Johnny's 4x8 Funhouse - perpetual goals

Finally started another grow!


  1. Herijuana (in the small growbags) - really diggin’ this strain. Heavy indica, numbing body stone usually ends in a nap / bedtime; but - a single rip with a second cup of coffee on a Sunday is juuuuuuust right. :upside_down_face:
  • Pretty easy to grow except that plants seem to be either super hungry or very sensitive to feeding (2 phenos?)
  1. Mazar/Black Triangle X Azad Kashmir (in 5 gal & 1 gal pots) - received from a friend here! I finally have my tent back up & running, so it’s time to start running some new strains!

I’m using bag soil - FFOF & Recipe 420 Red Label (a bit too stoned to remember what that means atm) in 5gal fabric pots.
LEDs are (2) 240w GrowDaddy rack lights Dimmers up full, a mixed bag of Viparspectra lights for a total wattage around 1,200w. There are plans to upgrade in the future, but that’s what I got for now.
An AC Infinity T6 on setting 5 vents out of a window, and a 6" & a 4" duct provide passive cool air intake for the 4x8.
Once the 4x8 is a little more dialed in, I’ll be setting up a 2x4 in the same room so that I can begin vegging while the last crop is still finishing (maybe even begin some longer running strains) - eventually I’d like a regular harvest; we’ll see where this goes.
Even further down the road - more frequent seed runs in a 4x4 place in a different room.

I cracked the seeds on plates / paper towels - only 2 duds out of 20 (Herijuana), 1 damped off (Kashmir).

Here’s some baby pics:
Kashmir - so far, so good.

4x8 - you can see the GrowDaddy spectrum I ordered (2,700k & 5,000k mix) !
Herijuana - a little stretched, but otherwise healthy!


Looking forward to this one, never tried herijuana but have heard only great things. My buddy crossed some wood horse Heri with black triangle and that’s a day wrecker for sure! Btw absolutely love the avatar/name my friend. I’m in for the show!


This is on my med list.

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Herijuana has a permanent home in my seed rotation.
Really unique scent / flavors & effects.
IMHO very hashy with a top-note that’s tough to pin down — dark fruit punch?
One of the better body-buzz strains I’ve found - and the water hash is spectacular - my 73u bag sees a lot of use at harvest!


Small update.

Lights are running 18/6
17 of 20 seeds are now seedlings and have been up-potted to their final 5g fabric pots.
(9) A. Kashmir
(8) Herijuana

One of my Herijuana has some weird leaves - looks like a severe CalMag issue on her first true leaves, but none of the rest have this… I’m just going to observe and see if she grows out of it.

I should probably mention that these are regular, non-feminized seeds, so I’m going to lose a few when they reveal see.

Here’s a few baby pics:


Pictures to come…

Herijuana definitely needs Mag - lower leaves are going yellow; a couple plants even have crunchy leaves.
Lights are appx. 20" from canopy (240w). I lowered them till all plants stopped stretching.

Otherwise, everything is shaping up nicely - tallest is about 8" (Kashmir) - shortest is about 4" (Heri).

Black Triangle x Kashmir is growing nicely.
Lights are about 24" above canopy.

Considering top-dressing all pots with FF All Purpose (6-4-5 IIRC) and adding Epsom salts for the Herijuana.

Aside from the Calmag deficiency, I’m pretty happy with how this grow is vegging.

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Herijuana (and Mag deficiencies) are in the first two rows, Kashmir in the back.

Other than the mag def. Herijuana is a little taller & spaced out than Kashmir.

Kashmir is a little closer spaced and looks overall healthier.

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Applied 10,000,000 nematodes this morning … bye bye fungus gnats! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
(I spotted one the other day & ordered these that agternoon)


About 5 weeks of veg.
Considering that the Kashmir are untested seeds and my Herijuana are seeds that I made, I’m a bit surprised that there is not that much variance in the grow:
One tall Heri - I suspect it will be a boy…
Two dwarf Heri - ounce plants at best
2 short-ish Kashmir

Probably flip to flower this weekend
Also planning to set up a 2x4 for vegging so I can realize my perpetual dreams!

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No pics, just a calendar update.

Flipped lights to 11.5 / 12.5
On April 30

Time to watch for males
Herijuana seems to reveal sex a week or two into flower.
Kashmir is looking good - shorter than Herijuana.

Quick pic from this morning.

The strains are easy to tell apart:
Herijuana is taller & not as densely foliated.
Kashmir x Black Triangle is short and DENSE; it has large, double toothed leaves that need pruning often as they completely obscure pre-flowers from receiving light.

Both strains had some deficiencies early on, but feeding seems to have addressed that.

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Sorry boys, this is a sorority…
3 Herjuana, 1 Kashmir.
Keeping my eyes peeled for more.

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Picture morning.

VERY easy to tell the strains apart now - all of these pics were taken before pruning leaves.

Herijuana - I pruned about 8 leaves total. They’re pretty lanky & have a lot of node-spacing.
Kashmir - I pruned about a dozen leaves from each plant. DENSE little Christmas Trees!

I still have some legacy burple lights - hopefully replacing them soon.


Looking good so far, I am excited to watch along!

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