Freezeland cross, Guerilla grow

I checked on the girls today for their summer solitice feeding and to see how they faired the crazy storm. I only lost one main branch, likley do to the four lined plant bugs that are still active. They like to lay their eggs in branch notches and alot decided to tear into one spot. The other main on same plant appears damaged as well. Fungus might have taken hold. I forgot to bring twine to stake the leaners up so I hillybilly rigged them up with thin vines untill I can return. All Freezeland crosses. Freeze Ă— Chem D, Freeze x Durban Poison, Freeze x Black God.



Some nice plants brother. Sorry to hear about the bugs and broken branch. Couple branches split on me with those high winds. Looking forward to seeing the progress, and nice Kukri.


Yeah, glad to hear.

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I took a long, hotter than hell, hike to check on the ladies today. They are looking great. The four lined plant bugs are nearly all gone and all plants have bounced right back from the damage they caused. I did some staking and tied them up as we are now in thunderstorm season. Now hopefully the hail in the forcast misses them. The Durban x Freeze looks to be the furthest ahead. Not hitting the preflower stretch yet but it is about to start. The Chem D x Freeze is the smell champ by far. I can now smell them long before I get to them. The stem rub smells of terpentine, and jet fuel. The Black God x Freeze smells of earth and over ripe fruit.


My plants are starting to exude some strong smells as well, especially early morning. Looking forward to seeing how yours finish. I love a good Freeze and used to get it 10-15 years ago, miss the flavour. I grew some seeds I found in the buds and they were top notch.

Hope you get some real nice buds from them, they should really excell out there in the bush (where they do best imo) I’m assuming you picked them up from HDepot? Should be some real gems in those. I haven’t tried Beanho’s freeze crosses or his version of Freeze, but might have to after seeing how yours do…:grinning:

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Yes, Beanhoarder gear. I have grown out several of his crosses in the past with mostly great results. Some variation in the phenos but thats how you find gems.


Thank you for the confirmation. I’ve recently grown a small handful of his offerings, and have been impressed with the results as well.

I almost forgot to thank you for the update and photos. Your plants are really soaking up that sun now, looking great. Glad those lined bugs finally stopped and went away too. Seemed like they were doing quite a bit of damage, the plants really bounced back nicely though.


Well lots of growth in one week. They are looking good, but look like they are a little hungry. I did not feed just yet because I gave them a fairly heavy dose of organic nutes two weeks ago. You all know they sometimes take a while to kick in. We got purple on the freeze x black god. This girl is going to get dark if she is showing in 80+ weather in veg.


Looking great @Barkeater, hope the colour hits deep into the calyxes come flower time next month and you get some big black buds off that one.

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Hey OG’s. I took advantage in a brief break in the rain and T-storms to check on the grow. And mostly good I guess🤷‍♂️. The BGxF that was showing purple/black is likely due to root rot as a Durban x F near it is now getting the same color. The new growth also looks twisted and malformed Both of these holes got more coco amended in than the rest and with all the rain and now high water table they are soggy just a few inches down. In better news the rest look very good so far, most over 6ft, and the ones that were topped showing decent lateral growth. And dare I say it, “some are in flower”? You be the judge.


You can camp out under that tree.

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That’s what I’m talking about. You could make a house out of that. Lol. That’s the biggest you have ever grow? I seen some big ones in high times when I was a kid.

Not to shabby for north of 44 and over 1200 up. Started em 4/20 under flouro and moved to cold frame 3 weeks later. They saw a few frost and some snow. @Hemp

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That’s cool. They look happy.

I see the one plant. Is it just the one?

Here we go…buds are poppin! I love this part of the season. Now we just need the rain to taper off

a bit so they dont all turn to mush. A lot of lower leaves are yellowing up pretty good. Im sure they have enough food. I think with all the rain they just stopped taking up water. Low water uptake/low nute uptake.


Awesome update @Barkeater, love the pics. Which one is the pink pistils? Is it the Durban cross? Been wanting to try that one.

Hope these rains slow down a bit too. Just had a storm run through here.


Those plants look amazing!


Yes, Durban x Freeze with the pink.

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