G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Thanks @Bert! I think it’s mainly the blumats, they’ve had very minimal added nutrients since transplant to the 5 gal bags. Waiting on some worm castings to cover a top dressing of a few things and I’ll water that in with some rooted leaf nutrients, otherwise just water and foliar nutes till week 2-3 of flower! Day 6 today and the room is starting to smell a bit. They’ve had no noticeable smell in veg except a clove/allspice smell to the stem rub. Can’t wait to see some flowers!

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I can’t was either. I’ll follow your thread to see the outcome. Well done!

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Thanks for sharing your insights and progress. :blush:

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Did a little top dress today and “hand watered” it in with a nice dose of the full lineup of rooted leaf nutrients!
They smell so good (like the plants used to make them, except lush green :nauseated_face:), definitely smells like something I want to be feeding my plants!

I don’t think I’ve posted my watering system for my few plants, never seen anyone else post about this type of setup except when I asked how to water indoor plants in a pepper growing Facebook group and got this hot tip of a fish tank pump, a bucket, and some hose/a sprayer!

On a different note than normal, the clones I tried to take from each plant are mostly doing pretty poorly, except the one I lazily put on my kitchen counter with no humidity dome or anything, she’s thriving! :joy:
Honestly now that I mention it she might not even be getting 18h light here so I should probably move her to a tent, because she definitely has roots…

5150 TK x Chem 91 girls are looking stellar! Pretty much just water and foliar feeds since transplant, sometimes a little Epsom salt and some hysheild in the reservoir and that’s it.
Day 7 of flower today filling in quickly, almost time for the trellis to spread the canopy as even as possible

Clone I forgot about in a cup of water for 4 days before noticing some roots and sticking it in coco on the kitchen counter

Clones I actually tried to take care of, misted, had humidity domes on, etc

Watering bucket/pump


#1 is quite the stretcher, no other notes right now other than I just filled my blumat reservoir for the first time since the 20th, so 5 gallons lasted 5 days for these 3, and hyshield didn’t stink up the water or cause any biofilm buildup in that time span

day 10 of flower


Moved the lights up to 12-14 inches above the plants yesterday, checked them this morning and they were 9-11 inches from the lights, a full 3 inches in 24h! Crazy!
Day 11, 5150 TK x Chem 91 by CSI


Sheeeeesh! These are the happiest plants of any type I’ve ever grown!
Just barely got the trellis in yesterday, should probably put it in a week earlier in the future.

Lil foliar spray today
Day 13 of 12/12


Got the trellis in just in time, 2-3 inches of growth a day the past few days, I keep moving the lights to 12+ inches and coming back to 9-10” the next morning!
Day 15 flower, did a final trimming up of lower spindly branches that were too skinny me me to want to keep on the plant. Cleaned up the 3 plants to varying degrees to get a bit of a side my side on heavier vs lighter defoliation.
Mainly just making sure there’s enough airflow around the bottom of the plants and the inside of the canopy structure
It’s crazy how much you can remove and the plants still look completely lush and full!


Day 17 flower, lights are maxed out on the hangers, they’re high enough for today but I’ll need to zip tie them to the very top of the tent tonight or tomorrow… :grimacing:
Might do a bit of bending but the canopy is pretty dense and doesn’t leave much room for that :sweat_smile:

Boy do I love watching flowers grow!


Watching those flowers develop is one of the best parts of growing


Day 19, stretch seems to have finally stopped 🫣
Zip tied the lights to the top of the tent this morning and it gives around 14 inches clearance from the tops of where any top colas are starting, gonna be tight but I’ll just keep it easy on the light intensity if push comes to shove.
No real smells yet, still just a spicy nutmeg/clove smell on the stem rub and that’s it.

Did some bending lastnight and broke a top being a little too rough. Others are turned right back up to the light! Saved myself a few inches on a handful of main stems


Everything is rolling along smoothly, just a matter of waiting now :grimacing:


Did a lil pollen chuck today with some Yogi pollen courtesy of @Pigeonman!
I like the idea of the simplicity of yogi crossed with the TK x Chem 91, it’ll probably be a bit before I grow some of the seeds out but hey, why not?


These girls are absolutely chugging along!
Water only in the blumat reservoir and a heavy feed of rooted leaf nutes and photo+ once a week so far.
Going to hit them with some extra wollastonite tomorrow and maybe some Dr earth flower girl while I’m at it since we’re 4 weeks into flower, just to give them a steady supply if I don’t hand water any given week

#3 has a slightly fatter bud structure with larger top colas forming, overall not much smell yet except a slight dirty diaper/ musty dead animal smell when I put my nose to the exhaust fan :joy:
I was walking around the basement sniffing different corners the other day till I realized it was the tent :grimacing:



Your garden looks beautiful, man! Did I read that right that this is only your second grow?



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Thank you! I think they’re extra happy with the blumats…
I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into veggie gardening the past few years, so that definitely helps, although my friends and family do say I have quite the green thumb!
Third grow, second photoperiod grow. I tried some autos for a “quick crop” and that didn’t work out in my favor, and I even got some bud rot. Good learning experience, has to happen to us all eventually right? :joy:


I definitely agree with the green thumb. I can’t wait to see what you do with those Divine Intervention. I have a feeling you might make me grow out the rest of mine lol

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What size pots are those- You guys all seem to have the same little PVC frame setup under the trellis netting- I’m assuming you just build those yourselves?

I’m about to press the button on my setup purchase today with ACI 4x2 and two pro xs1500s-

this looks perfect.


Awesome! You’re in the right spot for help and learning for sure :+1:

This is 3 5gal pots, first run was 2 7gal, thinking of trying like 6 3gal for next run to do more plants and less veg time.

Trellis is 3/4inch pvc, and I built it with the bar in the middle a bit longer then the left and right sides so it bows out a bit in the middle and pushes the sides of the tent out in a similar way a high cfm kit of bars would, but with dual function! I forget if I decided on 2.5 or 3 inches apart for the screws to string the string across, i can check later. Definitely like the tighter grid better than the standard white 4x4in square trellis netting

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