From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Trip Sun C looking substantially more ripe to me than a few days ago. Color appears more yellowish / golden overall and am noticing clusters of amber trichomes. Bud color looks like it has less chlorophyll to my eye as well. I really want to harvest this ASAP so I can spray down the tent with water again and hopefully deactivate more pollen that may be still around. If I impulsively pull it any of these days at least there won’t be any shortage of pictures…

I think we’re pretty close to day 70 on this but not 100%


Those buds re looking amazing!

But I believe the correct response is :fire: :fire: :fire: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Ya I’m really liking the look of that pheno in person the past week. Wish I was better at describing smells but I feel like any of us who have been gardening for a while has smelled this smell before. Nothing standing out as noteworthy / unusual in the smell department but I definitely do like the aroma. Rubbery orange notes are the 2 obvious components I can pick out. Don’t feel any seeds in it either but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a some.

Also I think I got the bird seed cards ready for everyone who expressed interest. A bit concerned about the hose washers that I have as they’re a lot more malleable than the ones I had before. An awesome member here has agreed to help receive a test run to see if they arrive un-crushed so will wait for the results to come back there first. Just a reminder that the SSDD #1 father is untested and threw pistils, and the beans themselves are untested so consider this a cautionary disclaimer.

My hope / goal is to find a random TS male this upcoming winter or fall to hit the SSDD mother / TS with but in case that never happens at least there are F2s.



I still don’t (and never will, no matter how many times you explain it to me) understand why you use that black background haha. Nice pic, though. You chopped her today?


so for the area I’m in (for plants of this height at least) I have two options. Inside the tent or just outside the tent : black background. There are a few issues I’m running into in the tent. I don’t have the potentiometer for my light installed and so the light is over exposed on the tops and it’s a bit tricky to get a good shot with flash in the tent. If I want to use a flash effectively it seems like the best option to pull the plant out of the tent which will have a dark background. I’ve been trying to get a good mix of no-flash tent shots as well as out of the tent flash shots so that I have both to look back on. Am open to other suggestions as always though, I’d love to be able to take my plants outside and get some cool non-artificial backgrounds going. Hopefully that will be a reality some day!

Also the plant is actually just on the outside of the tent now because the tent is filled with Triple Sunshine. I’m just waiting a bit to cut it down. Curious if anyone else feels similar about the black background shots. I personally like them because I like the buds to be isolated from distractions but I’m obviously biased.


I think I’ve often has the same response as mini, in that I’m always surprised by how different your photos are than others with that background, but I see what you mean about the no distractions. It’s especially nice when I zoom in, which I most often do with your photos as they always have such great depth!


I think the contrast with the back background is great. It really showcases that individual. I am biased in that theres a ton of super nice photos around threads on OG and I really enjoy all of them.


I like them, so much so I do my ‘formal’ shots with a black background.
It removes all of my misc. crap from the photo… :grin:
I’m thinking of adding something like an old wooden yardstick for reference.



This is something I keep meaning to do. It’s hard to gauge size when there’s no reference in the background. I like using Bic lighters, but it’s hard to position them while holding the camera at the same time… yardstick is probably the best option.

I too, like the black backgrounds, if you’re just trying to highlight the plant. I mean, the black does get a little sterile, or boring feeling, but for the photography/lighting reasons it’s usually the best option. Sometimes, I’ll throw a tapestry or something fun behind some of my shots, for a tad of artistic flair… but, most of the time I can’t even move them out of the tent, so tent background it is!


Yeah, dude, I’m not criticizing haha, I’m really just kinda fucking around. I mean, you’ve seen my pics, they’re about as basic as you can get, all kinds of shadows everywhere and overexposed and shit…

I really was just kidding. If nothing else, I feel like you’ve got a “weed photo style” that’s instantly recognizable.

And that’s rare… haha!


Oh for sure you know I don’t take any of this shit personally. Just looking always to improve skills so I value challenging perspectives. Appreciate everyone else adding feedback as well!


The d.a.r.e ruler :joy::joy::joy:


Nice DARE stamp on the yardstick haha! That is fucking SWEET! Did you buy the yardstick like that (and if you did, I’d like to know the place that’s selling yardsticks with DARE stamps on them haha) or do you actually have a DARE stamp at the ready?

I mean, I’m not trying to “challenge” you, but a livelier background (or just brighter) might make the plants “pop” even more. I know I’ve said this already, but it’s a plant. It’s a living plant. Make it feel alive! Haha.


Haha it’s just a DARE ruler from long ago. They gave them away at school, maybe middle school graduation or something like that. I would always use it in the past to scrape around on a silkscreen box for kief or “hash” / trichome sifting.

Yeah I like how my k4 x SSDD shots popped (white drywall background) but that area is too shallow to put a plant of this size in sadly.


Oh, that’s… perfect!:laughing:
You have irony working on multiple levels with that…

I remember that DARE program, there was some controversy in regards to instructions to the kids to ‘rat out’ their parents etc.?



Our DARE program was pretty weird but not as extreme or over the top as other accounts that I’ve read. They showed various drug videos that were kind of similar to reefer madness but not as extreme. Some of them made drugs (hallucinogens) seem more appealing than I’m sure they intended. Of course scared straight stories like people ripping their skin off after trying pcp and stuff like that was spoken of.


Haha! True. Dat.

I only remember two things about that DARE shit. One, our “instructor” was the second wife of one our classmate’s dad’s and she was hot and I wanted to bang her. Not sure what made her qualified to be teaching children about the dangers of drugs, though. I’m absolutely positive that she had zero actual qualifications, other than maybe they were big supporters of Reagan?

And two: one 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof liquor is the same as a 6.5 oz glass of wine and a 12 oz bottle of beer. I don’t know why that stuck in my head when I heard it in sixth grade, but looking back on that, it seems prescient… haha.


Haha, too true! I think the DARE program had a lot of unintentional consequences. In my school, they brought out a suitcase that had samples of what certain drugs looked like in little plastic containers. If anything, seeing all those drugs made me more curious about what they were, and what they did to you… also now, I knew what to look out for if I was trying to score!

lol, that’ll probably do it. Just Say No, bro!


I’ve been meaning to ask how you get those shots to be honest, I like em, and I’d love to replicate that myself if I can. Although I won’t have the ability to take my plants out of the tent, as they’re all in one single bed of soil.

Perhaps I’ll paint a stylish backdrop on canvas that I can slide in behind the plants for photo shoots :smile:
