Getting lower EC runoff Coco

Biobiz Cal Mag should be compatible with your Canna nutrients.
Yes, you would mix 2L of stronger solution and then mix it into your lower-ec solution in your reservoir. There are online calculators for many nutrients that will show you exactly how much to add based upon your current reservoir measurements and desired total amount and target EC but those would need some digging to find

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you can pH the 2L of solution before adding to your reservoir so as to not disrupt your solutions buffers

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I used to add cal-mag when using RO, now with tap water I just add Epsom Salt as the tap water seems to have enough calcium.


Well,Tap Is 38 ppm average calcium.But Coco a&b do contain already calcium and Mag,so I am very riddled with that.The topping of the res should happen though


For how the plants are looking which is decently healthy if your ec on your run off is what you say 0.2 lower consider bumping it up slightly so if your feeding at 0.7ec now try 0.8 to maybe 0.9 then monitor.

Typically i try to aim for level or a 0.1 ec drop though all that depends on whats being consumed and gets complex after that if you go down the rabbit hole.

as for levels to feed at you likely have latent nutrients in your mix and also every nutrient is different as far as EC goes so ignore what other may run at and monitor your plants more so and adjust accordingly cause example i may feed at 1.78ec but im also in coco and different nutes vs say a soil or soilless mix grower that may have nutrients in their media and is using something completely different.

Keep at it they’re looking good.

Edit… adjusted my post to match your values


Also consider as those latent nutrients get used up your likely gonna be gradually increasing as you go aswell so be aware of that watching the plants comes first ec and ph levels are just data points to help them along :wink:


I read everything and yes I am fascinated by that low of EC and plant being “good”.Can Topping my res with Tap water and mixed nutes rise EC or Will destroy my nutrients ratio (Canna Coco A&B)?
Is It doable on your opinion/knowdoledge?


depends on what your adding and at what EC it wont screw with it so you can add away as your drain to waste, say your res is 0.7ec and you have 5 liters left if you wanted to bump it up to 0.8 you would add 5 liters of 0.9ec feed water. Just keep the ratios the same.

Where one may want to swap out a reservoir is if its a recirculating one and depending on how long the last fill was.

Also to add as EC goes up in your feed water “typically” your pH will also drop but that all depends on the nutrient make up, but typically that is what happens.


Thanks to everyone.Even though the plant has progressed some spot in some leaves Edge,I managed to up the US/cm a bit.I now feed 0.9 EC and the runoff seems to be getting in the 0.650 EC range,way Better than 0.4.
The cotyledons are shrinking though…
I bought some proper pH- (nitric acid) and also got Biobizz calmag (labeled as organic wtf) Ciao and MgO Is the formula.It comes with 0 NPK values…so,well,can I use It in canna Coco?
I have Activera which Is started by biobizz the enzyme activators for organic nutes in Coco… Don’t know if any of you guys can help with mixing Canna A&B and those organic stuff…
@Mr.Sparkle @DougDawson @herojuana.tom @Cormoran @neogitus Thanks❤️


The Activera is a general plant growth stimulator that can be added to any feed regiment, either soil or hydro so you can mix that in at its suggested rate. The biobizz Cal mag should be fine to use too, nutrients and supplements can be pretty much mixed and matched as long as you end up with the correct final ratios. Since your Canna Coco already has added Cal Mag you most likely won’t need to add more now that you have increased your EC a bit… If you choose to I would only add like 1/4 the suggested rate. You can always bump it up more later if necessary. You might not be able to discern any results until you have new growth as those ever-so-lightly yellowed tips may not re-green and you will need to monitor your new growth to see if there has been any change. I think you are good to go for now.


Plants are hungry. Raise your Ec.


My issue Is,and this Is why I am bothering,biobizz recommends to use “absolutely” Activera as enzyme activator otherwise you Will not get biobizz nutrients working in Coco …this Is the riddle,so I can male use of bioheaven and calmag too in my Coco.

Raised It friend,new growth has not showed the spots

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Yaay! Now you can continue to monitor the runoff and use that table as a reference as to whether you want to consider changing your res or altering your EC. I would only make one change at a time and give it a day to see what happens before making another change or it becomes hard to determine which change caused the specific observed effect. Most of the Biobizz nutrient products are organic and contain complex forms of nutrients such as fish hydrolysate, bone meal, and algae extracts, which are not usable by plants until they have been broken down and converted to basic salt and mineral forms usable by the plants. The Activera contains enzymes which break down, free, and convert the organic components in the standard Biobizz nutrients into salts and unbound minerals which the plant can then uptake for growth. Lots of people add enzymes to hydro to help keep their drip lines clear and help digest any dead roots or organic matter in the root zone so it is all good.

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as for bio-heaven it is amino acids and other plant stimulants similar to Botanicare Liquid Karma so yeah… it says on its instructions that it can be used in hydro. It is not necessary… I am sure someone could yell “snake oil” lol… but it is usable and I would give it a run if I had it.

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