Gas lantern routine - mother plants showing flowers and yellowing

Some of my mother plants developed flowers while on the gas lantern routine ( 12 hours of light, 5 and a half of darkness and one hour of light). I guess its like two month already since I switched to that shedule. Also oldest leaves on the motherplants are yellowing. The motherplants are really bushy and a lot of new shoots are coming from the bottom (i did cut the tips of upmost shoots). The new shoots are looking green, no yellow leaves.

I will add one hour more of light to the light shedule. Also I am trying foliar feeding in the hope to correct any nutriend deficiency. Before the last reservoir change I tried it with 75% of concentration of lucas formula 8 -16. Not sure if the yellowing of the leaves has to do with it.Now with full strength the EC is pretty high around 2.2. Normally with lucas starting point should be 1.9. Guess there are some salts in the system and the rockwool cubes.

Its also pretty cold at lights off (14C), lights on is 20C.

Not sure if I can take successfully clones if the mother plants are in this condition. Maybe the will not root and just mold away.


Not sure exactly. I’ve never used gas lantern or trying to trick em. They know what it is. My guess is that they know it’s past flower time and they’re demanding it


I find if plants are left in small pots and get route bound for long periods of time The stress forces them into flowering

Root pruning would have stopped this from happening

No I have never tried this Lighting regiment


I do the gas lantern in the summer when electricity costs more. We get a discount for three hours during siesta so I give a little extra during that time instead of the one like you do. I’ve never had them flower on me though.

Why is everything soaking wet?


I foliar feeded some nutes. I hoped that yellowing of the leaves can be reversed.

does anybody now what kind of deficiency that is? Nitrogen? Nutrient Lockout?

I think it’s a lockout of research, planning, and recognized good horticultural practices…

haha very funny :confused:

Not going to touch this with @vernal 's 10ft pole.


Good luck my friend I would definitely flush them
Ph water

Then lightly feed

if I where to spray I would spray with a combo of kelp juice and a bit of Epson salts

Hopefully all will turn out just fine

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