Gato’s Grow Closet

The Gaia green nutrients are slow release I believe, so it shouldn’t cause a nute lockout or burn but I’ll keep an eye on it! Thanks !


I’ve had tip burn from Gaia and they told me it was normal. Lol. I didn’t even go that heavy so I was surprised. They got over it though. But I’ve seen many beautiful grows with their products so there’s a way lol


If there’s a will there’s a way! I may be a novice at growing but I ain’t no quitter! These plants are going to thrive!


Hello all! It’s been about 3 days since I potted the 2 TFxSB and the 1 NGxSB. The 2 TFxSB have sprouted and are looking good (I hope lol)
The NGxSB is taking her time but that’s fine there’s no rush lol.


Hello again! Back for another small update, seedlings seem to be growing fine. The NGxSB finally sprouted yesterday night and I was happy about their progress, I’m noticing the TFxSBs are stretching more than the NGxSB. Is it because of the light distance? I have a cheap screw in LED that emits 16000 lumens at 150w (I can’t fit or afford an actual grow light yet) the distance is about 16in from the plants. TIA!!

(Front 2 are TFxSB and the back 1 is NGxSB)


the only thing i have to say at this point, besides how similar your budget build looks to my last flowering chamber, is that scotch tape to hold up the foil is slightly cheaper than duct tape. i made it for my girls at the house before i got them to the farm.


I used plant safe Mylar for my reflective material, I got a lot of it for cheap on amazon. I thought if I went with foil it was going to be more expensive in the long run. Do you think my cheap light is enough for flowering? If not I need to upgrade but I don’t know what’s a good cheap alt to those massive grow panels.


it’s not for me to judge, the plants will let you know. i use a cheap $25 150w i got from amazon and it works, but i have a small cabinet. it may only be 100w, i forgot.

it’s all foil when i talk about it. you can do a budget grow and get good smoke.

i put together a sweet dwc system for about $50-70, minus the lights and tent. never used a tent myself, always a closet or built a box.

i can’t wait to get the farm going, just got the camper out yesterday and that’s gonna be my grow room until i get the building fixed up. good luck with yours, it looks like a fine setup and should do you pretty good.

edit: one thing i will tell you now, do not think you’re gonna build a cheap alternative to a grow light using individual led’s and old computer power supplies. it works reasonably enough and is a lot of fun, but so not worth it if you want cheap, unless your time is worthless completely.


Honestly as long as I’m having a good time that’s all that matters, I built my little cheapo “tent” in hopes that it gives me some smoke so I won’t have to buy from street dealers since I live in an illegal state :slightly_smiling_face: (I’m from Cali moved to NC). If I can produce anything close to being smokable, I’ll count it as a win. I keep seeing people say no matter how or what you grow in sometimes the weed is better than dispo shit.


Bravo @Gato for your ingenuity and will to succeed. With that type of Gung ho spirit I’m sure you’ll do great regardless of budget


When you’re starting from the bottom, the only place to go is up my friend :grin: I appreciate the kind words as well!


Smart choice to grow your own! You will never look back. Lots of success and happy grow🍻


talk about budget grows. yep, using a coffee can as a reflector.


If it works, it works. Can’t say nothing more lol. Never thought of the coffee can though, that’s smart.


the next iteration was better.


Hello again! Back again with another update. Week 2 the plants seem to be doing fine ! I switched the lights from 18/6 to 24hr. I noticed that they super weak when the lights were off who would’ve thought lol. But they look good (at least to me) lol

Larger ones are the TFxSB, smaller darker one is NGxSB


Definitely wanna get that light closer to them. It helps avoid that stretch. Just don’t burn em :name_badge:


Yeah I stopped their stretch when I lowered the light a bit, it was too high because it was starting to burn some of the first leaves when I had set it up.

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I used to use t5 back in the day. Can put up to an inch to the light practically. Now I use led that’s dimmable which gives me much more control


Yeah LEDs make everything easier but I have a shitty one currently. I’m trying to save some sheckles right now so a cheap Amazon light it is lol.