Germinating old Seeds

It had a banana or apple smell in the bag. Probably from transport.
But it had a great cloudy- fog head high.


If anyone has any older seeds I would love to try my hand at getting some going.
I used to have many older seeds in the collection I lost. Some from the 80s and many from 90s. I wish they wernt destroyed :disappointed_relieved:

I remember bumping into some friends one night walking down the street. They were smoking a joint and offered me some and said “it’s this crazy shit called chocolate thai, it really tastes like chocolate and it’s really good shit too!”. I took a hit and the flavor of it kind of covered how much smoke I was getting so I ended up taking down a good chunk of the joint. They had to be like yo chill out! lol

I remember the taste on the exhale and the high that followed was amazing. It very rarely came around again and I was constantly looking for it. Now that search has transitioned to beans and it looks like Drawoh’s version is one of the closest you can buy to the original genetics so I’m grabbing some of them. Can’t wait.


There’s a Gardening Book, “Straw Bail Gardening”. I got it at Lowes years ago, step-by-step w/pictures. I put down Garden Clothe, probably 30’ X 25’ area, 4 Rows of Bails, 15 per Row, applied correct mixture, watered in, watered every other day for TWO weeks. Then, put the Pro Mix in the Bails, watered in, set in seedlings or seeds. That was it, bails lasted THREE Seasons, then you have to replace. I’ve known people to line their Driveways with Bails, get and old Shopping Cart and put a Bail inside, many different ways. The Wife loved it, easy to water and less bending to harvest, especially Bush Beans. I did, however, have Squash running over the entire place (should have put them on the OUTSIDE Row). Not much space, give it a shot, Google Straw Bail Gardening. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Monkey puzzle genetics on Instagram as a chocolate Thai variety that’s Kick-Ass. It is called Sunrise Thai. Smells like chocolate and peanut butter and flowers a little bit over 16 weeks. @YoBigdaddy just harvested some. The IG page is Steve Dando


Thanks for bringing up the straw bales again. That’s the ticket right there. If you live in a brutal rocky soil area I don’t see any better way possible. I just took a screenshot of your post , and I’m going to look for that book. Thanks!


Thats how my dad grows his tomatoes. I bet he bought that book lol


Thanks for the heads up! I’ll definitely check them out.

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I think I’ll have a little taste of that chocolate sunrise for lunch.



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I am germinating some old seeds I had in the freezer, a couple packs that I kept at room temperature. My seeds from one company look pale and not in the best shape. But I received them for free so I don’t want to complain I just wonder if there is any tricks with seeds that don’t look very vibrant?


Read back through this thread. Unfortunately no one has really cracked the code to successfully growing out old seed at the moment…yet. Good luck!


Has anyone mentioned begging? I feel like it’s part of the process. “Please just sprout, please? Come on little guy you’d make my day!”.


Myth Nr 301, “Pale Seeds are no good”!!! There are MANY Strains that produce pale seeds. Whatever you do, give them a shot. If you really don’t think pale seeds are worthy, P-L-E-A-S-E send them to me!!! I really don’t want you to do that, but that’s just how serious I am. Scuff 'em up, a little h2o2/hydrogen peroxide with water, water/aloe juice, or lentil soak with Gibberellic Acid (90% GA3) ppm’ed to 35/45. Good luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


You are absolutely right. If seeds pass the crush test, they are good seeds. And like you say, some strains produce light seeds. I think of seed shells kind of like a caterpillar making a cocoon. The embryo is the caterpillar, and the seed shell is the Cocoon. Just because the Cocoon isn’t quite done, doesn’t mean what’s inside is dead, it’s just not as well protected from the elements


Thank you for all the different tips so far I have six that have sprouted one of which is the pale seed I decided to take a blind jump and put them all directly into the soil next batch I am doing I will do the water, paper towel method? Not sure yet thoughPXL_20210423_025426264.MP|690x388



my new seed cracker.


That ‘using a screwdriver’ to adjust the jaw spacing will give you more precise control than the regular setup :sunglasses: :+1:


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No doubt. It’s much much easier to turn. My old set of vice grips seem to get caught all the time during adjustment. This one is a Cadillac