Reaper does it again :) - Another german Grow Diary

Hey Folks :skull:

Let me introduce myself - I am Reaper :skull: somewhere in the the 30s, located in Germany and totally focused on growing since 1st of April when they finally legalized it here :grimacing: Thanks to @cYx I found Overgrow - proud to be part of the forum 🫡

Anyhow… I did a few runs in my younger years and now I wanted to see if I’m still capable to grow some good Broccoli :broccoli:🫡

Here’s a short Briefing:

The Plants:

Super Lemon Haze - Green House Seeds
Coco Milk S1 - Perfect Tree Seeds

The Setup

  • DIY box (45x45x75cm) out of aluminum compound panels (4mm) and Aluminium Profile (20x20mm).
  • Kingbrite 150W with IR & UV - dimmable (I use 30-50% power through the vegging weeks. Increasing from 50 to 80 to 100% through the Flowering weeks)
  • 5x Arctic P12 Fans. 2 for fresh Air (bottom left) 2 to get the used hot air out (top right) and atm 1 for indirect ventilation towards the plants 🪴
  • #nofilter at the moment but maybe will build one in the next 1 or 2 weeks (overall not necessary at my place though)
  • 1,4L Flower Pots (bottom covered 2-3 cm with clay beans)
  • Soil: Plagron light mix all the way from seed till Harvest
  • Fertilizer: Advanced Nutrients: Grow & Bloom A+B, Voodoo Juice, B52, Bud Candy ( I use slightly less as recommended in the Budlabs App. Recommended 4ml - I use 3,5ml :pinching_hand:🏽 )

Simple as that 🫡

To be honest, I don’t look that much at numbers. :see_no_evil:

Temperature is somewhere between 22-29°C and RH between 35-55%… nature isn’t steady at all :grimacing: So I’m not that guy who panics because of some heat, yellow leaf tips or stuff like that.

I just let em grow with some water, ferts and much love 🫡 only checking weight every second day and giving em a good morning and a good night :blush: (ok and some LST and topping :yum:)

It’s day 69 from Seed or day 20 of Flowering today :+1:t4:

What should I say? could be worse :sweat_smile: since today I did (as you can see) some rough LST (with rubber coated wire) and topped the SLH - the CocoMilk is untouched except the LST. :innocent:

Through the last 69 days I had very little to none :pinching_hand:🏽 yellow leaf tips, no burning, just 1 time hanging leaves in the middle vegging weeks (reason was to get the max. dry weight (600g/Plant)) but they recovered that like nothing in a few hours. :clap:t4:

So I water them until they drain good - fully loaded weight is ~1300g/Plant atm. I re-water again when they reach 750-650g.

Nothing more to say, I think :blush: I hope you like it and if you have any questions, tips, etc don’t hesitate to write I comment 🫡

I’m attaching a few pictures for you guys. A few from the early LST and some a few hours ago :camera: I think you can tell which one are the latest :wink:

See you soon. I will post some picture-updates maybe every weekend or if something special happens. Meanwhile we can figure out what I could grow next :rofl: my stash is also attached 🫡

Have a nice Weekend - Reaper :skull:


Best wishes and let’s see some pictures


That made me laugh :joy:, I don’t know how will you feel 40 years from now labrat. Lucky Germans that now can grow Arriba, welcome and willing to see you haven’t lost so far in time growing skills … beer3|nullxnull


Hey Folks and a warm welcome 🫡

I misfired the Thread, fat thumbs, you know :rofl:

Just updated - let me know what you think :see_no_evil:

Haha @George :joy: hopefully :broccoli: will preserve our Body & Mind :+1:t4:


Hey Hey Atze :wink:

Nice that u are here now.
Wish u good luck and a super grow.

U Just grow since 2 months? Really? Ur first grow?
I didnt knew that. For the first grow its good man.

PS: Wir müssen noch tauschen… nicht vergessen :stuck_out_tongue:

Hast aber ne Menge… Komischer Seeds :smiley:
Also White Label Seeds die nicht das sind was draufsteht. Growers Choice… Dat is einer davon
Dat müssen wir ändern :slight_smile:


Ich habe noch Ghost Train Haze und Tangie x Ghost Train Haze nüsse. nicht zu vergessen Sour Ghost Face Haze was Tangie x Ghost Train Haze x Headbanger ist… Die gehören dir fürs nächste mal :slight_smile:


As I said, my last grows were 15+ years ago. Things have changed and I have to get used to it again, but i think it’s like riding a bicycle, as we say in Germany - you cant forget it once you learn it :joy::joy:

Picture attached was a test grow (just to make a climate test with the loaded box) from Nov. 23 - March 24 - with Biobizz soil & fertilizer (never again!) (normally I always use plagron) nothing special - some Autos from fastbuds - orange sherbet If I remember right :thought_balloon:


Hope u thought about cal-mag problems and used dolomitlime or any kind of cal-mag.
Picture does look great - but dude we do live in germany and energy is expensiv as hell… so automatics are just outdoor for us… except u have money and dont give a fuck :smiley:

The picture does look good… so u right, it is like a bicycle :slight_smile:


why never again biobizz + ferti?

I had to use BioBizz because I could not get my hands fast enough on Plagron at that time. And I don’t know, but with plagron the plants are growing much better. The plants in this Grow diary are the second one of em. Had the first one in BioBizz and all of em died more or less. :man_shrugging:t4: and what I see and hear in my neighborhood everybody uses plagron because they had bad experiences with BB.

Don’t get me wrong, No hate, maybe we are just too dumb to use it properly :rofl: but plagron with AN fert. Works much better. :man_shrugging:t4:

At the end we all just want healthy plants 🪴🤝🏽

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I’ve been struggling with bio bizz myself. A change is required if I’m to stay in soil.

Poor/slow veg growth and poor yield. I don’t think I have enough life in my soil.

I want stay organic so looking at plant magic old timer range.

ye, i dont use BioBizz either, my buddies use BB lightmix, seems to work for em.
Am trying to not use peat currently, stay eco friendly and all, so BB is out of the question anyway for me.
I just mix stuff together from my local hardware store… but have to admit that Obi is ass pricy and does have some really bad products too if you aint careful.
Didnt try plagron yet, might give it a look.

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Looks nice for now - fully with you on the „worry less“ side of things. Found my harvests to get worse, the more I helicopter personally.

Immer weiter so und einen guten Grow!

Edit: What do the 0.1 seeds in your list mean?
Adding my (much worse organised) notes on my stock:


Thank you and nice stash btw. 0,1 means 0 in stash, 1 growing. 6,2 - 6 in stash, 2 growing and so on :muscle:t4:

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You have quite the nice selection too. A lot of things that seem really interesting.

I think we both have more than we can feasibly grow out in years with our mediocre 3 plants rule. But its just always so tempting to add more, right?

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Yeah, it’s like collecting Pokémon :joy: gonna grow ‘em all :man_playing_handball:t4::joy:


Hey Folks :skull:

Short update a week later (End of Week 11 or Day 76 from Seed aka Flowering Day 27) nothing special :man_shrugging:t4: just growing and a few pics - incl. the first Bud Shots :camera_flash:

Side Quest: Is there a name for teen Buds? Cause for me „Bud“ is the terpy tastin mature Version of our beloved Brokkoli :thinking:

Had 2-3 yellow leafes on both of them (some of the old bigger leafes I always leave for buffering)

Decided to remove the yellow ones and when I was ready, they both lost a good hand full :scissors::leaves: (which isn’t even noticeable :mag::male_detective:‍♂)

Climate in the Box is fine I think. Every time I check it’s between 39-55% RLF and 23-29°C. Fans are always on - maybe I add a second one to ventilate through the plants to prevent mold.

I water ever 2-3 days or when the scale says :balance_scale:
Adding Advanced Nutrients as usual (mentioned in first post) Sensi Bloom A+B, B52 and Bud Candy.

I think that’s it for now :sweat_smile: let me know what you think 🫣

See you in a week or if special happens 🫡

Reaper :skull:


Looking good Arriba, why do you constrain size? beer3|nullxnull


Thank you 🫡 because I have a maximum of 60 maybe 70cm in grow height available. But will release the hooks week by week to let it breath a bit more. I just wanna control the stretch a bit.

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Hey Folks :skull:

Welcome to Day 91 from Seed aka Flowering Day 42 🫡 and what should I say? Could be worse :sweat_smile: nothing special, just watering with AN as usual, a bit of cutting and re arranging with the wire for better air circulation but that’s pretty much it :man_shrugging:t4: I think 2-3 (CocoMilk) maybe 4-5 (SuperLemonHaze) weeks to go until chop chop :axe: :axe:

Had some small issues with humidity cause of :poop: weather, but no mold or anything at all :male_detective:‍♂

As usual a few pictures :camera_flash: And if anyone wants some videos of the plants or likes to follow on insta: reaper_growing :skull:🪴 appreciate that 🫡

Meanwhile I am preparing my new Grow with Seeds from @cYx , @SamwellBB , @santero , Sunken Treasure Seeds, Lit Farms and more :skull:
:chestnut: :point_right:t4: :seedling: :point_right:t4: 🪴 :point_right:t4: :broccoli: :bouquet:

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