what region youÂŽve been ?
The very first plant I grew on the terrace of my parents was a K2. I donât remember much other than it hit stronger than everything else that was around. I was like 15 or something lol
sehr schön. Wollte ich auch mal gerne probieren. Falls du etwas Schönes findest oder eine Repro machst, denk bitte an mich.
as a student i spent a few weeks in Berlin. very cool city. the only i really remember was walking around the endless street art murals. i think the community was called Kreuzberg? it was a well established spot where grafiti artists could make huge murals.
Finding weed in kreuzberg shouldnât be difficult. Theyâre selling basically in the streets,in parks and internet cafeâs. To get good weed youâll need some sort of connections. But thereâs is heaps around.
i have to second that
What year weâre talking ?
Schönen ersten Advent OGs,
falls jemand Phone Home F2 oder Chemnesia F2 haben möchte, bitte Adresse per PM bis Freitag.
Best wishes
gut gemacht : ) mir laufen die trÀnen vor lachen :
this was like ~2007. really liked germany. my wife and i have been talking about our next trip and it came up though its not @ the top. i knew lots of engineering students who studied there under the agreement they would work there for ~3-4 yrs after.
Yeah, that was different times.
Germany has some beautiful places, but the same problem as France - both are full of stupid people
No offense fellow OGâs
ahah truth cannot be offensive Though this is (probably) a general issue. But there are good people everywhere. Just have to find them and share a joint!
No doubt. Just the numbers may vary
this is a sentence
Haha, itâs the same for Sweden. People are so stupid that most of them have abandoned reason and science completely. They are now emotional and heading straight to the cliff. Our economy is shrinking and the artificial housing bubble are on the brink of collapse. This Swedish recession will not be as graceful as the last one we had.
Well take care of you and your people @LonelyOC Sweden does not seem fun either once you look behind the nice pictures
Yeah, youâre not Denmark
You guys give me hope that thereâs light after all. Stay strong brothers