate how much has been ripped off by themā€¦ mostly in-law family vs my own family, but it is what it isā€¦ if ya can pm me paypal info or something, when I get my non-bill check, Iā€™ll send some your way for the trouble


Dude, please dont take this the wrong way but you sound very depressed, I should know I get there often myself
please try some high CBD, its a godsend for these ā€œepisodesā€ IMO
(they are episodes for me being bi-polar)

Im sorry to hear about all the bad shit going on for you, sometimes it seems its not worth it to carry on, I wish I could give you the answer to your problems but the best I can say is persevere and you will come through the other side, eventually, it can be tough work but it is worth it when you can finally see the beauty in a sunset again, or realise you have goals in life again.
Start small, try doing one of the things you used to love to do but have fallen out of love with, I assure you it will help temporarily and you will look forward to doing it again but it will take effort at first.

On the CBD at least 10mg a day for 2 weeks to see a change, more is better
also thank you for the kind gift of seeds, if you stick round here it will not be taken for granted and come back round, that I can guaranteeā€¦

PS I notice the total paid was 420 is this a little coincidence? or is it a little sign from the universe that your on the right pathā€¦maybe thatā€™s fanciful but does it hurt to think positively?


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road youā€™re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but donā€™t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Donā€™t give up though the pace seems slowā€“
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victorā€™s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside outā€“
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when youā€™re hardest hitā€“
Itā€™s when things seem worst that you must not quit.


It took me 7 years to get over a relationship gone wrong. :baby: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :older_man:

Things made sense after seeing a similar situation with other people. :confounded: On television. :confused:

NOBODY could tell me what I needed to see, and so all of our goodwill wonā€™t be a magic wand or a teleporter but please do see you arenā€™t alone. If we keep our eyes open thereā€™s ALWAYS someone with a worse situation than our own. ā€œMisery loves companyā€

Trying to help but Iā€™m baked :blush: so I better knock it off.



@I_thewindcries I for sure am very appreciative of your gift of seeds. I honestly hope you will be around to see me growing them out next year :slight_smile: I hope your troubles pass brother. We all do


@I_thewindcries I got your gift of seeds, thank you so much. I appreciate it and was not expecting such generosity. Thanks again :+1::seedling:


Seeds are starting to arrive. Please refer to my new post to leave feedback when they show up. Thank you, have a good day!


Once every one get a piece of what you work so hard for hopefully we can help piece you back together. ā€¦
Piece No 1:
The True meaning or happiness is repeating the process of being happy. Find anything that make you happy and do that min to hour, hour to day, day to week and so fourth until everyday there is happiness no one can steal

Piece No 2: my name modicum means a small quantity of something that is considered desireable or have great value. You are modicum brother. You have that only small something that makes you. You are valuable.


That is a good way to put it :slight_smile:


I got my package today :thumbsup: and posted it in your ā€˜feedback threadā€™. :smiley:

:evergreen_tree: ā€˜grow West young manā€¦ā€™ :seedling:


I got mine today too,
much appreciated :laughing:

Thank you so much mate means a lot :wink:


Awesome got mine today too!

Thank youā€¦Much appreciatedā€¦lmk if you want some of my geneticsšŸ˜Ž


Anyone who I sent seeds feel free to send more genetics to the return address, itā€™s safe and M.S is my name on the return address.


Seeds arrived yesterday. Better believe i will be very generous with these. Better days ahead

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I received mine the other day thanks brother!

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Feedback thread is here. Please post a picture of your seeds. Or just some feedback in general. If you have any issues with seed count or not getting the seeds by next Friday. The weather has been pretty bad lately, so please keep me updated. Loving the community thus far, getting lots of positive feedback which is very nice. Hope you all are doing well. If you look in the feedback thread I left some information and pictures of my strains. If you need more information, feel free to ask.


You got it. :wink:

In a few weeksā€¦ theyā€™re still on the plant now. :blush:


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