From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Looking very good over there. Your lavender jacks are gorgeous! But everything you grow turns out nice…and great camera work as well! I think you may prefer them a little more amber than I do, though! :wink:

The samples I’ve had of this one from others are medium potency and a little more laid back than I would have expected given the extreme Jack terps. I tried to harvest mine a little earlier than some at day 65F because I want more of the UP Jack effects to come thru. We’ll see if that happens - I had 5-10% ambers at day 60, which is bordering on too much for me.

It smells like Jack Herer herbal citrus & berry candy. Extremely complex, the kind of thing you might smell when entering a high end herbal shop. I want to live in a bubble of this smell.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow: