From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Do you use them sticky side up or down? I found they work much better down.

I had a client who had a terrible, perpetual infestation. Turned out they had set up a Gnat City in a little used floor drain. Used just enough to stay damp, but not enough to wash them out to sea.


I put tanglefoot on both sides of the trap, so sticky side up AND down.


I assume everyone knows what I’m referring to when I say tanglefoot, but if not :

You can get a tub full of resins / gums pretty cheap at garden / hardware stores. It’s very sticky and you can make your own sticky traps rather than buying overpriced yellow cards. There’s also an aerosol version but in my experience the stuff in the tub is stickier and lasts longer.


Lav Jacks with quick diy sticky traps laying on the pots


We use that stuff. Gets everywhere lol. Have to use rubbing alcohol or brake cleaner to get it off myself.

It does work well though


Ya it’s annoying to deal with a little, I usually use vinyl / nitrile gloves.

Here’s a few more photo dumps so I can get them off my SD card
2 other Lav Jacks not shown

Herer HP

c91 sva x ssdd

more Trip Sun A - smelling very good!


Love the structure on these, looking good!


Ya I agree! Smells great, larger flower clusters up the stem and decent / acceptable calyx to leaf ratio.


i have some old gnatrol i’m using thats like that, it’s not viable anymore, i should of stored it proper next time ill buy the smallest quantity possible


I run the mini one’s in veg. Something like this:

They get a surprising amount of gnats, I have to clean them pretty regularly. I’ve been tempted to use them in flower but haven’t yet. Might try this next cycle. I’ve tried just about everything with the gnats, they go away while I treat, but always come back when I add fresh compost, so it’s a never ending cycle. I’ve accepted I have to deal with with it through bug zappers, sticky traps, and gnatrol if I want to run organics. :woman_shrugging:t4:


That’s cool to hear you’ve had success integrating it into your routine. If I had more space I’d probably buy one of the plug in ones ( I guess you could put one of those mini ones on a timer too ) just because I’d be paranoid still having it on during the dark hours. It would always be in the back of my mind if nanners popped up even if in theory it should be fine.

Also in other news all 5 of the remaining new plants appear to be female. Pistils were seen on the Chem 91 x SSDD & the last Herer HP.

May cut down the backup vanilluna F2s and start focusing on fall project, going to think about it for a while first though.


I read somewhere that a lot of “bug dust” is thrown into the air when the flies etc are zapped. The zapper basically explodes the flying pests.
So be warned, bug parts “shrapnel” may get all stuck to your buds.


Yeah, during veg, when the lights go out, the bugs seem attracted to the zapper… it does emit blue light to draw them in, so it could affect photoperiod plants. Usually in flower I just put them outside the tents to catch anything that gets out of the tents.

Score!! Lots of ladies this round.

Oh you mean the seasoning? That’s how I add flavor to all my buds :wink:

j/k they are really low voltage, so they give me a mild zap, but they don’t “explode” the bugs like the big units.


I imagine if you’re putting them up high in a tent they would still fall into the buds though, right? Or do those units have some kind of catch tray or something like that internally?

Here are some pictures from today.

SSDD - Tiny. Requires at least 1 week of veg to produce normal sized buds.

Triple Sun A

Triple Sun A (left) C (right) - Both were 12/12 from cutting and C cutting was actually slightly larger at the start.


Got some no-flash shots tonight when I got home and went in to water. Noticed some gnats in the buds now in the images but overall seems like adult population has been greatly reduced. Different gnatrol, mosquito dunk in water jug + sticky traps have been fairly effective.\

Half of the As have purple fan leaves and I’m assuming those are the ones that were topdressed but I’m actually not sure. I like the look of it in person, although the green ones look nice as well. Everything smells great and is quite sticky when accidentally brushed up against.

gnAts and dog hair

SSDD stem frost not as plentiful as usual. Overall disappointed with this one and won’t skip veg on it in the future.


More photo dumps. Wanted to get the red/purple leaves as the plant is entering senescence and fan leaves are being shed rapidly now.

Trip Sun C

Trip Sun A


wow, that trip sun a is really putting on a show! beautiful shots.


Thanks and ya I agree, so far she looks pretty good. Still not sure how stable she is yet. Haven’t seen any signs of nanners yet so that’s a good sign. Just checked earlier posts and this is at least 44 days of flowering, may be closer to 50. Definitely close to week 7.

C looks great in person too but much smaller. Everything is falling over and will have to stake them when I have time on Saturday.


Yeah, they do have a little catch tray. Most of the bugs seem stuck to the grill, but I’m sure there’s a few that fall out. No more than are getting sucked up by the fan, and then sliced and diced and spit out the other side though. Any way you look at it, those fuckers are annoying and a pain. After I added fresh compost in my mix for the SIPs I had an explosion… I need to remember to treat the soil before I put in the SIPs. I’m trying a top dress of Neem meal and Karanja meal to see if that does anything to them, in addition to BTi, and WP22.

Really like the look of those leaves on Trip Sun A! The elongated buds look cool too. Have you sampled the Trip Suns yet? Sorry if I missed that.


Ya I think I’ve read that it’s fairly effective at killing the adults, right? May also make them less active. Seems like it may be a good combo.

Yeah, I usually do this as well. Feel like it helps a lot.

Yes but not enough to speak with confidence. A is fully seeded but still quite potent with some cool effects that stick out, such as enhanced focus and mental energy boost. Also has the SSDD relaxation and calmness. Probably a good ssdd leaning hybrid pheno but I’m not positive about that having never sampled tk.

C I only used once actually so far and is deceptively potent and a bit creeper if memory is correct. Smells really strong and the tiny buds look good in person. I remember the effects of C lasted ~4 hours or so. I remember it affecting my cognition a bit to the point where I would not operate heavy machinery on this pheno under any circumstances.

I usually have to be semi-functional when I consume so it isn’t my #1 choice. My initial preference goes to A but both are good. They are also both the 2 strongest SSDD crosses that I’ve tried so far. No clue how much tk is present or what.

I like Bodhi’s SSDD male more than the bubbashine pheno and feel like his male doesn’t pass on many bubbashine traits. Still going to give it time before I form strong opinions but I’d like to just hold A as a mom while I explore new stuff, so I want to make some TS F2s, dust the ssdd mom, and then retire everything else. That’s the current hope / goal for this fall or winter.


keep 'em coming, beauties!