Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

Hey Funky, no worries about the UEL she would master the climate! I don’t really care about the weather in veg…

This year I plan to do a Repro of UEL x Nepali IBL this was my best Outdoorbuds so far and UEL x Bushman…

Happy Monday


Hey @Bonghopper, been a while, glad to see you around! Wanted to write you a message to get some news.

Sadly the weather was so bad that it was impossible to go reckon and prepare the spots in time. But now I have a full year to do that properly. Always look at the bright side as they say :wink:

Also I was willing to try to repro some thyphoon too but the landing of the beans have been delayed too much for the season.

I see you’re into a Vermontman hunt, that’s cool, his cultivars seem really worth it. The purple satellite especially, sounds tasty.

I wish I could send you some of this Jamnesia to have your sativa lover opinion :smiley:

Hey @CalleMinogue, Nepali seems a good choice to mix with UEL, now wonder you like it. :slight_smile: Bushman too. I heard cultivars from the Ciskey area were pretty fast too. I tried the one from Tropical seeds, and it was a nice pants (well, except late nanners), though not as fast as I thought. We’ll see some cool bud shots soon enough and you some good smoke :wink:


Haha I know that for sure. I never went out as a real Guerilla grower due to my possibilities xD I guess a proper indoor set up like yours isn’t a motivator either :rofl:

Growing on property;
For me my years of constant abuse of their complaints paid of nowadays :rofl: seems like I am banging one last bigger OD season and then I will go little more towards artificial lights… my heartfelt people needs some relief in the garden- haha…

Means , the bigger the plants get outside. The more calm gets the wife to approve indoor growing :dizzy:


Haha for sure having the cab done now did not help. Was busy building it too, it was hard to take care of plants at the same time, so dozens of seedlings… :smiley: Plus the shitty weather has impacts indoor too, had a rush of mold a few weeks ago for example.

I’m sure you’ll get there! She’s probably a bit afraid by that, and it’s legit. But as long as you take that into account and care of her stress, it should work at some point. Another argument for it is that you’ll have more room in the garden, for other plants if she wants to.


Sure she is afraid because she knows me really well :rofl:

Let’s see what will happen.

Yeah indoor can be challenging as well :slight_smile: summer and winter has its hurdles.

Have a nice week my bro!


Hehe maybe she knows too that a passion can eat the sanity of a person :laughing:

You too mate! Hope that will be a sunny one!


Sorry to hear guerilla has been called off, there’s still time if you have seedlings/cuts ready. I still have a plot to plant… Cuttings are rooted/rooting (from March sown seedlings), October finishers should make 1.5m. Septembers like UEL will only be about 1m.

Would love a vape of that Jamnesia to try… You visiting Ireland anytime? Take the ferry : )

Yes Vmans stuff have been notably the most septoria resistant strains I’ve tried, plus there are some very nice sativa highs in there, 1/4 to half the plants. They also have some amazing vigour, large root systems and ability to forage nutrients well. Altogether very useful outdoors/guerilla genetics. The baglung Nepali is even earlier than UEL - the PSxUEL came in earlier than the UEL parent! The MountainGold has the best highs in there. Looking forward to sharing these.

I still find the effect of outdoor sativas superior to indoor grown @CalleMinogue , you may find that moving indoors… you can still tend nicely a guerilla plot… But then the possibilities of long flowering sativas open up indoors…


Sure bro - I guess after 20 years of OD I can’t quit to zero :slight_smile: but I would drop few selected cuts I guess… let’s see how I am able to fulfill my plans.


I have no clone or seedlings ready enough. I’ll focus on the cab this season in the end, better not to open too many fronts at once, best way to burn out.

I wish I could visit Éire, looks like a beautiful country, and I have much respect for the people after what they went through with the british empire and how they fought it. Maybe that’s because I watched again “The Wind That Shakes the Barley” a few days ago :smiley: Like the music too.

You’re really getting forward on this early sativa front, that’s cool. I’ve seen some pics of the mountain gold, looks like it can output quite some monster plants. So if the high is there, that’s really a good finding.


A little update might be worth it, there’s been some action.

First I found a mite! Spotted it in a morning but was too close to light off to do something. I cleaned the cab the most I could, and washed them (literaly) with neem+soap. Managed to break a top of the jamnesia, but it’s a tough plant.

Not a big surprise, they’re always around here and pop up sometimes when weather gets dry, which was the case a few days ago. Usually regular showers and few neem or all-in-one treatments are enough. Hopefully I spotted them soon enough and they won’t settle. Life won’t be easy in there for them!

It’s funny how rebooting after years gets you into a lot of “Oh yeah, now I remember!” moments.
“Oh yeah, mites!”
“Oh yeah, that shitty tap water!” :laughing:

Plants are really starting to stretch. Seems pretty good apart the usual little overwatering… Still WIP on that front.

From now on, I know the jamnesia will overgrow me :laughing: I’m in for a few weeks of pinching and little root bounding joys to keep her manageable. I’m counting a bit on the fact it’s a clone and on the low (if any) temp difference between day and night to help too, it’s at least one advantage to light them on at night.

Enough for the long text, here they are this morning

On another front, my last batch of clones are starting to shoot roots 8 days after cloning. 5 of them out of 6 will make it, the last one is still alive we’ll see. I’m refreshing the mothers/fathers and honing back that skill too. It’s not yet completely streamlined, but better each time. I have to start to document that too.

Have also been busy with seedlings to feel the voids, some should come in a few days.

Too many things to report, and a cam out of battery, that makes for another update later.

See ya OG!


I counted 14 slots ^^


haha that’s pretty close to the number of seedlings actually :laughing:


Irregular update time!

Have been pretty busy and it was hard to find time to update this thread. Some others had me rethinking the way I involve here too, but that’s a good thing.

Weather has been hectic lately, lot of barometric pressure and RH swings. Makes watering a bit tidy. I’m also still battling a bit to get the lightning right.

Have been a bit worried about mold still being there or having a hold inside the plants. Documenting on fusarium after @Growgrassblowglass 's thread had me a bit paranoiac on this. So I regulary sprayed everything with horsetail extracts. I let you imagine the smell of my tiny place sometimes :laughing:

Having their day cycle reversed compared to the natural one is a bit annoying sometimes. Have to rush in the morning, and sometimes do some big maintenance (like repoting), always with a chronometer in mind. Trying to keep in mind the advantages of this choice each time.

Being busy means there’s news: I’ve introduced the new seedlings a few days ago.

For this round I chose some NL2 x chocolate diesel made by @Hashpants with @AzSeaindooin420 pollen, and some Snowthrowers from @santero . Both have been very kind to send me these beans, thanks a lot to you!

This is a bud run, the choice was a bit random but with intentions still. I also got some double diesel x chocolate diesel that are really tempting me to explore but didn’t want to mess too much with it. Also never grown NL2. And there’s some Rez SD in both of them. So it’ll be a bit educational too.

There’s a bit more seedlings that I’d want. The first batch had me worried a bit, so I soaked some more a few days later, only to find they all made it :laughing:. I’ll probably have to cull some before they even show their gender, but starting to see candidates already. They look a bit too light green, but that’s because of the horsetail (and me), I realized too late it was dropping the PH a bit too much. Should be OK.

The two other older plants have been up potted this week end in what I had at hands. I’ve kept them a bit too long in their first 3L pot to try to limit the stretch so they suffered a bit.

Not really convinced with the path I chose, which is dry nutes and water+rootbooster only. For now they’re still budding nicely though, even if one shows a little deficiencies, and the other some light leaf tip burns. We’ll see how it goes. It’s day 20 of flowering for them.

Some pics from today and yesterday (still trying to find a good camera setting, sorry):

Have a great day OG!


74% here today + heat, i’m going to grow quite dry a good week. Specially the sd mom in 10 liters.
Watch the lower leaves : negative phototropism + rounded leaves deformation = dry more, dry longer.


Good catch hawkeye! :smiley:

Really hard to get the timing and amount of water correctly. And it’s been years since I used “big” containers. Getting on the drier side too lately and it works better indeed. Good luck with this shitty July!


Hey my dear Funky,

Looking good :dizzy: I like the fat leaves and the red leave steams!

Here is it like SE Asia since a week :slight_smile: I love it and the ODs as well but for flower time that would be horrible! Indoors I am early enough atm.

How many days of flower do you expect ?


Hi funky,
I like your setup mucho :grin:
Fat , healthy leaves and good branching on that plant !
Hope the new strains will perform well, too. :+1:


Hey @CalleMinogue. They get sun tan real fast, the light probably has too much UV/IR. Still trying to dial the light intensity and height too.

Indeed you plants seem to enjoy the weather. It’s low maintenance that way, just have to keep an eye on mold. Maybe in fact the real summer is a bit delayed and autumn will be drier who knows :smiley: Hope so!

Not sure about the flowering time, never grow them from clone indoor. I harvested the jamnesia mid november and the other one October 10. So probably something around 90-100 and 60-70 respectively. Maybe sooner.

Hey thanks @OPJ, pretty glad of that setup. A few things to ameliorate, but it works. The topping and root bounding gave them a bit of octopus shape indeed :slight_smile: Hope your own grow is going well. Curious about some of the stuffs you have ongoing.


Looking great to me funky!

Are you talking about the curvature of the leaves or the edge serrations becoming less pronounced? I thought I saw the leaf edges smoothing out, on close inspection looks more like you are talking about the curvature of the top surface. I’d expect the rounded surface indicative of overwatering but wondering about the smooth edges thing whether that’s associated or not.

Probably just the serrations are curled underneath the surface and less pronounced from above. But I was on one of my plants a distinct lack of serrations during early growth.


To me that’s completely associated here as you said. These smooth edges are the consequences of the rounded surface being very pronounced and the serrations being less visible.

The lack of serration in early veg is more a genetical trait IMO.