Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

I’ll post some pics in here at some point of the grow I currently have going on. I have some Cough Bx3, Salmon River OG, and some “who really knows” plants in veg. Within 1-2 weeks they’ll get flipped. They could use another 3-4, but I’m not waiting on these. I’ll probably start pruning/shaping/chopping up the bigger plants sometime next week, let them bounce back for a few days, and then flip. Cough and Salmon River OG started before the others, so some size issues in there, but like everyone I’ve dated has reassured me, size doesn’t matter. Just one gallon coco fabric pots/bags, Jack’s, tap water, and drippers. Going to break the 4’x8’ down after this and use the 5’x5’ to flower and get either another 5’x5’ or a 4’x4’ for veg/mothers/seedlings. That’ll make things a lot easier, smoother, and I can keep mothers. Makes more sense.

Anyways, just got done doing the yard. Started right at noon. I time my yard work so perfectly. Haha. It’s getting warm out there for sure.


How long have you been using jacks? Im trying out MC and crop salts right now. Ive seen absolute bangers grown with jacks

Hurry up and post some pictures lol


I’ve been using Jack’s/Peter’s for a while. Back when it was super cheap. Haha. I have some shots of other grows around here, but I’ll definitely get some of these in here shortly.

These are two of mine from a thread:IMG_2135 IMG_2136


Damn dude, nice. Youre crushing it.


Once I reset the tents and keep mothers I’ll grab that Cap Junky cut I ran last run. I wish I had pics of that thing. What a beauty. Good smoke too. I’m a fan of it.


Thanks for the compliment!!


Oo, frosty!

I’ll be kickin around bud. :wink:


Hello pat. Those are great looking plants!
I’ll be following your journey.
Couple of questions if you don’t mind.
I’ve read some good reviews on jack’s, and grows here on OG. Looking at their website it appears that they have a few different products or product lines? Which products do you use and at what ratios?


Current pics for everyone. Chopped some up. There are 34 plants total in there right now and it will be 18-20 max when I flip. So, I’ll be tossing some next week and hoping for some males to make decisions easier. The Salmon River OG will get tossed, because they’ll be totally overgrown by everything else. Slow little Bubba plants. I’ll save a run for just them.


No problem at all. I use 5-12-26, cal nit 15-0-0 and epsom salts. I fill a 32 gallon Brute trash can with tap water and add 117.49 grams of 5-12-26, 78.12 grams of 15-0-0, and 30.69 grams of epsom. Then, pH it down to where I’d like it. I use Drip Clean as well actually for the lines.


Great lokking setup Pat :+1: gonna hang out, puff a phatty watch dome plants kick ass :ok_hand:
How long does it take you to go through the brute? And do you get Ph swings if it takes days to unload?


Usually 4/5ish days. pH doesn’t swing too much. Slowly goes up. Maybe goes up 0.1 per day at the most unless I have temp problems it seems.

Edit: I vacuum up way too much runoff as well, so more days out of it are possible for sure.


Congratulations on your new thread. I’ll be following along. Love jacks!!


Interesting, my mc in a 5g pail swings,.5 a day if it’s cold and not many plants in the tent, 3 days. It goes up to 8,i Ph it down. Wondering if that’s due to the Jack’s. Appreciate the info


Great to read you my friend I’ll tag along if you don’t mind


Same ratio through the entire grow.Or do you have to mix different ratios at different stages of the plant’s life?


You can mess around with manipulating the ratios and whatnot for the different stages, but running a bunch of different seed plants, I’m fine with keeping it the same throughout. Plants might tell me at some point they need a little more or less, but basically the same all the way until I start tapering off to save money on nutrients.


Nice looking tents! I’ve been using Mega Crop for the last several years but have been having issues with high Ph swings so I just started a grow with the Jacks/Peters. Looking forward to seeing the differences.
I have some cap/junky that I got in a trade here on OG that I am going to grow next. My wife really likes Caps stuff so I always keep something of the sort in the lineup.


Wow. I’m currently using general hydroponics trio+cal-mag±silica+Kool bloom+cannazime liquids. Changing ratios throughout the grow. It’s a lot to store/ mix/carry. frankly I’m getting tired of it.
Thanks for the info. I will be Following along. Maybe it will inspire me to grow a pair and take a chance changing Nutrients.


Definitely follow along and see if it turns out well enough for you to switch and save some money/time/space. I think Jack’s has enough of what the plant needs to perform well, but I’m not saying additives don’t help. I just think it’s more practical on a commercial scale or if you’re super into nerding out on plants and whatnot, which is awesome. Where smaller percentages in yield increase and quicker plants make big differences. MSA, 5:2 fulvic/kelp foliars, guiding the plants through each stage with the perfect ratio adjustments, crop steering, VPD perfection, and so on are great. I just think they’re smaller differences than most think, but matter when 2%-3% in margins is make or break. Keeping plants healthy, steady environment, steady pH, and so on are easy and produce some killer flower as well.