Free your budshots! (Part 3)




Gorilla Breath - HSC

GMO and Future #1

NGD = New Guitar Day


Glue Sniffer - Twenty20 Mendocino


Velvet lakes/rainbow belts and fuel dog/sour bubble beans from @Ottafish


AKBB Lemon Star F2 harvested on Day 77 of 10/14 light schedule.


What type of smells you have found in your Sluricane ? I hesitate between this or Terple for my next seeds order from IN House


I would definitely try the Slurricane or better yet Sugar Cane. They don’t have a lot of terps as most of the frostiest plants don’t. I’d say there’s a little berry scent. But the look of the buds is crazy. You can’t go wrong with either.


This Slurricane came from a select cut a friend has and it was quite a bit nicer than the seeds I had tried from Anesia seeds which I grew about a year before I tried the cut a medicinal provider friend has. Both had a sweet berry stem rub smell beforehand, and although the beans from Anesia were nice, my friends cut was better. I’ve come to expect that from many compared to what he and his co-op of medicinal providers grow.

As far as inhouse, I bought a very expensive order of 4 different varieties from NASC, all from inhouse. In that run I tried one of the beans from inhouse of the Jelly Breath and one of the beans of Platinum Dosi. 2 fem beans and one of them hermed at 3 weeks into flower.

Lucky for me I had my second tent with starter plants for my veggie garden going. I transferred her/him to the veggie tent before it could do any damage to the other fems in tent one. I tried banana ectomies on her to try and convince her that she did not want to become a boy. No luck. I got over 1100 seeds off that plant even though I was cutting nanas off her for a few weeks trying to change her mind. Nope. She was going to do what herms do, and that is disappoint me. I spent $160 for 10 beans of the Platinum Dosi, and what do I get from the first two beans I planted from them. I fem Jelly Breath that was nice, and 1 herm Platinum Dosi. I expected more, especially for the price.

Environmental or Genetics? I don’t know.

Does that make me want to try the other 2 varieties of beans I bought from them and hope for a different outcome? Probably not. At least I caught it in time and had my second tent going with veggie flats for the garden. None of my fems in tent one got sullied by her/him because I caught it early. Will I grow any more seeds from them that I bought in that order, even though my order for 4 varieties of fems cost me $300. Probably not. Will I buy more seeds from them? No. Fooling me once is all it takes for me to turn me away.

Some may like what they have, but life’s too short for me to to waste time and money on fems that herm. Sorry if I’m being harsh, but when I plant 2 beans and one of them herms, what can I expect from the other 2 varieties I bought. All fems?, fems with a chance of herms? Not worth the risk. I grow for the bud and not the beans. But that’s just me. I wasn’t going to say anything about them, but you brought up their name and my answer is just my humble opinion.

Back to the taste, smell and buzz of Anesia’s Slurricane strain. It was very nice, just not as nice as the cut I got from a medicinal grower friend shown in the pics. I believe it was
Slurricane # 7 or #11. I forget the number, but they select the best of, to continue with cuttings. It was smooth going down and then expanded if one took too big a toke on a doob.

That is a quality I very much like. It was also frostier then the Anesia strain.

Have you tried other beans from them before without having herms?
I bought Jelly Breath, Platinum Dosi, Platinum Garlic, and Platinum Jelly. I also got
a free pack of Runtz auto in that order. Of the first two I listed, one of them hermed.

The Platinum Garlic and the Platinum Jelly I’ve not tried based on my experience with the first two I tried from them. I know herms can happen with all fem seeds which takes me back to a run 3 years ago when I had some Royal Gorilla from Royal Queen seeds herm
and I did not catch that one in time and she/he sullied all the other fems in my tent. Thousands of seeds on those 6 fems, including my beloved GMO. Have I bought any more beans from them since. Nope.

Herms do happen, but is it too much to ask for running the beans for a couple runs before
selling them. I don’t know if they do this or just sell the first run for the money. Money does strange things to people sometimes. I don’t know. I just know I grew 2 beans from them and one of them hermed. Again, this is just my opinion based on what I grew from them.

I’ve not tried any of the Sugar Cane but the pics look very nice. Frosty. I like frosty.

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I’ve grown a few In House and so far no problem with hermi, it’s very often coming from environmental stress. I didn’t know Anesia had stolen the name Sluricane and maybe the genetics as well, they are strains thiefs and I don’t support this type of brand. The clone you’ve grown was selected from Anesia seed or In House?


Sorry not a bud shot. Just thought yall might wanna peep this if you haven’t already. :upside_down_face:


The first time I grew Slurricane, it came from Anesia seeds I bought from Sensible seeds from the UK. A long trip to the US. It was nice, but when I tried the cuts from my friend it was frostier and nicer. I’m not sure where they got their strain of it. I do know they do the best with the best to optimize them.

To be fair to environmental stress that can cause plants to herm. They were grown during the winter months in Michigan in a tent in our fruit cellar with no heat, and although the lights were on at night and off for daytime to get higher temps. The temps still dropped to 62 to 64 F for the dark part of the grow. When I noticed this I put the input filter in the room that had heat to raise the temp in the tent a few degrees which brought it up to 66 F for the dark cycle.

Still while the Platinum Dosi hermed, none of the other varieties did. I usually grow 6 plants in a 4x4. All the others turned out great. The only problem plant was the Platinum Dosi. It may have been environmental, but it also may have been genetics. I don’t know. I should have mentioned that in my last post as I would not want to give them a bad rep based on what I said. The two plants I’ve mentioned that hermed in my last post were the only two out of dozens and dozens of fem strains I’ve grown in the same conditions. I have a bunch of fems that want a turn in the tents. So if I grow the other varieties I bought from them, it will be outside.

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Some Grease monkey from last year. All look to these ones, no terps at all. One was ok


Am I crazy or is that plant growing out of the bottom of the pot like those upside down tomato bags some people do?


Appears to be up a tree too.


Thats just silly. You guys are high


2008 Sour Bubble fully seeded and still frosty as all hell. Rip BOG


Very cool process too. Went back and had a peek at the start. Nicely done sir. :clap::clap:




Last round of autos are dried! Bout to sample this candy wash now


Goji x Nepoji - HappyBee

Nepoji is Nepali OG x Goji f3 and was a Bodhi tester from a number of years ago but never released due to stability issues. I received a few crosses from HappyBee with the Nepoji as father and ran GG4 x Nepoji (Adhesive) a few years back, zero issues and absolute fire of a strain in flavour and high / stone.

The Goji x Nepoji self topped herself from seed and this is the smallest of three tops. A lot of stretch with this one, nose is a mix of intense mixed ripe berries. Decent frost and solid bud structure. Flowered in 1ltr of dirt with a couple of weeks veg in a 2x3 under LED strip lights,12/12 then a couple of weeks to 11/13. Buds gone into the fridge (with humidifier), plants been up-potted and in for re-veg.

Black Beard #2 - Karma Genetics
(Pirate Sweat x Biker81)


#2 is the runt of 4 seeds popped. All 4 had a few weeks veg then straight to 12/12 then 2 weeks later 11/13. Flowering in 1ltr of dirt in a 2x3 under strip LEDs. #2 was not topped and has zero branching, the other 3 were topped. A lot of quality coming out if this cross, favourite nose is on #1 which has deep rich earthy hashy notes, there is quite a lot more going on in the other 3 plants. All plants are producing tight frosty buds with swollen bracts. Will be looking to re-veg all of them.

Galactic Reserve #6 - Bat Country Farms
((GG4 x Alien Dog) x (Breath Mints x Garlic Breath))

Second run and liking what I see.


Hammers Kush x Kona Sunset
This Project was made years ago. I’m still looking for a purple pheno. This is the best I’ve found so far. I’ve had others that had more resin. Frosty looking plants never means quality… This pheno is on 92 days. I think ill take her at 100 days. Her flavor stays on the pallet. The Kona side has some of the best old school Sativa lines ever. I’m still hunting for a purple pheno.

Hammers Kush=Cherry Cookies x C.Banana
Kona Sunset=Kona x Dark Cross… Gooey breeder/.
Gooey is:
Cambodian (70’s landrace)
Mex gold (70’s landrace)
Lumbo gold (70’s landrace)
Thai ( 80’s landrace)
Maui (1972 wowie from the developer)