Does it hurt to check on germinated seeds

I put my seeds in paper towels at 10am yesterday and opened the ziploc to see if they were still damp at 10pm, 12 hours later. This morning we checked again, noticeably swollen and darker seeds and on one, the casing of the seed appears cracked. Does checking the seeds with a room light from my bedroom affect anything?


Nope, it’s all good. I germinate in shot glasses, not even covered from light and it’s fine.


When you have a taproot about half a inch long you can transfer it to soil or a root plug, if you put it in the soil, don’t over water it, and don’t put much of anything over the seed that could hinder it from climbing out.


I check mine all the time at least once per day usually after the first 24hrs to make sure they don’t start growing into the paper towel and damage the tap root

Happy growing :seedling:


I had that happen to me this grow for the first time.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Forget about one and 3 days later it’s all roots woven through the paper towel lol


Brown coffee filters prevent the root from growing into anything. Dont over-water the filter or paper towel. You dont want it swimming/drowning in there. Just need it wet enough to get the growth enzyme to be triggered.
If the root stalls out but you can see a tiny amount poking from the shell you can usaually plant into the soil. Not deep. Just lightly cover and lightly moisten the soil. Again it needs to breath. The roots will seek out all the water it needs.


I check fairly frequently as i have had some that were out right away before, while others take forever.

Both Mint Macaron seeds germinated overnight after putting them under my laptop for more warmth, but I lost one because my dog tipped over the pot I put it in🤣 but hey, crap happens. I just ordered some OG kush fem Photoperiods so while the Mint Macaron seeds grow, I can start getting those Kush girls ready in the grow tent!

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