Germination Tips and Tricks for Soil Growers

Ya it’s honestly the worst pest I’ve ever really had, cayenne is such a simple fix that don’t disturb nothing and no buds that young to make em spicy lol

Yeah I use cayenne as top layer with crushed walnut shell. A box of walnut sandblasting materials lol seems to work.


Well it’s been 4 days since we planted that afgoo x strawberry banana together on this post

Well we all know everyone wants to see results with methods used so here we are

I do this but keep mine in the dark inside :+1:

I like a spray bottle to moisten them because it doesn’t move the seeds/soil around like it does with pouring.


Same… I’d say I’m like a 90% success rate

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I had em stashed under all my tomato plants in the greenhouse, having excellent germ with conditions bout there that I’m even noticing random tomato and pepper seeds popping up from what cycled through my worm bin lol

Ya I was lazy that day, had a water bottle next to me, only watered the day I dropped em and left em under the mater plants till I noticed these sprouts this morning

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And for my next trick

Dig out the hole and put the cup in place, shake pot so soil levels out

Pull the cup and u have a perfect mold for what ur about to drop in

Pop the soil clump out the cup

Drop in the hole and give the bag another shake.

Seedling transplanted without ever disturbing the roots or the plant ever noticing a thing

Throw a label and some cayenne to ward off the ants and walk away and let it grow :slight_smile:


Really nice thread you got here! :star_struck:
I got a nice lil trick I picked up somewhere for the damp towel method. I always use sandwich bags and put the towel in there. Then i blow it like a balloon and put them in a warm and dark place. I always had really good results with this. I also usually put them in water first for 24 hours.
But also did it straight to towels and it also worked well, but soaking them first gives me a better feeling :laughing:


Thanks for this @planted_Vains! I will have to try the blowing air into the bags. I was seeing good success in the warmer weather when there was condensation on the inside of the bag, now with the winter here I may need all the help I can get :slight_smile:

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Just lay it on top of your internet router or some other warm surface. Mine usually pop in a day or two using the bag and paper towel method. Make sure you don’t have any leaks!:grin:


I hold the container a little above the router to avoid drying out to fast and cooking the seeds.



@Carty steered me in the direction of this video…couldn’t get any simpler than this.


I do mine the way @AzSeaindooin420 does his. But for you people using paper towels. When I did paper towels I would put my paper towels in a baggie and then pin/tape mine in a warm spot on the wall so they are hanging vertically. Or on the back of your TV or anyplace warm. To block light tape/pin a wash cloth or similar over top of the sealed baggie. By hanging them this way the roots will grow straight down, no more curly roots!
Trust me this works like a charm!!!