Getting lower EC runoff Coco

Hi guys,this Is concerning me.I set up 2 plants in Coco and this Is my First Time with It.I Always pH to 5,7-8-9 max and use Canna nutrients as they state It with 50% strenght.
My plant is 17ish day old and the runoff Is going Always lower than inflow.Example:
Reservoir water pH 5,83 EC 0.7
Runoff:EC 0.5
And It keeps decreasing…should I up the nutrients?
This Is true to all of my plants having lower runoff than inflow.
Using canna Coco A&B


Pretty sure the runoff is supposed to be lower EC than the inflow… that means they’re using the nutrients. If anything, I would think the runoff only being 0.2 lower than the inflow means they’re getting too much, but if they’re not showing signs of excess there’s probably no need to back off. Take all this with a grain of salt, though, I don’t do hydro. :slight_smile:


It Is like 480 us/cm going out and in 670,so basically It is 0.2 EC difference*

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I would not worry about the runoff, I don’t check mine at all. Don’t over think things, plants look good, let er buck.


Just saw Little Orange spot in the edges of One leaf,that Is why I was worried



Are you using tap or RO water? Do you add calcium or magnesium?

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Tap with municipal analisis 25 mg/l Magnesium and 38 mg/liter Calcium
Those are only in this leaf and are 2-3 days old
I also pH down with citric acid from Biobizz,and After I pH water It Always shows lowered ppms values


The leaf tips & margins are burning. That can be a sign of cal/mag deficiency, yes… it can also be a sign of phosphorus/potassium excess, though, which also causes cal/mag deficiencies due to lockout. :wink: Given the 0.2 difference, I’d be inclined to say they’re getting slightly burned, but that wouldn’t be enough to really concern me if this is the only sign they’re showing.


So far yes,only this sign and to be precise 687 us/cm (almost 0.7Ec) going in and 480us/cm runoff.Today.

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0.7 EC seems low, personally I’d raise the feed but that’s just me.


I think I am having a deficiency too

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I reference this mapping when dialing in my grow:

Water Level EC/PPM PH Fix
Static Static Static Plant not feeding/drinking, change EC, check meters. Usually, lowering the EC a little should get the plant feeding again.
Static Static Rising Ph buffers probably raising ph. This is usual. Having a static water level is not though, so again, a slight reduction in EC or a res change should resolve this.
Static Static Falling Usual cause of this is when media has been rinsed at a lower ph than you require. The other possibility is that too much CO2 has been pumped into the water. See Note 1.Change your res and look at the volume of air pumped plus look at your air source.
Static Rising Static Plant is leeching nutrition, raise EC. Note 2
Static Rising Rising Plant leeching nutrition, Raise EC. An unusual state. The rising ph is probably caused by what nutrient leeching back. If these are alkaline, it will lead to the rise in ph. Could also be ph buffers.
Static Rising Falling As above but be aware of the acid rain effect mentioned in note 1. Res change, plus increase in EC.
Static Falling Static Plant eating but not drinking. Not ideal. Lower EC or res change
Static Falling Rising As above but rising ph is a better sign. Lower EC slightly or res change.
Static Falling Falling Falling ph along with falling EC but no drop in water level suggests a res change. Could also be an acid rain effect as per note 1. Depending on other symptoms, lowering EC after res change.
Falling Static Static Perfect conditions. EC and ph are at the correct level.
Falling Static Rising Normal state most people encounter. Nothing to worry about, carry on doing what you are doing unless other plant symptoms.
Falling Static Falling Res change plus a change of EC. Lower EC if over 1.4, raise EC if lower than 1.0
Falling Rising Static Plant is drinking more than eating, lower EC.
Falling Rising Rising Plant is drinking more than eating, lower EC
Falling Rising Falling Plant is drinking more than eating, lower EC. Also, res change due to possible acid rain problem.
Falling Falling Static Hungry plant, raise EC. Very good situation to be in. Nute buffers are working and plant is taking a balance of nutrients.
Falling Falling Rising Almost as above, usually considered almost perfect, raise EC slightly.
Falling Falling Falling Res change. Potential acid rain issue but plant is still eating & drinking. Raise EC on new res.

I am draining to waste, I have Ec in my reservoir static,water level static,pH rising.
Runoff Is my concern(lower EC than inflow)and those spots in that leaf could mean something important

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The table is used as a mapping against runoff. With drain to waste you need to measure the runoff ec and ph; you have a reservoir that is isolated so it should remain fairly stable. The runoff EC was reported as having become lowered after passing through your rootzone which is a sign that the plants are uptaking the nutrients. As you do not recycle your nutes you would not be able to assess their water usage without closely monitoring your water runoff vs input volume. Would it be possible to get the runoff pH value so that we can propagate a second value onto the table… We see the runoff EC is dropping but what about the pH? With the runoff pH and EC plugged into the table we might get a clearer insight towards resolving any issue


nvm… I misread something somewhere and.missed the pH rise :sweat_smile:

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lowered EC and rising pH looks perfect. I would go with adding Cal Mag


Ahahahaha ok, Basically I should empty the reservoir and up to 0.9-1.0 EC.So they get more food for late veg.We are talking autoflowers

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I would say no need to empty per-se… You can make a small amount of a higher EC feed solution and use it to top off your reservoir to raise the reservoirs EC without wasting your already nearly perfect nute mix. As things seem to be perfect already, minus the slightest yellowing you observed, you could just add a little cal mag to your reservoir as Cal Mag is the last ingredient to be added anyways so it would not hurt to add it now.

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…this in and of itself will raise your EC

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Sad to Say,I do not have calmag from Canna nutrients,but from Biobizz,totally different Company :’(
I would Better mix 2 liters or so with canna A&B and mix into the res,then pH It.Right?

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