Germination Question

I recently got some Mint Macaron auto seeds from Gas Reaper genetics and instead of soaking the seed I plan on planting, I scarified it and put it in a damp paper towel, which is now in a half zipped zip loc, in my dresser drawer. Is this ok?


yes, i usually scar the seed with sandpaper, then put it in water for 12-24 hours (which allows the water to penetrate the shell faster), then i put it in a damp paper towel in a baggy. Usually in 1-3 days a seed will pop.

You want to keep the seed temp around 70-78 degrees, anything less then 60 degrees will cause the seed to start slow.

blow some air in the bag and zip it all the way up, you want to keep moisture in the bag.

This is from a seed I scratched 3 days ago.

Oh, and welcome to the community!


Okay thank you. Does the pot size matter for autoflowers? For example, I bought a 10 gallon pot and I plan on putting the seedling directly into its forever home. I’ll send a picture


yeah auto doesnt need much, because in about 3 months from planting, youll be harvesting.

rule of thumb is, a gallon per month of growth.

3 gal would work for auto, 5 gal if you dont want to water often but add more perlite because the soilless mix can get compact and cause water logging.

10 gal is over kill and reserved for mother plants of photoperiod seeds.

Don’t get me wrong though, you can grow in it, it won’t add any benefit other than reducing the amount you water, and could cause more issues down the line than good. (like root rot from being too wet for too long)


Ok great, thank you.


congrats on your 2 karma tabs also :smiley: image

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Thank you. Im so stoked to start.


Welcome to OG @Dogscratcher420