G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

I think any post counts, even this one you just made asking about posts. :wink: And on your profile I see you’ve got 12 posts logged now, and hit “member” status. Congrats! :slight_smile:

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Getting a bit better at using OG!
Day 70 of flower. They’re all bagseed and I named them at the start so we have Doja (left) catching a nice fade and continuing to fatten up ever so slightly. Trichomes still mostly clear, just starting to turn cloudy. Hoping to pull her around day 76-77.
And Ashniko on the right is looking a nice deep purple with some bloody maroon coming through on the undersides of leaves, she didn’t quite stretch enough for the second layer trellis and is so fat she’s falling all over, super sweet terps, trichomes about 80% milky on her with amber justtttt starting.
Trying to pull both around the same time or as close together as possible because until doja is chopped I can’t let the lung room (drying room) humidity get to 60% otherwise the tent is 70-75% during lights out.
Also have Nicki tucked in the back in a 9 inch pot, she’s looking fairly similar to Ashniko but frostier.
Can’t wait for my first harvest!


Day 83 update, planning to chop tomorrow after work or Wednesday morning!
All plants are looking great, some gorgeous colors on my left girl “Doja” after Doja cat, who she quite enjoys listening to. Ashniko is on the right rocking some nice deep purple, along with some pink/purple trichome stalks!
Nicki tucked in the back had the best stem rub smell from the start, I could feel and smell resin on her leaves a few weeks in, but the other 2 showed sex first and got the 7 gal grow bags.
Couldn’t just kill her so she stayed tucked in the 8-9 inch pot in the back and of course she’s the frostiest of all 3.
Nicki and Ashniko both hermed around week 4, 1 round of nanners and pollen sacks at internodes, plucked em and they never came back.
Onto a round of some autos next!




Harvest lastnight after getting home from work, end of day 84 and these girls are looking fabulous!
Took a bit longer than expected clipping all the fan leaves off but boy did I have a huge smile on my face the whole time!

And tent #1 is all set up for some autos while I dry this harvest and start some more photos in the new veg tent!


Been in trim jail the past 2 days, had a drop in temps and that caused my dry space to drop in humidity so much the small humidifier couldn’t keep it above 45-50 for about 2-3 days, some buds a bit over dried but overall really nice and I’m super happy with my first harvest! This is alotttttt to trim!


Congrats on your first harvest brotha!
Looks like some dank smoke!
Hope you make some bubble hash with those trimmings :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Bud rot took out pretty much my entire harvest for my second grow trying some auto flowers, glad I already had some more photos in veg waiting to go :grimacing:
Waiting on a cloud line fan and new clip fan from AC infinity, and the blumats I ordered before I transplant up to their final 5 gal containers.
Might have to do so sooner though if stuff doesn’t ship by the end of the week. I can tell they aren’t too happy in my first attempt at mixing my own soil…
Had some FFOF left and some very nice local compost, aswell as bulk rice hulls I bought for a new outdoor garden raised bed mix. Did 3-1-1 Fox farm, compost, rice hulls. Should have added a little perlite too, feels super heavy when wet and the rice hulls provide drainage but not much air to the roots as perlite does.

Anyways, here’s my 3 5150 TK x Chem 91 from CSI. 3 pretty different plants/growth habits so far.
The super lanky one worries me in my 5 foot tent :sweat_smile:





Got the blumats all hooked up and ready to rock!
So excited to see how having water at the ideal times improves the plants. Also feels like a big weight lifted off my shoulders not having to check on them immediately in the morning as long as the res is full.

3 happy 5150 TK x Chem 91 in their final pots. Planning to veg for another week or so and let their roots fill out the pots before flipping to flower


Got my 4/20 AC infinity order in, a cloud line t6 and a cloudray fan for each tent.
Majorly impressed with the 6in cloudray compared to the 6inch vivosun fan it replaced!
Can’t wait to hook up the exhaust fan with the controller tomorrow.
I’m confused though, it looks like you can’t screw it into a ceiling or something with the mounting bracket since the bracket doesn’t come off and the screw holes are inaccessible otherwise? Guess it’s just to clip hangers to but I was going to hang it from the low hanging basement rafters above the tent to save space inside. I’m sure I’ll figure something out tomorrow though

Feels like the tent is on autopilot at this point between the environmental controls and the blumats for watering :grimacing:

#1-3 left to right, filled in nicely just 2 days after transplanting!


Plants are filling in nicely, did some bending and training tonight.
For people who like those plastic or 3D printed 90° bend clips, here’s a quick, easy, cheap, on the go option for yall… the rubber coated plant wire, wrap it 180 around a screwdriver or something branch size, 4 90 degree bends and a slight offset and you have yourself an adjustable bend “clip”
Works great
Got my new AC infinity fans and controller in, super happy about that! Having a bit of trouble programming the controller though… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Wow! Buying Blumats was the best decision I’ve made yet… no more stress of worrying about watering before leaving for work, or not being able to not come home on a weekend night and not be worried about getting back to water the plants.
They’re so happy the middle plant is practically ready to walk out of the soil! Roots growing to the soil surface towards the drip ring, I’ll have to keep them from clogging it :sweat_smile:
I’m anxious to flip to flower since I lost most of my last harvest to bud rot, want to maximize the use of the space at the same time though, so maybe another week…? I’ve learned to stop setting expected timelines because I always disappoint myself with them
Thinking 6x 3 gallon pots on blumats would be pretty good in the 2x4, and I could veg them to about final size in my veg tent…


Couple updates…
I’ve been intrigued by rooted leaf nutrients for a while after hearing the founder Nik talk about nutrients and his products on many growcast podcast episodes, and I finally got “starter kit” for 42% off during the 4/20 sale. I’d heard him say they work great in irrigation systems on the podcast and didn’t think to talk to a real person before buying, instead asked the AI bot on their site a few questions about if the nutrient mix be okay sitting stagnant in the blumat reservoir, if they work with blumats, etc, and it said everything should be all good…
Welp not so much the case :joy:

I mixed up a first 4 gallon batch the other day and checked it the next morning and there was some major sludge and my lines were clogged on the blumats. Called and spoke to someone on the phone and they said most of the line is pretty bio active since it’s heavily plant ferment based, and some of the products like the lush green have a good amount of bacillus in them amongst other bacteria, and being that they’re plant ferments and bacteria (with minimal salts), it’s just a soup of food for the bacteria to multiply.
Whoever I spoke to said try a heavy or slightly more than the dosage for “heavy feed” like once a week, or just do a bunch of foliar sprays of different combos. They said primer A and B and maybe silica skin would be fine in the reservoir, which I can confirm for atleast A and B after having a mix of them in the tank since yesterday now…
This is just really throwing a wrench in the mix though, I was loving the water with a light touch of fox farm nutes I still have from my first couple grows, but I wanted something a bit closer to organic if not full organic and rooted leaf seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Just don’t want to have to deal with hand watering since that’s the whole point of the blumats :man_shrugging:
These nutes really smell like something I want to feed my plants though, all very herbal, a couple a bit stanky like a good compost tea, seems low quality stuff for sure even though so many parts is a bit much

Long story short, plants are happy… me, not so much :joy:

Just did a nice defoliation and thinning out of the canopy last night in prep for flipping to flower. Going to try to root a few cuttings I took, didn’t have any luck with the first 3 though

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Last night of veg tonight, flipping to flower tomorrow and the girls have filled out nicely.
A bit too much I think actually…
I think more smaller pots and less training/less veg time will be the way going forward…
Maybe 5-6x 3 gallons?
Any input from anyone else with a 4x2 appreciated!


Wow! Just 5 days after a pretty significant defoliation and they look like they could use another honestly…
Just flipped to 12/12 starting today and don’t want to stress them too much so I’m just clipping a few big fan leaves that are blocking the top of another shoot
Probably could have gone with a week less of veg but I wanted to make sure the tent was full, that won’t be an issue now :joy::man_facepalming:
Actually hoping for a decent 2.5-3x stretch so these girls can thin themselves out a bit!


Beautiful healthy plants.

That’s a sweet setup. All in, how much have you got invested?


Thanks! They’re super happy with the blumat system, always happily watered on their own schedule! Totally worth it
I got a few upgrades during 4/20 sales this year, the blumat system and their digital moisture meter was 200 total, another 150 for a new AC infinity oscillating fan and 6inch cloudforge vent fan with the fancy WiFi controller (previously had their $35 “6in duct booster fan” and still do in my veg tent)
The 2 150w lights were 100ea new and tent about 100, plus misc for stuff like the saucers, extension cord, power strip with built in timer, etc, call all that like 75
Soil and everything included to set up originally last year was around 500 I think counting apera Ph and EC pens too

Nice setup!

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Although I’m bummed about not being able to use the rooted leaf nutrients in my blumat reservoir, I have to say I’m very impressed at how well they work as foliar sprays.
So far I’ve used a few different combos of 2-3 products at a time, solar rain, silica skin, calmag fuel, lush green, peak bloom, and resin bloom, and the first time I sprayed I turned the lights down for a couple hours after, second time I straight up forgot and they were fine, so sprays 3 through 6 have been either mid day or in the evening like an hour before lights off, no dimming of the lights and no burns, plants looking super healthy and green and if anything look like they could use a tiny bit more magnesium and they’re perfectly happy with the amount of N in the soil right now because the spray of lush green 4 days ago 1 plant showed very slight clawing a day or 2 after.

Overall I’m pretty happy with my setup right now. Just Ph’d, dechlorinated water in the reservoir with some hyclean.
Blumats maintaining a range of about 60-220mbar in the soil so I’m quite happy with that


Don’t love how I trained 2 out of these 3 plants…
In the future I feel more plants and less training/veg time is probably the way to go.
Maybe 6x 3 gallons?

Too many little offshoot branches that started stretching straight up very quick in veg as I was training the canopy out/down.
Just hacked a bunch from #1, 2 is looking pretty good and 3 could use a bit more thinning out, did a bit the other day.


Those plants look really healthy!