What does this leaf want to tell us?

This thing disappeared on lower leaves and I was Happy.Suddenly It s climbing again the ladder.What sign Is this?Calcium?Potassium?

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Starting at lower leaves and moving up is N deficiency. If you were later in flower I’d say just push through, but this early on just give her some food.


I would Say I am 45-50 days from an harvest.This Is day 29.
She has some slight claw,so I would not give Fishmix at the Moment.I think of Potassium and/or pH swings from the several flushes

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The clawing could be other things I can’t really see any clawing in the pics. Whole plant pics are better as we need to see where things are not looking good compared to the rest of the plant. Temps and RH help as well in diagnosis.

Plants will recycle lower leaves that are not getting much light, your PH swings from flushing may well be the cause. Could be just fast growth as it goes through the stretch phase and not quite enough N.

I would advise LITFA for a week or so and see if anything changes as it moves more into flowering mode and requires less N and more PK.


I pull off leaves as they turn weird so I can more easily see if the symptoms are spreading.

But I’d agree. A single yellow leaf in the bottom is no big deal.

A little more N might not hurt either.


Last feeding Yesterday only stimulants:ppm 86
pH 6,7 circa.
About six days agoLast feed After flush runoff water: ppm 550-600 and pH 6,9
Edit-temperature 29 to 27,night 22 to 20 Celsius.
Rh:45% day,70%-60% lights off
This plant was in hot soil that I improperly amended and got 3 flushes with some dry cycle in between of course.


The only thing I would do atm is get the PH lower to between 6.2 to 6.5 and try avoiding any more N going in the pot, now I can see the leaf claw better.

Your difference between day and night temps is a little off, but not a real problem, you should try and keep it as close to within a 10 degree F swing which will reduce your night time humidity jump and lesson chances of Powdery Mildew.

With higher temps and lower RH during the day they may need a bit more K as they will be respirating more to keep cool especially getting further into the flower phase but atm it’s not much to worry about.

What nutrients and type of lights are you using ?

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Lumatek attis 200w
Biobizz full range except for Calmag.I May try tu run 20/4h lights on si they are more covered.
I keep thinking it’s a lack of Potassium.
The soil at the start was a mix of guano from plagron,High in P,Mega Worm(castings)Plagron,and light mix.Half of the pot was this mixture,the other half only lightmix and lot of perlite.
I did a mistake as I saw the plant looking blocked at 12 days,stunted,every tooth of every leaf was Yellow(only the very pointy Edge,very weird),so I flushed 1st time.Ppm were fucking hot:5600ish.I think the plant Is lacking K from the leaves that burnt from the edges,the three finger leaves,looks like K deficiency.Also,some lower leaf Is paling on Yellow.Last but not least,pH swings a bit and I am sure the amendants played a role on ruining the pH at rootzone.Btw roots are coming through and are healty white

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I think you have your soil out of whack with all the high amounts of NP you could add some K now, it might take a little time to get into the system, my initial thought was looking at a K deficiency from the way its progressing on the lower leaves, but if its being locked out due to the high ratios of N and P it might not make any difference.
Here’s a Mullers chart so you can see how things get affected by too much of one thing Antagonism and how it can be corrected by adding a synergistic supplement.

This flow chart might help you as well.

flow chart yellow leaves

Usually I find chasing these problems just makes things worse, and why I now go with leaving them the fuck alone, to deplete whatever is too much, and start with a better soil mix next time.


I just found this on another thread posted by ReikoX might help you out with the next re build.


That flow chart is pretty cool!
I feel like someone could write a whole book on diagnosing nutrient deficiencies/issues (heavy on the pictures!). But then reducing the whole book to a dichotomous key like yours would be the most helpful!


Its not my creation, I am not that smart :joy:

I found it somewhere last year and thought it was a very simple and easy way to help people diagnose problems.


Thank you so much @Shadey .I really appreciated your help.Yes,I knew about the wheel.Since I got some clawing,light clawing though,I Will look into the weel for synergism.I should add Iron.I am thinking about giving a watered nutes solution with Molasses that consists in those ingredients:

It would add Iron and manganese to help unlock K.I also wanted to add a bit of Bio Bloom and the other stimulants from biobizz.
Also,watering at 6-5,6-4 ph
Edit-Yes,I want to leave It alone but first trying to unlock or fix lightly the issue,so the plant can do the rest alone.You are right,I am fighting with this lady,my fault only.

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I’m afraid this doesn’t look as deficiency but bugs, suspected spider mites, wish I’m wrong but inspect that leaf reverse with a scope … :sweat:


I got no mites,I had Them on last grow and I double checked to be sure
Edit-let me check last time,three Is perfection


I had them, check the pattern on mine, better losing one minute while checking than letting them more time them to expand … Arriba|nullxnull


This Is under microscope

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Double checking,no mites.I had Them 5 months ago and I recall seeing those critters under leaves


Is it out of room ?


Nope,in grow tent

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