Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

It give you an idea of the space. I grow too many different lines at a time to use it, but for massive/continuous germination screening on an IBL by example it’s dope. For motherplants too.


I see, I think that’s too big for my cab anyway. But something like that would be really useful indeed. What prevents you to use it when you have different lines?


Nute’s balance. Actually I’ve 2 watering can and 3 jugs with each its own formula. This kind of stuff is more for massive screening on a single line or just plain production (clones/weed/seeds). Can be used in greenhouse too with a simple truck battery + solar.


Makes sense! Yeah feeding brings an insane amount of jugs and can. Add to that the number of sprayers… :laughing:


Little morning update, as of yesterday evening (their morning)

Toughening up from their past weeks bad treatments. Too much red stems/petioles to my taste but they’ve got a big sun tan while I learned to use this light, so probably not a def. The jamnesia seems less sensitive, so I lowered the other one a bit more.

Need to hone some photo shooting skills now :laughing:


Good morning bro,

nice to see your work.

Will follow and take a seat.

Best wishes



Hey @GCC.Bud welcome, glad to see you around!


awesome thread so far !!
love the DIY.way, verrry nice, funky :wink:


Hey thanks @santero, happy you enjoy it.

Looks like some of your snowthrower popped up and will join the party soon.


The green is neat, no def ;o)
Je vois que la transplantation en quinconces a su trouver des fidèles ^^

What’s the program for the Jahmnesia, stop to tease bro lol


Elles ont un peu appris à être serrées et se sont adaptées une fois toppées. :laughing: Et pour l’instant j’ai installé la lampe en mode QB. Les 4 sur une seule largeur, pas sur toute la longueur.

For now the plan is a bud run to test this new cab, and because all jars are empty. I’m using this as an opportunity to regrow and resample it. Was harvested a bit early last time because of mold.

For now the future is a bit hazy. I have a last bean in the fridge, I could pop it hoping for a male. If not, I could try to outcross it. @CalleMinogue was kind enough to send me some UEL which may be a good choice to make it more northern OD friendly. Maybe try to cross it with destroyer too who knows? I’ll use the summer and this grow to settle on seomething.


Damn ok, you play very hard the maths there buddy. The seed will be already launched if it was me, just to be sure on options definitively. If any you need pollen in emergency, just shoot our logistic segment is fast and relatively close. I love the Destroyer af, she desserve an IBL too.


Yeah indeed I’m taking a bit of a risk. Betting I can keep the mom a few more weeks but with what she went through already, it might work. I’ll use this weeks to refresh it.

That’s the plan for the destroyer, but I need to pump up the skills before :slight_smile:


AG worked a bit the chick, momentum still alive ;o) All of this is full of challenges, i’m in love.


Let me sit on this new idea :wink:


Hey my dear Funky,

I’ll bet my stash if UeL won’t make every plant finish at your end :innocent: last year I finished UEL x Kumoan Landrace at my latitude with 10weeks of flower ~1.November!

This year I popped some Calle‘s UEL (UEL F5s1 x UELF6) F2 and I found a really crazy NLD type plant :heart_eyes: that’s really close to the Pheno Arnold has found I guess!

UEL is a nice plant and has its strength in crosses for sure :wink:


Hey calle,

That is NLD for sure. :smiley:

That’s why I was so eager to try it. Thanks for getting them to me! You seem to have quite a collection of generations lol

Had to abandon my UEL OD this year with such a shitty weather. No way to reckon the spots early enough and I delayed too much the soaking while looking at the forecasting :laughing: Will be a bad year for OD here I think. Perfect year to test resistance to pest though.

I’ll have to have a look at them indoor to prepare next year.

Keep up the good grow!



Didn’t notice you start this. Sounds like some fun brewing.

I like your cabinet. And proclivity towards NLD :cowboy_hat_face:


Hey @FieldEffect happy to have you onboard. Thanks! Have to say I’m not surprised some NLD tendencies are suiting you. Chocolope ftw! :smiley:


Hey @funkyfunk nice to see your own thread, you manage to get any guerilla plots in? I’d like to send you a selection for next season you may like. Working with Mountain Gold, Purple Satellite and UEL mostly this year.