Vegetable Garden Is Ready To Plant

Just waiting on a good 15 day weather report. Lots of marijuana growing principles at work and plenty of cash.


Cool, are we talking tomatoes and such. If so i am in the same boat. Night time temperatures wont stay above 50 long enough. I have some chard going. A few radishes came up but i don’t think they will grow much for a while.

Yes, about 40 tomatoes plants and few different Pepper plants and other veggies. I’ve been running 3k in watts for a couple of months. So I’m really not in a hurry to go outside.

A grower pissed me off at the local market last year. My wife told me on the way home that she did not care about the cost. She wanted me to smoke his ass. We going to match up some products real soon.


Ha! Ha! If you want it done right do it yourself. I’m in the salad bowl so we damn near have a year round season. These storms have made it a bit challenging however.

Check out hugel kultur beds bro


I don’t think it’s worth the kilowatts to run Toms year around. They are very picky and they all start talking at once. I can’t understand half of what they are saying. I’m joking…


Thanks for the link I’ve seen that technique before.

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Enjoy!.. I spent 160 for this book, I’m gonna get my monies worth out of it.


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Thanks for the info. Those University papers online are full of great information.

Cool video on killing weeds and grass with round up and sponges.

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what book is this. i like expensive books!

Personally, I’ll just pull them up.

Fuck you Monsanto!

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Can’t wait to start gardening. It starts around June 1 around here.

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Well you can pull them up, however if they are perennial weeds the root structure will let them survive after pulling. Using a post emergent herbicide to kill the root structure and stolons is whats needed for some types of weeds for control…

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lol I almost missed the Monsanto part…

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@GrapeApe what kind of toms are you gonna run in the garden?

You must use what we calls “azada” or “azadón”. Fuck Monsanto, yeah…

@GrowerGoneWild I well aware of perennial weeds. I’ve had my hands in grandmas garden soon as I could walk… I’d honestly rather pull it up every year or a couple times a year than to spray herbicide near my garden. I grow one so I don’t have to ingest all that nasty shit…

@GrapeApe Yeah Round Up is made by monsanto