General use Gardening thread

I’m picking up a nice Salvia plant I’m going to be doing the same for. I’ll be wintering that and the lemon in the tent. Or a insulated shed with a window and maybe an extra lamp. We will see what happens still getting situated :rofl: life is too busy




Back home. Hot as heck out today without a lick of wind either. Going at noon to walk around nurseries and whatnot isn’t probably the smartest planning. Haha. Here’s @Pawsfodocaws Meyer lemon bush/tree:

There were some cheaper places and whatnot, but this was the best looking one and Holmberg has healthy plants.


Now, I’m curious about shipping citrus out of Florida with the greening quarantine and whatnot. I assume you two know how to go about doing this. I’m not looking to get any massive fines or anything. Haha.


I’ll be surprised if you can. I have to pull a permit to grow fancy cotton in my yard

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Dang man no way

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Nope know nothing of this shoot.

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Yeah, it’s a big deal for citrus. We’re losing billions every year here because of it. I assumed you guys knew how to get them out or just shipped them like teen clones or something. I have no clue about shipping plants or cuts. I bought four clones once from GMO and that’s my knowledge of plants in the mail. Haha


We need some smuggling info. Where the smugglers at?? Haha


I didn’t even realize that tag said no shipment out of state too. I just looked at Meyer lemon bush and took the picture. Moron. Haha


Ya no kidding. People have sent me the plant in a box with the soil wrapped up. And just shipped the thing kinda stabilizers and such. I don’t send cuts or anything like that. But saran wrap around the dirt and pot maybe and then something to help it stay up and not get knocked around. Then send it. I’m not sure on laws for citrus I know its not good for clones to x states.

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I know they’re super serious here about it. Does USPS, UPS, FedEx scan packages and check the plant or anything? I mean I’ve had cannabis clones shipped to FL and that’s not legal. Do they have a citrus detector or something? Haha


Nope lol they don’t check shit. Send from a fake address even :laughing: no one’s going to look in the package I assume if so, it may get taken idk. Same with cuts nowadays

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:rofl: that would be a trick eh


That’s what I’m thinking. Just send it with a fake return address and pay cash for the shipping. It’s healthy and not bringing anything along with it, so I’m not worried about that part.


They got dogs that can tell your blood sugar is low, I bet they have ag. product dogs too!


I looked it up out of curiosity. That’s crazy man. I didn’t know that was a thing.


Yeah, it’s a huge deal. It’s why I said up above I wouldn’t want my buddy’s 1,000 acre grove these days. Nightmare stuff.


I was just at an even where UF was showing off their new hybrid that is supposed to be resistant. So, hopefully that works out. They’re working on all sorts of injections and root drenches currently to try and stave it off, but it’s still wreaking havoc and injecting every trunk in large groves is a lot of work in an area with pretty slim margins these days already.


@PatHealy for Shipping branch cuttings, just place inside a DVD case, wrapped in a moist papertowl inside a zip lock bag. Toss that into a small bubble wrap envelope and it the mail it goes. If anyone asks what your shipping, it’s a video game or DVD movie as a gift :gift: for friends.
Should fly right out no issue.