From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Even after my crazy trip, days later i smoked it a second time, to learn more since i (kind of) knew what to expect. But i smoked too much and just blacked out so i didn’t have an experience that time.
I first tried Salvia to experience a brief “slice” of spirituality in my otherwise Atheistic beliefs. It was gnarly but eye-opening as well. By seeing “life” outside of my normal frame of mind.

Then after a few weeks of thinking about my experience, i felt that it was much like a REALLY intense vivid dream. An insightful window into my mind but not “real” or actual “enlightenment”.

Shrooms is a gentler way to explore the mind, but ganja (and caffeine) is def. my peferred everyday medication.


With you on that. Still processing my last fungi adventure over 10 years ago. Very special and useful experiences but hardly a frequent necessity or even desire. Herb is sufficient for me.

Could be, but I remember Blue Moonshine was also always touted for its medical / pain killing benefits as well. I’ve never had pure Bubba or even katsu to be able to speculate. My friend and I put in an order @ SeedBoutique on one of the restocks around 06 for Blue Moonshine and sadly that payment was mysteriously lost in the mail. On reorder BM was sold out and just went with original BB as a second choice…


Pre 98 Bubba was available as a clone 10+ years ago in Los Angeles. May still be. It’s flower made me numb from the neck down. Felt like i was floating when i walked because i couldn’t feel my legs.

I think it’s hard to find at dispos because it vegetates so slow.
Katsu now has a fem. version of Pre-98 that is def. worth looking at for possible pain medication.

After many life setbacks, my last 15 SSDD f2bx1 plants i wasn’t able to bring to flower but i still have beans to pop and reveal the medical goodness that @HolyAngel harnessed.


Tried a few Gorilla Biscuit IX from seeds of compassion (a sensi star x stardawg inbreeding of some sorts) and dusted with one of my first SSDD males. One pheno was pretty frosty but otherwise unspectacular plants. I’m just a bad tester for pain because most strains not only do nothing for me I’m often not in pain in order to test even if they did work. It was just a weird coincidence that I had muscle strain / pain when testing the Trip Sun A that I noticed it killed pain for me.

I do have some Pre 98 bubba S1s from Twenty 20… I still need to get my shit together on the current seeds I have going haha. Was considering replacing some of the ones I messed up with some of the new SSDD F2s but maybe some Bubba S1s would work… Or GB… Will think for a while about it.


This is exactly what my SSDD F2 #1 cut does.

If you need more beans and/or a cut of the mom let me know bro.

You have the pre 98 bubba cut already right? I can reverse my SSDD keeper and send you pollen, or you reverse the bubba and send me pollen, or we can swap cuts or something? I’d make the cross.

I do have some Bubba Kush BX2’s I’ve been saving for a rainy day but its all based on Katsu’s cut not the pre98 specifically :thinking: Would offer those up to you @syzygy if you wanted to do a bubba run but again, unsure how similar it’d be to the pre98 that is for sure in the ssdd :thinking:


Sounds like a worthy project to me.

Ya even the pre98 S1s apparently rarely smell like the mother according to nspecta. I assume from the little I’ve read that part of the amazing SSDD smell is coming from bubba. Specifically the coffee component.

In terms of my seedlings as of last time I checked on them

The Lav Jacks look acceptable
The Herer HPs look acceptable
1 or 2 of the Baba Kushes look acceptable. One was lost to damping off.
1 of the C91 sva x SSDD hasn’t really progressed beyond the cotyledon. Rest look fine.

Considering trying some F2s of SSDD as replacements because it’s pretty easy for me to see if any of the offspring resemble the ‘bbshine’ pheno once flowering progresses. Sounds like the Goji male dominated it in that cross…

Will think about it for a while though weighing options in my head still.


Haha, that’s what I was thinking when I read that. “That’s not salvia, that’s friggin’ heroin.” Made me think of that David Cross bit in Bigger and Blackerer about the junkies in the park near his apartment, high and contorted into bizarre positions. “Chinese acrobats are walking past them saying,’One day, one day…’” haha!


Example of the C91 x SSDD that I’m going to cull later today.

Thinking an overflow of expendable chucks or less *valuable (to me) seeds where I don’t mind throwing them out if the current seeds are all females would be a good idea.

*valuable - no desire to F2 or preemptively take cuttings prior to flowering.

My SSDD itch gets scratched to a satisfactory level by all of B’s SSDD crosses so I’m not seeking too hard in that direction at the moment.

SSDD F2 - feel almost a responsibility to lightly test these having sent some out…

Space Monkey #4 Pine Pheno F2 - curious to see.

Granola Funk F2 (A) x Goji OG #2m - Only grew 2 out but one of them was insanely appealing.

Also kind of want to get some OG crosses going but I think all the ones I have and am interested in are things I’d want to F2…


Haha ya but I do remember reading people slowly rolling and doing weird folding postures in the past so I guess it’s possible. That’s part of what made me so apprehensive about trying it.


Yeah, I have no desire to try it. I won’t even mess with acid or DMT or anything like that anymore. Only shrooms now, as far as psychedelics go.

And just as an aside, if you’ve never seen that David Cross standup special thing, here it is:

It is absolutely one of my top-three favorite sets. Hilarious. I usually hate it when people post videos and songs and shit in my threads, but it’s worth a listen for sure. I’m actually gonna watch it again when I get back from taking the dog for a walk haha.


Ahh I’m completely the opposite. Will check that out later and let it run in the BG, thanks. Doesn’t bother me what people post here and there is no ‘on topic’ by default. Worst case scenario it just doesn’t resonate with me @ music / videos and nothing is lost. I just made my 2 threads in order to avoid flooding the main B thread with my posts. Already feel like I’m posting too much there as is.

Never gotten a breakthrough on the 2nd one so can’t comment on that. I do agree about acid mainly because of my fear of not actually getting the real deal and some weird research chemical instead. I think in a safe and legal / regulated environment I’d rather do that than fungi personally. At least with fungi though in this climate it’s reassuring to know what you’re actually ingesting. So ya if I were to do it fungi would be the only logical choice.

I remember a T. Mckenna comment about how he speaks with people who say their favorite drug is DMT and when he asks them when the last time they tried it they respond “30-40 years ago!” which feels relatable to me with all psychs now…


I have pre98 bubba we can make it happen
I just took few cuts going be reversing my whirlybird next Then will be doing bubba we can trade pollen or cut ‘s I think they will partner up very well
I like the bubba’s feco helps me get few hours of much needed sleep


Yeah, I phrased that the wrong way. I don’t “hate” it, I actually love it when people post things on my threads, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll actually listen to/watch it haha.

For sure. Molly’s a joke, doesn’t even come close to the old ecstasy I was eating in the 90’s. Although I will say that the last time I did acid, ten years ago, it was legit. It was just too much, too strong, whatever haha. Enough for me to be like,”Okay, yeah, that’s it, I’m done with acid,” when it finally wore off 24 hours after I ate it.


Ya same.

Sounds similar to my last experience , but times before that were wonderful. I actually question whether or not my last one was an RC or something. Don’t remember it really lasting more than 8-10 hours when I did it ever (including suspect rc).


RC? What’s that?

Yeah, it shouldn’t. Or it never had before. I was doing a shit-ton of blow all weekend that last time, though, and when I ran out, this chick I was hanging with was like,”I have some acid,” so I was all,”Okay, yeah, let’s eat it.” I think the blow and the lack of sleep and food had a lot to do with it.

It wasn’t necessarily a “bad trip” or anything, it just would not wear off. And I really wanted it to wear off haha. Whatever the reason, I was just kinda like,”Yeahhhh, no more acid, ever.”


Research chemical

On the other hand, fake LSD shares no chemical resemblance to real LSD. Fake LSD will typically last as long or longer than LSD and produce psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects, but in a completely different manner from that of LSD. More importantly, the chemicals that imitate acid can have unforeseen side effects more sinister than just lasting longer than expected.

A typical fake hit of acid actually contains NBOMe derivative (i.e. 25C-NBOMe), DOB or Bromo-DragonFLY. Essentially, any hallucinogenic phenethylamine derivative that last longer than 6 hours and is potent enough so that an active dose fits on a blotter hit can be sold as LSD.


Your generosity is always inspiring, thank you! I may hit you up someday. I still have 7 SSDD f2s saved for you just in case you need. From the OG seed run.


I’m all out of likes now but nice, thank you! I think I went through all my darker colored beans on the last pop :thinking: I think I’m left with 40-60 white or pale colored f2’s. Should be pretty poor germ rate but we’ll see once I get into them. Likewise, I may hit you up someday lol but hopefully I can find what I’m looking for in what’s left :pray:


That Vanilluna though! Should be some good smoke in those beans!


Could do that. Have really wanted to find a female or 2 to pollen chuck with a cross from Bodhi. The Van line is very nutrient sensitive and quality terpenes are pretty rare. Trichomes are glassy when pressed for rosin. Wouldn’t mind running a few just to see, even if I don’t end up wanting the flower… Would love to get some stink in the line in the form of outcrossing…

Used to have like 20 diff crosses using it but only kept Van F2 and a non mut / mutant line.

mutant line were mostly / all purple

Don’t remember what all of these were but they were one of the 3 haha…