From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

There is no on topic + we’ve all seen C / A / SSDD before. Just basically stress testing them with the heat to see if any of the TS have intersex tendencies under stress. That and photographing the ongoing gnat infestation…

Can’t make the new stuff grow any faster so ‘off topic’ stuff is more interesting to me anyways.


Neither. I don’t really know the details of their backstories. I was making a broader comment about people complaining about others along the lines of, “Let they among you with no sin cast the first stone” and “Why point out the speck in their eye while ignoring the plank in your own.”

Basically, just an off topic (and tardy) observation about how the loudest complainers are often the most at fault. Apparently, it’s been part of human nature for at least a couple millennia. Prolly forever.


Back on topic, everything’s looking good in here!


Ah, okay, so you’re just preaching then? That’s fine, I do it myself sometimes, too haha…


Just wanted to post a link to @middleman 's thread where he’s germinating some different SSDD beans. May be of interest to anyone who has received bird seed magically from this thread.


Ignore the gnats and dog hair. This gnat infestation is disgusting. Almost want to trash the grow but I wont. I am positive they are gnats and not root aphids also. Even if I wiped them out now though the amount of adults that are going to get stuck into the buds is sickening haha




Here’s the stem trichome difference I was talking about. SSDD stems are covered all the way in trichomes. C is covered lightly. A doesn’t have really many / any stem trichomes.



This is by far the best indicator for me of which plant is which early on, though it’s obvious in the bud structure too now.


Doode, are you using yellow sticky traps for the gnats? When I’ve had them, I put the traps, sticky side down, just above the medium. 1/2" or so. Catch the fliers, and there’s no one to lay eggs. Catch the hatchlings, and there’s no one!


I really should make up some sticky traps I just don’t have the time to really do that today / tomorrow. I have a tub of tanglefoot though and can easily get crazy with it when I have the time. I will have time on Saturday though so will do it then. I’ve been topdressing gnatrol and adding it to the water for what it’s worth. I had to rush and shower when I got home today so I could get in there and water because half the plants were starting to wilt from being dehydrated.

This would be a lot easier to take on if I didn’t have all the new stuff in there but it is what it is haha… Will have a more coordinated effort on Saturday but no matter what the buds are going to be completely loaded with gnats just by judging the activity of them dancing on the soil surface (low quality store bought ewc topdress).

I’ve been using gnatrol but I do have dunks on hand. Will do a multiprong approach with dunks, nematodes , gnatrol, sticky traps and more.


Also mosquito dunks work great for the larvae and eggs of the gnats if you haven’t tried those


nahhh man that’s just a little stress that’ll help produce more flavors, and your plants look unreal btw gnats do nothing lol


nothing more annoying than sitting at your desk or on the sofa watching a movie… and a gnat flies right in your mouth.


Thanks and ya I’m not going to cut them down - just documenting my annoyance and giving context for each trichome having a gnat assigned to it in the weeks to come.



I may be blind because I don’t see any gnats in the photos. :grin:
Trichs galore on that stem.
Hope you’re having a great week. :coffee: :sunglasses:


Yeah, the stems and petioles on my ssdd cut don’t get that frosty bro :eyes:
I also don’t see any gnats :face_with_monocle: :grin:


If only we were smoking the stems! Ya it’s a cool and trivial components to the pheno haha, but it does make me think of B’s bubbashine comment about it being ‘completely covered in “crystals”’. I’d trade some stem frost for a better calyx to leaf ratio if I could.

As for the gnats you guys are probably right about there not being many / any in those shots, I honestly didn’t even check the pictures (zooming and inspecting). Just made sure they had decent exposure and weren’t out of focus. There are definitely a disgusting amount of gnats flying around though. These pictures are all plans at the edge of the tent too, I’m sure the stuff further in is going to have more gnats on it. Just easier to take a shot of what’s on the edge when using an external flash.


I think the Gnatrol should start to work for you especially applied with water, seems to knock them out within a few days normally. But yeah, having all those gnats flying around can be really annoying but they likely seem worse than what they actually are, at least as far as being all in the flowers.

I’ll take a gnat in the mouth over a gnat up the nose all day, any day, haha.


When I had gnats pretty bad I was buying those yellow sticky traps and then layering them horizontally across the tops of the pots. My thought was, rather than relying on luck to attract the gnats to the random yellow sticky thing sticking up somewhere, I would instead lay the sticky traps ~horizontally across the tops of the pots. The gnats want to lay eggs in the pots and then they hatch and fly out so if there’s a big sticky gnat trap in their way, more of a chance they’ll get stuck and die. Here’s not the best pic from a year or two ago of a NorthStar girl showing the top of her pot covered in sticky traps.


That stuff is awesome. I paint it onto yellow plastic folders from the dollar store, a fraction of the cost of grow store stickies. And they’re plastic, so they don’t wick water and get moldy. The only time is have seen a result from mosquito dunks I put them in a blender with DE and mixed it into the top layer of soil. Wouldn’t do that in flower though.




I’ve been using gnatrol since the start of flowering but I think that container is just old and improperly stored. The room is hot, the container may not have been air tight, and light was constantly shining on it. I’ve been storing a greater quantity in an airtight container in a cool and dark area and am going to start using that next watering.

Ya I’d always do that in the past too and I think that’s definitely a good approach. Makes watering a bit difficult for manual watering by hand but it’ll be ok. The reason I haven’t done that yet is because I like to lift the pots to determine which individual pots need water and it sucks when those sticky traps fall when doing that. I just have to stop procrastinating… Tomorrow I will address it!

That’s a good idea. My friend (had) a laminator and I just laminated a ton of bright yellow sheets in the past but buying cheap folders sounds like a less labor intensive way to do it. I still have a few sheets of paper for the laminator that i might just staple together as a quick fix. Will probably also just use some on paper and discard it after a few days.

I used to pulverize dunks in a coffee grinder but really I think it comes down to the viability of the product. When you use a viable BT product it just tends to work usually, even if you don’t deal with the adults.


Oh right, forgot how you mentioned that earlier, I actually went and checked the recommended storage time after that and looks like it’s around 2 years for the granular if stored properly… Looks like I need to get a new bag soon but thankfully I haven’t had any gnats for the last few grows though.