GedLang's Indoor Fall 2024 - Orient Express, Tangy Haze, Unicorn Poop F2s

I’m just starting a log here to track my latest round of indoor growing. Yesterday I harvested my two outdoor Zamaldelica Auto plants and hung them up to dry in my tent. It will be done in about 7-10 days and the tent will be ready for a new cycle.

I also planted some new seeds and they’ve started to pop up.

The Unicorn Poop had a helmet head that I had to remove. I’m watching to see if it can break free on its own, otherwise I’ll have to cut away the enveloping membrane.

Orient Express (feminized) is from Ace Seeds and is a cross between Vietnamese Black and China Yunnan. Somewhere around a 50/50 hybrid; description says cerebral and clean high with no paranoia. Tangy Haze is bagseed from one of my favorite CBD strains of all time. The heritage is a mystery to me; I got it from Ellie Hou farms in 2022 but they have not grown it again and no other farm has ever sold it as far as I can tell. I get the feeling they may re-name some strains they grow. It was uplifting, a bit energetic with an orange/tangerine flavor. I found the effects to be quite strong and noticeable for CBD flower. I’m excited that my only seed successfully popped! And the Unicorn Poop F2s are freebies from North Atlantic seed co. I don’t really know anything about them but I mostly am interested in seeing how fast they will show sex under my current setup and how small a pot I can get away with for organic soil. So they are guinea pig seeds, just want something to play around with and not care about the harvest.

Keep it positive up in here and thanks for reading!


I had to remove the membrane from the Unicorn Poop seedling because it was stuck. I’ve read that some folks try to just keep it moist, or even moisten with saliva to get enzymes to work on it, but I’ve found success with using tweezers. I have some very sharp/pointy electronics tweezers that work great for this.

And after:


The second seed of Unicorn Poop has not germinated… yet? I’m going to leave it and see what happens. The other four plants are cruising along, Unicorn Poop is in the lead. Non-cannabis plants are shiso clones to the right and panda plant clones to the left.


I try to post honestly even when things aren’t stellar - three of the four seedlings have barely grown at all in the past week. Not sure why, the Unicorn Poop growth looks normal but the other three are only a little bigger than a week ago. I think they will take off when they get some roots established.


Still seeing very slow growth on everything except the Unicorn Poop. I am thinking there is maybe not enough aeration in the soil. I was hoping the problem would solve itself once roots got established, but growth is not accelerating. I will likely transplant into a different soil composition if they do not start to catch up.


Plants are coming along nicely :ok_hand:t2:

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