From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Yeah definitely. More variety for me has a higher value than quantity anyways. I vaporize pretty much exclusively so even if I only get 1/2 oz ( I don’t weigh harvests but I’m guessing that would be the absolute lowest / 1GAL ) per pheno that’s more than enough to form an opinion on it.


Mhm, okay. I was thinking 3-5 gallons and maybe 7’s for stuff that I anticipate taking like 12-14 weeks+.

You mean you’re trashing a plant in a one-gallon after they’ve been flipped but before they’re finished? Really? Like, just based on “looks” or growth patterns or whatever? I’m not sure I could do that haha.

Yeahhhhh, this is what I’m kinda trying to wrap my head around, as well. Like I said, I’m thinking maybe not vegging for quite as long as I usually do, maybe some smaller pots and then just digging in and getting through as many seeds as I can in as short a period as I can. I dunno if I feel comfortable vegging for fewer than 45 days, though.


Well I meant it in multiple different ways. An obvious one would be intersex traits like @DesertHeartGardens mentioned. Yes the plant gets cut down for that. A few grows back I cut down a Redeye Jedi & 2 madre azuls due to intersex issues. Last grow I cut down a few SSDDs in order to make room for something else. Being in only 1 Gal I wasn’t as invested in them.

Another would be if I just don’t like the flower. Getting stuck with a large quantity of dried flower that you don’t like doesn’t do you any good. Can still donate it to someone, but you just won’t have as much to donate.


Yeah this is a big component of why I like the 1 GALs. It would take a lifetime to get through the seedpacks going through them 2-4 at a time.


I had two different SSDDs if I remember, maybe three. I was really novice at the time I popped them and I split the pack and grew it at different times. The first SSDD I got out of the pack looked more like your #3, as it had more leaf and was more slender than wide. The second one was pictured in my log, it had some appy smell to it, but some berry and buttery smells too. It didn’t really cure out that nicely, but the effect was great.

Yeah I can get really close, like 2 inches away with the 90mm. That’s how I do all the up close trichs shots, using a tripod, good lighting, and something that can hold the bud perfectly stationary.

Yeah screw paying adobe for anything… their software is too invasive. Zerene Stacker is also free for a month, worth playing around with, even if you only try it with 10 or less photos. I have a cheap manual rail, that I use for all the stacked shots.

I’m going to have to try that out and pay more attention on the real close shots. Maybe I’ll post some comparisons in my log.

Yep, heard that, kinda like, welp, I’ve climbed the mountain, I’m done here… on to the next thing!

:grin:, thanks for the laughs, Scatman!


Feel like an idiot manually moving the tripod back and forth haha, thanks for link will check that out. Seems like a good idea for macros!

always interested in those kinds of tests!


Triple Sunshine C - early impression. Been curing for about 8-9 days.

High odor
High end of potency spectrum : Don’t operate heavy machinery.
Creeper. Long duration.
Hybrid effects. Mostly in the head and mellows out with a relaxing buzz 40 min post consumption like a typical hybrid.

It will take me a long time to really form a solid opinion on both phenos but initially I am gravitating towards A at the moment.


Lots of gnats. Hope my gnatrol is still viable. Been so warm and there’s so much soil around this is going to be difficult to take on. Still don’t see any nanners but pistils are withering in a way that looks like pollination. If it’s lingering pollen that’s insane because of how many times I’ve washed / sprayed down the walls / floor / tent.

Also internally debating whether or not I want to remove lower branches on the new stuff. Think it’s probably a good idea for spacial reasons.

Lav Jack

C91 sva x SSDD


Petiole trichome difference between SSDD & C. SSDD has more petiole / stem trichomes but C has better calyx to leaf ratio.




Thank you Very much @syzygy ! The eagle has dropped off your golden eggs at my door.


I used the same bag for 2.5 years and it worked all the way through.


Glad to hear everything went smooth with the bird seed card, appreciate everyone who lets me know when they arrive!

Always possible I got an older batch though too. I think I got mine on ebay or something like that. Don’t like using hydro / indoor gardening stores.


I ordered the first bag a few months into the COVID quarantining thing, I’m not sure if that means it was “fresh” or not haha. But it worked all the way through, like, I dunno, six grows? Seven? I’m not sure, but I used it until the bag was empty, didn’t have to order any new Gnatrol until just a few months ago.

For sure. The first time I bought it, it was direct from their site. Not sure why they’re not offering that option anymore, but it’s fucking annoying haha.


I know with mosquito dunks I’ve had mixed results. Age of product and how it’s stored both definitely affect efficacy of BTi products. Amazon warehouses are said to get pretty hot as are the trucks so that may explain partially why I’ve had better luck with the local retail store Mosquito Dunks vs Amazon. Similar case may apply to the ebay gnatrol.


Thurucide… its a BT product. Works great as a soil drench and it’s cheap. Very effective stuff. I’ve had much better luck with this than mosquito dunks.


Appreciate the input. Hope this post isn’t taken the wrong way, I’m not disputing your experience with Btk products.

I’ve had success with Bti when the product was viable. Even the liquid Bti from microbe-lift has been hit or miss in terms of viability. Never tried Btk and was always under the impression that it was not effective against fungus gnats. Have read it multiple places and was told that by someone I trust locally, but I don’t have any experience with it (other than caterpillars 15+ years ago) personally.

Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti) (Gnatrol)

A naturally occurring, spore-forming bacterium produced commercially by fermentation. Bti applied at labeled rates provides temporary control and is toxic only to fly larvae, such as mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. Repeat applications commonly are needed for long-term control. This Bt is a different subspecies from that applied to foliage to control caterpillars. Bt labeled for caterpillars is not effective against fly larvae.


I often wonder when a product works on something it’s not “supposed to” if it’s another azamax situation. Everything I’ve read about Btk including the wiki suggests it’s highly specific in what is targeted.

Btk, along with other B. thuringiensis products, is one of the most widely used biological pesticides due to its high specificity; it is effective against lepidopterans, and it has little to no effect on nontarget species.

from Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki - Wikipedia

How are you using it & how frequently in order for this to be effective for you?


Maybe it has something to do with the lepidopteran active toxins listed under active ingredient. The wiki does say on the topic of parasitic wasps :

The study showed that high doses of strains of Btk containing δ-endotoxins were acutely toxic to the wasps, while Btk without these toxins had no adverse effects.

Would still be interested to hear what sort of application rate you’re using for a soil drench, how frequently etc. Sometimes I get some pretty determined gnat infestations that come with using store bought worm castings & peat bales that weren’t stored that well.

I haven’t priced Btk recently but know that it’s substantially cheaper than gnatrol. Theoretical interest of course!


I was using thuricide as a soil drench… this was years ago… as some of the peat products I would obtain would sometimes come with gnat eggs. I also hung sticky traps… After a couple of applications of this stuff… the gnat problem went away. Theres a lot of info online about mosquito dunks being used to kill fungus gnats… I’ve never used dunks but I bought the Thuricide as the label said it was a Bacillus thuringiensis product and I don’t know much other than it just worked and worked well when I tried it. I think from recollection I used 10ml per gallon and as a soil grower I would apply it on its own… not when giving nutrients and Id try to get the entire surface area wet with the stuff.

Luckily I haven’t had a gnat problem in a long time. The cheap Jiffy pucks my local hydro store carried that I used to use were probably the culprit… now adays I place any and all Jiffys in boiling water and then let them cool off before using just to kill any gnat eggs that may be there. Before doing that I would almost always get gnats.


Camera battery died so I couldn’t get better shots but did want to post a few. First are the 2 baba kush plants that are still in veg. I am probably not going to flower these without taking cuttings.

In the same tent are the 4 VN F2 seedlings. 2-3 Are already showing abnormalities (crinkle / variegation). I also forgot how sensitive the BB line is to fertility in general so will be interesting to see how they respond whenever I put them in soil.

And lastly a no-flash SSDD. This had 0 veg when put into 12 12. Think it probably realistically needs a week or so. Very small buds. Stems are frostier in person than I can capture with the camera.

Also looking like one of the Herer HPs may be male. Think one C91 sva x SSDD is male too. One is female as well…


In my experience, the loudest mouths tell the biggest lies.

Couldn’t agree more. Money makes people crazy, and it’s worse when they’re on drugs. Don’t trust anyone with a profit motive - not in this industry, nor any others.They’re only incentivized to lie or exaggerate. And their customers are also incentivized to lie about their experiences, for fear of reprisal.

Sure seems like it, don’t it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Alright, I don’t wanna get too off-topic here, apologies to syzygy, but to whom are you referring in that scenario, nube? DJ or Rez? Just curious. And I can’t tell which one you’re talking about from your post haha!