General use Gardening thread

That blueberry bush looks like something from the Jurassic period. That my friend is an incredible specimen you should be very proud of that thing.


Hey there friend I’d love a few rooted blueberries from that beast lmk!!! I need to plant them and get some going in my orchard. Btw I know you shoot straight :wink:


If anyone is ever discouraged about gardening, remember this. The time is NOW, make space, not excuses. Everything you do is worth it in the end.

Look at the garbage we just went through building our garden & it’s not even MY yard, it’s my mom in laws place, she allowed me to transform from a junk pile to a real happy garden.

We had to remove an actual 40 ft dumpster fire from inside, around & behind a 16x30 ft garage.
Wish I took more photos prior to working on this.

This is behind the garage AFTER we cleaned it up.

After we cleaned it up & built the #1 fence of 4.

#2 fence of 4

#3 of 4

The last fence is more of a gate to the side if the house built from old skids, still need to paint it.
We cut down this blackberry bush to the roots, that’s the one I’m growing now in a 5gal bucket.

Ps. I’ll compile all the photos and make a garden transformation post. Not today tho. It’s alot.

The POINT I’m making here is, ITS WORTH DOING. Get er done! And enjoy what comes from your efforts.

The back deck before.



Then started the garden.

Looks way better now and still have lots to go.

Ohh and just finished the front deck :flushed:

Took us all this year so far to make this happen, but together we did it and dam happy we did all this work. Now it’s time to build the garden, something that will last forever.


Beautiful work my friend.

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I’ve only recently had any interest in gardening beyond weed, last year I got a apple tree to care for that was in need of some care, I fed it and pruned it to the best if my ability, tbf I’d only ever pruned weed.

I’ve got a better idea for next year but tbh I’m quite stoked about how it’s come on.

Typically lol this has spilled over to me growing my own tomatoes, I like picolo but I can rarely find organic grown, jfc I’m not against shop bought but they’re not the same flavour.

I thought I’d better start some so there’s no surprises next year when I grow them for real.
I only got 50% sprouting?

For like a little side project I cloned a offshoot from my buddies plants 3/4 weeks ago.

I forgot to mention I’m planning to graft a plum tree/scion to my apple tree.


That’s cool man sounds like your delving into some more technical things rather than just growing veggies lol, not really in a sense most every apple tree is a clone grafted go a root base…wow that sounds rude. I truly dig what your doing man. Lol I’m lit


She can practice ripping her kicks on that bag now with nothing blocking her way!!!




Heck yeah!! I love fruit trees grafted to stronger/more resilient root stock. My Valencia is grafted to Sour root stock. I saw someone growing fruit trees from seed and was surprised. Haha.


That’s a beautiful apple tree and so many apples, congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:


This thread took all of my likes. Haha


I think most of the ones we planted are. We have peach, pear, Asian pear, plum, cider apple, 3 golden delicious, 3 granny Smith, 3 cosmic crisp. Nectarine, multi grafted plum/nectarine/3 more… the big pear is a Bartlett. We have a fuji apple tree as well.


Same here man.


Hmm, I should get an apple tree cutting when I have the funds. I’ve never grown one from seed because I heard approximately 1 in 10,000 phenotypes will not result in a crab apple tree. Imagine if 1 in 10,000 of all of our pollen chucking efforts won’t result in bunk :slight_smile:


Nice!!! Apples and pears are on my list. I have to keep things pruned though. I can’t have an orchard like yours. Haha I’m just on a corner lot in a subdivision full of little boxes.


Hell yeah. I wish I had grafted trees. Only have 3 apples, Golden Delicious, Fuji & Gala, all separate trees

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Haha yeah man. We tossed all that crap out.
Now the garage is used to store wood and tools.
While I’m building the garden boxes, I’m also huilding a simple workshop in the garage to help me.

Mine are all separate man. I only have the fruit salad tree which is a bunch of different fruits…it’s grafted pear plum nectarine. Peach


This is the pear :pear: we found a few blocks away at the edge of the street. No idea what type, but the tree is loaded with fruit, I wanna get some branch cuttings.


Plenty of space, sounded like you had a dam vegetable farm growing lol

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