Get clones shipped right to your door

Dang those are some beautiful plants! Well done.


Thanks you can see this years in my The Gauntlet 2023 thread.
Eugene/Springfield Willamette Valley. :sunglasses:


Your marionberry kush clone description gives the description for a totally different strain, mango kush. Have never seen the Marion offered before and am interested.


Impressive list and prices @Sun-Clone but do I understand that you do not test mother stock for viroids?
Not bashing you at all, just would like a clarification.


Why is there a minimum purchase of 4 clones as listed in the FAQs? Seems like the better, more transparent way is to give free shipping over $200 and charge for shipping below that threshold.

So currently you are not testing your clones for HLVD? Just treating with an IPM to prevent pests?


I placed an order about a month ago, They arrived fast and in great condition. I’m about to flip them once I clear some room in the bloom.


I think their FAQs haven’t been updated. My cart says otherwise. $98 minimum and two plants from what I’m seeing.

Easy payment methods… if anyone was curious.

Pretty cool of you @Sun-Clone only drawback is that puts you under the $98 minimum with the two clones and you’d have to add a 3rd!


We do test our mothers for viroids, we believe that testing is very important to ensure that our plants are in the best shape possible from start to finish. We have so many mothers that it can be a challenge sometimes but doing it is important to us. Thank you for asking :slight_smile:


Thank you for bringing this up, we are going to lower our minimum so that this deal can work out for you guys.


Thank you for telling us! We are going to work on our website today and get that problem all sorted out.


Thanks for asking, due to the volume of our mother plants so far we have tested for HLVD intermittently. We are currently in the process of getting our own tissue culture lab set up so we can do it on site for much cheaper and easier.


Okay so 2 plants. Same reasoning applies. Call it what it is…free shipping with minimum $98 purchase.

But not shipping orders less than that will cost sales. Forcing people to buy 2 when they only want 1 is just bad business practice, especially if they are willing to pay for shipping. I get that overnight shipping is like $35, which brings that $50 clone to almost the price of 2 clones but when you consider plant counts, forcing people to take 2 just because you want a bigger sale is just poor business.


@Sun-Clone I am on your site using a laptop and when I visit a products page and click add to cart nothing happens. Just a heads up. there may be other people unable to use the shop. I did figure out that from the page that lists all the clones I can add it to my cart.

Update: its just taking about 20 seconds for it to work. false alarm, it works, just really really slow

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overgrow15 code still requires you to add to $14 more to cart, website for checkout via card is quick thing for wix with no clear directions, thinking IT is not strong suit. interested to give it a try when issues are fixed.


Good point, thank you for the feedback. I will definitely pass this up the ladder and see if we can change some things.


Hopefully you can get GG4 in the future. I know a lot of people want it back again but have difficulty finding those that still hold it.


I hope so too, I myself, would love to have it as well. We will start searching for reputable sources and see if we can get our hands on some pure and clean GG4.


Site looks pretty cool, thanks for sharing and good luck.

edit: people love fuckin chemdog y’all should try and stock. GMO/garlic/chem cookies not the same IMO


i bit, should have them tuesday, they ship mon-wed. im too late to start outside this yr and theres only 2 strains in stock i could grow here. will report back for those interested. didnt use the og discount code, hopefully its fixed by tues. :peace_symbol: