From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Awesome, glad I don’t have to remake the flips with different washers - thanks again!

Cards are all sent!


Sweet bro, couldn’t remember if I had sent you addy yet or not. Incoming!! Appreciate ya!!!


Wow, thanks. I’ll shoot you a DM.


You are awesome! :sunglasses:
Thank you for the opportunity! :vulcan_salute:


that awesome thank you will send a dm.


All bird seed cards have been sent out -

Just got finished trimming one of the Waking Dreams. Strong aroma and sticky. Decent frost levels and acceptable calyx to leaf ratio, though it could be better.


Looks great to me. Nice job! :sunglasses:


Topdressed with (store bought) EWC & ammendments that smelled pretty foul after sitting for a few days. Some TripSunA were straight EWC just in case…

Trip Sun A

Trip Sun C? or SSDD… Accidentally dropped that tray of rapid rooters and since I’m not making seeds don’t really care. Smells like C right now. Will know in a few weeks. Stems aren’t frosty like the SSDD usually is at this point.


Leaves look like C too :wink:


Embarrassingly enough I can’t tell haha, but it does appear so. The SSDD mom has thin leaves as well but I think they’re a bit thinner and shaped a bit differently. Will check the moms later to confirm. I’m pretty sure this one is an SSDD. Has more lower branching and more of the ssdd early smell. More stem / leaf frost as well. Also tighter node spacing.


Yeah I think it’s Trip C. You’re veg pic back on march 20th shows the same serrations on the blades and similar leaf pattern.

Compared to the one you just posted with more rounded edges and thinner blades, i do think this latter one

is a SSDD like you’re thinking :thinking:


One could lose themselves quickly if they consumed too much surely. What I would do is dry the leaves and flowers, smoke primarily flowers which had a great smell and taste, I love inhaling daturas open blooms during the night time. Never pushed the envelope with Datura, but Salvia Divinorum I have used various extracts over the years, many moments I have shared with that wicked plant both good and bad. That is quite a lovely Datura you got there too!


And the long internodes looks very TK influenced imho.

And yes @Varuna Salvia is a wicked plant unless used in very small doses. My friend found it’s effects “beautiful” when smoking just a leaf.
But i had some 20x extract and it was “nightmarish” to say the least! A 15 minute near-death experience where i blacked out, my consciousness flew out of my body, up through the roof and into space. Where i thought i was dead. Into another dimension where i saw beings or spirits.
My first thought was “my wife is gonna be pissed!” that i had overdosed. Ha ha.
A few minutes later i regained consciousness and was absolutely drenched in sweat. Not recommended.


The natives say you’re supposed to chew her and/or make a quid with the Salvia. And that smoking her is an offense to the spirit of the plant itself, and that’s why it’s scary. The oral ingestion route is supposed to be dreamy/surreal and overall pleasant, and possibly last hours instead of minutes. I haven’t actually tried it yet but been meaning to. The leaves from the plant I have are way stronger than any leaves I ever bought back in the day.


Heard Bodhi say the same thing, and I’ve always wondered why people smoke it knowing its going to give you that horrendous trip. I’ve literally never heard anyone say they enjoyed smoking Salvia :smile:



I’ve spent some time smoking her over the years, respectfully asking the plant before I’ve done so. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it overall but the Salvinorin-A in her leaves is the most psychotropic substance on earth. It’s not some recreational fun time hallucinogen, but a reality shifting shamanic tool. She’s a teacher, a sage, if you will :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You have to respect her and be ready to go where she takes you if you’re going to partake. You won’t get a choice in the matter when you do.


Tell that to all the people I used to see around town bent backwards over park benches or hanging out of bins :smile:
It was a real problem a while ago where I was from.
That was clearly abuse of the substance from people wanting to just get fucked up though.



Crazy! Ive not ever seen anything like that here nor when I was growing up. The few I’ve met who even know what she is 99% of the time have sworn off her after one use.


Does seems hard to believe that people would use such a powerful psychedelic like that but then again some of the YT videos of people using it were puzzling as well… Assuming they were actually smoking it in the videos of course. You sure they were bending over from salvia and not doing the Kensington lean haha?

I’ve heard chewing the leaves is more gentle yet still provides nice closed eye visuals. Think I heard that in one of mckenna’s tapes but not positive. Just herb for me these days :cowboy_hat_face:


Be nice to reverse pre98 bubba Kush back into SSDD
Few here have f1 moms
Might be were lots of the medical benefits are coming from