From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Mm. I dunno. I think I’d rather chop it slightly early than do something like that. That just sounds weird haha, although I’ve seen people online do it. I wouldn’t, though. Keep it natural! haha.

Those “no flash” shots look real good. Better than the others.

Oh yeah, I LOVE this dog. She’s friggin’ awesome. The only thing is my girl’s still being soooooo fucking anal about everything, still with the,”You’re playing with her wrong,” shit haha. “You’re petting her wrong.” Apparently, everything I do with this dog is “wrong” haha…



Here are the three best males that have the attributes you indicated to look for. Although one has 9 fingered leaves it has more frost on the stems. The structures are all a little different.


Do you have the tall Lav Jack backed up already? If you think it’s special (it looks that way to me), and you don’t already have it cloned, then perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to change it’s lighting schedule to begin the re-veg process? I’d love to run that one to see how it compares to the one I already have. The purple one is pretty too, but something about the tall one… whew…


No, I don’t have clones of anything from this run. I could attempt a reveg. The purple one looks great in person too but definitely not as frosty. More dense and smells a bit more like common “good” cannabis. Tall smells more unique (maybe not if you have jack or similar terps regularly).

Nice! Getting everyone on the same page for dog training / interaction can be stressful but at least she’s invested and appreciating the pup as well.

Could be, but I suspect the trichomes will continue to ripen even under increased lighting. Seems to be the case when I do reveg attempts at least. Not sure, still brainstorming so I’m not decided on any direction yet.


I kinda like the look of the first one :thinking: reminds me of my keeper girl, but it’s not 100% the same. The other two are right out for comparison to mine. Could still be good though. Maybe they look familiar to @syzygy ?


I wouldn’t be able to answer that as I’m really bad at identifying plants (especially immature plants) based on vegetative traits. If I had to guess though the 2nd picture looks the least like the mom. The mom has thinner leaves and has lots of long horizontal branching. My main identifying trait for the mother is the insane early stem and leaf frost.


Here are some veg shots of the mom. Ignore the dirty saucers / tent. I know I’m asking for pests… This is under a 25w generic LED strip light and seriously neglected.


Yeah yours reminds me of mine too. Yours is definitely more bubba leaning than mine is tho. Very nice!


I wanted to thank you and @HolyAngel for passing on your knowledge, I hope this will help me make good selections.


Are the really leafy phenotypes from the Appalachian?

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Not sure on that one, pretty much all the SSDDs that I’ve tried have been relatively leafy. The bubbashine leaning pheno I found is probably one of the better calyx to leaf ratio buds I found in the 1.25 packs I went through, but compared to other genetics it’s still fairly leafy.

Here’s some more Lav Jack shots. Going to try to take a lot this weekend of everything when I have more free time.


Great bud shots mate! Looking really noiiiice! :grinning:


Thanks! Got a couple more today. Pretty sure I’m taking almost if not everything down tomorrow, or at least within a couple of days. Calyx tips yellowing and browning as well as trichomes turning amber on just about everything (tall lav jack included).

Tall Lav Jack

Purple Lav Jack


Looking very good over there. Your lavender jacks are gorgeous! But everything you grow turns out nice…and great camera work as well! I think you may prefer them a little more amber than I do, though! :wink:

The samples I’ve had of this one from others are medium potency and a little more laid back than I would have expected given the extreme Jack terps. I tried to harvest mine a little earlier than some at day 65F because I want more of the UP Jack effects to come thru. We’ll see if that happens - I had 5-10% ambers at day 60, which is bordering on too much for me.

It smells like Jack Herer herbal citrus & berry candy. Extremely complex, the kind of thing you might smell when entering a high end herbal shop. I want to live in a bubble of this smell.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Thanks and I’m not sure, I think sometimes I actually prefer slightly unripe bud. I’ve just been bad about prioritizing freetime lately and neglected them a bit. Coupled with being lazy and not feeling like chopping + hanging I just let them go haha.

Didn’t know you were growing LJ, is that the cut IAY had? Seems like there’s a lot of photogenic stuff in that line for sure.

Everything has been chopped except the baba kush. I left enough bud on the LJ to attempt a reveg but my skills in that area could use some work for sure. I can’t remember if I used to trim the rootball or not when I had success, but the last 3 times that it mattered I seemed to fail. Will try to take some earlier with less amber if I can pull off the reveg.

I am a fairly meticulous person and it is not in character for me to mistag things but I am really wondering about the triple sunshine A stems on the mother as well. I’m praying I didn’t screw up and end up with 2 Cs and so I really want to test out more of them next round just to be sure and confirm. Keep meaning to document these thoughts but always slips my mind. I am very happy with that plant and would like to eventually get other members takes on it should the laws ever become friendly as well…

Here are the other plants that I didn’t take pictures of last night, now chopped and hanging.


Lav Jack

Chem 91 x SSDD

Will post more thoughts later whenever I get the OG stuff transplanted and all that. Appreciate everyone stopping by as always!


Cool! I hope you’re successful. I don’t usually trim the rootball, I try to not cause any stress the first 2 weeks of flipping back to 18/6 or 24/0. After that, I try to slow start feeding them again, and try not to overwater, cuz they don’t like sucking up a bunch of water at that point. Also, I don’t blast them with light or anything, something nice and gentle usually will work. The tall Lav Jack looks exceptional to me, and those trich shots really show how covered everything is. Great work!

How long are you letting that one go? It got surprisingly chunky, even though you thought it was underfed early on.


Thanks for adding your process, will probably go with something similar. I especially like it because I don’t have to do anything haha.

Thanks! Ya I agree she is pretty frosty for sure. The purple lav jack trich shots are clearly nowhere near as densely packed together as the tall one.

It was not only underfed but extremely rootbound. I basically topped the plant, took cuttings, and threw it into flower when it was already in need of a transplant. Not sure how much longer, whenever I transplant the OG stuff I will probably need space and may flip the timer over to 18on.


Lav Jack tall cut down / remaining buds

Edit here are the sickly rootbound og x 88s in 3" pots. Some are pushing 14-16+ inches. Culled a few males already (redeye / secret chief)


Since I haven’t been consuming much if at all lately it has me thinking about what I want to do going forward. I already have this OG x 88g stuff so I definitely want to see what’s in there, but am thinking this would be a good time to make a bunch of F2s. Even if I’m not consuming a lot or at all even the hobby of gardening is enjoyable to me and crosses over with the fun of improving my photography skills. Just throwing out my current thoughts in case anyone has any suggestions.

Right now I’m thinking about either more SSDD attempts or more likely Triple Sunshine F2s. I haven’t gotten to sample the effects as much as my other keepers with the Triple Sunshine A so it’s possible this would be a mistake. The general morphology and aroma really resonate with me and I could realistically see myself exploring F2s of it though.

Other seeds I have - may be missing some, also tried to remove empty packs from the list. Interested in other opinions and what not, but internally I’m leaning towards some TS F2s.

  			Snow Lotus

Uplift (HA OG x Snow Lotus)
Kush4 X Snowlotus (Kush4 X Snow Lotus)


Field Trip (GSC X SSDD)
Baba Kush (Bubba x SSDD)
Waking Dream (Wifi X SSDD)
Chem 91 SVA x SSDD (Chem 91 SVA x SSDD)
Kush 4 x SSDD (Kush 4 x SSDD)
Sunshine Queen (3 Kings OG x SSDD)
Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd)


Sunshine Daydream (Bubbashine x App)

			Old Mother Ghani

Gorilla Ghani (GG4 x OMG)
Madre Azul (Blue Lotus x OMG)

			Strawberry Milk

Beautiful Day (Topanga x Strawberry Milk)
DazzleBerry (Goji Razz x Strawberry Milk)

			Purple Unicorn

Limited Edition (DLA 5 x PU3)
Purple Triangle (Black Triangle x Purple Unicorn)
Purple Soul (Pinesoul x Purple Unicorn f3)

			Wookie 15

Phone Home (TK x Wookie 15)
Space Cowboy (Larry X Wookie 15)
Sun Ra (SFV x Wookie 15)
Pinball Wizard (SSH x Wookie 15)
Sundance (Lemon Thai x Wookie 15)
Lavender Jack (vintage Jack Herer x Wookie 15)
Black Raspberry (Goji Raspberry f2 x Wookie 15)
(ChemDPU)xW15 ([Chem D x Purple Unicorn] x Wookie 15)


Snuggle Funk (Black Domina x 88g13hp)
Jungle Spice (Congo Pine x 88g13hp) - - edit no longer have this. These went to @oleskool830 a few months before we lost him, RIP.
DLA #6 (Iraq Ranya X 88g13hp)
Herer Hashplant (Jack Herer x 88g13hp)
Heavenly Hashplant (Bubba x 88g13hp)
Saints Crossing (Saint Stephen x 88G13HP)
Golden Hashplant (TK x Green Crack x Tres Dawg x 88G13HP)
Blueberry Hashplant (Blue Dream Sat x 88g13HP)
Black Triangle (TK x 88g13hp)
Grandmas Hashplant (Irene x 88g13hp)
Redeye Jedi (Skywalker OG x 88g13 HP)
Secret Chief (SFV x 88g13 HP)
Spirit Hashplant (Ghost OG x 88g13 HP)
Devils Hashplant (Diablo OG x 88g13hp)
Imperial Majesty (Pure OG x 88g13hp)
Time Bandit (Wifi X 88g13hp)
Skunk Hashplant (hershey squirt 1)


Yeah, it’s the same cut from @nobodysnursery. Good stuff!

If you’re making F2, I suggest the LE DLA5xPUF3 or Purple Triangle. If you just want to grow more relaxing indicas for smoke, which you do seem to prefer based on your smoke reports, I suggest Blueberry HP, Heavenly HP, or Snuggle Funk.

:rainbow: :peace_symbol:


I never was that interested in the purple genetics but I was thinking it would be a cool strain to try next year possibly. I’m under the assumption that I will finally be able to mess around with outdoors for the first time with friendlier laws (hopefully!). Purple afghani strains seem like a good idea potentially in a relatively short season here.

That said if anyone actually wants to F2 the LE that frequents this thread they are more than welcome to it.