General use Gardening thread

I’d love to know if this works out.

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I know about commercial orange groves too if anyone needs help. My buddy owns 1,000 acre grove in Lake Wales and he bought a 27 acre grove that came with a nice house, but he just bought it for the gas pump and places to store equipment. I lived in that house for awhile when I moved back to FL. It was fun as hell messing around with tractors and Gators. They have some crazy high tech stuff too. I learned about brix levels there from the Tropicana guy. I’d have to leave him a little mesh bag of oranges when it was nearing harvest for him to check brix levels. Farming is cool stuff. But, I wouldn’t want his grove and this greening stuff going on. Haha The machine they use to trim the rows of trees is crazy looking too. Mad Max looking thing with blades swinging all over the place.


now thats some beautification. well done


I’d love to get my hands on myer Lemon :lemon: or small sized oranges like mandarin oranges.

Also any tips on growing the banana plants,? I think they LOVE water alot more then I thought they would.


This place sucked the heart button dry


@Pawsfodocaws have you tried Lemon Balm mint, it’s grows fast, extremely Prolific, smells and tastes like sweet lemon, edable. I use it to help prevent garden pests & use it in hat sauces & stir fry :yum:

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Lmfao :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I love it :heart:

No I have not, just some wild stuff. And some other stuff we upped from a family members garden…

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Thank you my friend :heart: it’s well worth investing the time, energy & $ into something good for your family


Haha That’s exactly what I was going to say. They need lots of water. Definitely mulch around them. Fertilize regularly during growing season. I don’t know if you’re using all dry amendments and compost or what. I have them in good soil, with compost on top all around, and then mulch. I usually hit them with Peters 20-20-20 regularly. But, sometimes it’s 21-7-7 or 10-20-30 and they’re fine with it. But, I’m also up on a sandhill and I didn’t dig my whole yard and build deep soil, so nutrients can runoff quickly here.


I’ll see if I can find any Lemon Balm seeds here.
We got a cutting of mint, peppermint. That also grows uncontrollably. But smells like chewing gum. Love it.

I can certainly get those for you. They’re everywhere here.

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Awesome that would be killer man.

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You just might be in luck my friend.
I’ve had a little Myer Lemon tree in my house for over a year. It’s finally fruiting!
I have three green lemons as of now. :slightly_smiling_face:


Really? ID LOVE THAT. :heart:
It’s not easy finding it here and costs too much when I do. If you can find branch cuttings or seeds, I’d be in heaven

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Sounds awesome :ok_hand:

See I knew a bunch of stoners had to be growing food and not just smoke able plants lol


Rooted cutting or just branch cuttings and then you’ll root them? If just branch cuttings, I can grab them tomorrow or whenever you’d like them.


Pat I’d kill for a rooted cutting. I’d love to grow one. @PatHealy


Just came down to tend my neglected auto forest. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Snapped yall a pic.
See my broccoli and brussels sprouts trucked in there? First time trying inside. :slightly_smiling_face:

Whoops. Here’s the pics.


Yes just breaches, I can root them here, that’s probably alot easer. And wow your awesome :ok_hand:
I appreciate you.

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