General use Gardening thread

$50 will get you a tree I can barely fit in my Accord down here. That would be a 15-gallon pot most likely with a 6’-8’ tree in soil pretty rooted out.

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Awesome man sounds great

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That’s crazy they are super up priced around here it’s costly holy heck. Thanks a bunch @PatHealy

It is also super good for stomach aches and sleep. Love me some lemon balm.

Made a list so I wouldn’t forget. Haha


Your my freaking HERO :heart_eyes: :heartbeat: @PatHealy


Hahaha No worries at all. I always preach about good nutrition and eating whole foods ad nauseam to people I know, so may as well help some people who want to grow their own whole foods.


Me too man me too I meant ro reply to @CADMAN s post your wicked awesome pat.



Your amazing @PatHealy I sincerely appreciate you helping other achieve gardening goals. I’m dancing with excitement already.

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Thanks man!! Glad to hear you’re excited.

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I really am jumping for joy as well man. Super excited. I’m going to raise it a bit, and plant it in the orchard I :thinking: am thinking.

As long as you have the weather for it. Young trees aren’t huge fans of the cold. Mature trees can take a small freeze. But, you have an orchard. Haha You might have heaters and whatnot out there for winter. I just use old string lights and blankets.

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I’ll be growing it up for a while inside before I put it out. My aunt has a big one of the same variety in the same neighborhood. So, as long as I get it big enough then it should do well. I’m not going to freeze It and kill right off the bat …

Oh I’m definitely bringing all the warm loving plants inside under my grow lights for the winters, regardless. I’ll have to do that now anyways with the Bannanas and other plants I wanna keep overwinter.


Years ago when I was on a cannabis hiatus I had 6 trees. Ponderosa lemon, fig, pomegranate, orange, lime, and one I don’t recall.

Took up a lot of space indoors but very fun.


If you ever take snips of those figs I’d love one! Remind me in spring and I’ll send you a tomato seed assortment ment

@Hashpants I’m eyeballing your blue berry and tomatoes!

Amen. I’m always getting keyed up about traditional food ways. I could live all my days on leather britches, apple stack cake and corn bread. And obvs fried bologna sandwiches with a fat slice of those German maters.


Luffies struggle in the crazy heat, crappy medium, and a psyco babbeling tender, LOL!!


love this thread. surely some good will come of it :blush:

yep. @PatHealy I’d be wayyyy into a Meyer lemon also. :pray: (cuttings)

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Here’s my night blooming cereus plant that just flowered recently…I love growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and of course medicinal herbs


Amazing thread here @CADMAN and thanks for sounding the horn. @DougDawson!

I have a few packs of pepper seeds stored away. Meant to germinate them this season. I’ll track them down to see how many there are, I think I might be able to send out a pack or two of seeds to lucky community members who want to grow them.