Fungal disease, Need to identify

My fofana plant have killed already 2 branches and noticed shes been growing a lil bit slower , i know trifoliar plants sometimes grow slow but ahe was transplantes some time ago and haven’t responded how she should, here are some pics of the end of the branches that died , thinking if can do clones.from.the healthy top area and then eliminate the plant, im frustrated because she was supose to be ready soon for flower


Looks like some type of Fusarium. Best bet is to get rid of the plant imho. Sometimes Actinovate and/or greencure can help, but that looks pretty bad.

Just my opinion anyway,



Captain Jack’s deadbug claims to help with damping off fungus. if memory serves me that’s fusarium. It’s spinosad

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Ues was fusarium i dig into ot i cut the plant and in the area i broke the branch amd was rot inside , didn’t came from the soil , was from middle of the plant going up , was already braking open the stems already , and found one of my snow lotus clone woth ot too the one was closes to her when they were in the livingroom before , both are in the trash already , didn’t took clones because i dont want to risk it to be in the system already is just start over , dammit, got delayed again


Yes i dig into it and it was a type of fusarium, match the description perfectly and when broke the stem found more rotten stuff inside , plant was dead already :disappointed_relieved:


That sucks. I feel that though. I had to harvest my potatoes early as the heatwave and rainstorms rotted a stalk and killed the rest with the heat. I still got a decent harvest, but next time I’ll be using a potato bag to grow in.

My peppers on the other hand are absolutely in love with the weather. They’re tossing out 3 peppers per node❤️ all are producing fruit and not falling off, so they were able to be pollinated before I had to spray them with neem and deadbug to stop the leafhoppers and caterpillars having a field day with my plants as the rest of the outside garden has marigold all over with other pest repellent plants. Now they’re happy as a clam and no more webs and chewed leaves. Yesterday I saw some freaky ass bug. Looked like a mite, spider, and a moth had a freaky AF mutant. I did some research and found out that fuzzy feather assed looking giant mite was a leafhopper. My basil is in full flower too and if I want the seeds I have to ensure nothing will eat them all on me and the flowers can be pollinated without being eaten off.


Spinosad does not control damp off. Here’s the label:
Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew


Because I could only like it once :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Mycostop is a biological fungicide that will safely protect crops against wilt caused by Fusarium. Approved for use in organic crop production, it can be applied as a soil spray or drench (1-2 gm/ 100 sq ft) to seedlings, ornamentals and vegetables. Apply sufficient water during application to move Mycostop into the root zone.