Brown tips from bottom up

Hi growers,thank you in Advance.
This has started some days ago and Is progressing from bottom leaves up.I am in Coco coir,using canna Coco and canna Coco A+B.

I have also seen brow spot in some leaves and had some calcium issues with my tap water very hard in carbonates.

I feed to runoff 3 times at day with drippers at 0.8Ec to 0.9 and having run off values of 0.3-0.2 EC.Very low.

Upper leaves though are showing nitroxen toxicity or clawing.Any help?
Those are 35 days old autos and having same issues of leaves from bottom up getting crispy and Brown.
Temps are correct 22-23° C
and Rh 65 to 60%

One plant has a strong N toxicity while the other Is only experiencing Brown spots on some fan leaves and also this Browning from tip and shriveling.

Also I am using a lot nitric acid to bring pH to 5.8 due to my hard tap water.

I inoculated mycos and thricodermas and White spores all over my pot since weeks.


all autos are different in how they react to nutes / feeding. some autos require very little in needing extra nutes feeding if you have a good base soil. they can also be fussy with how much water they get too. i have stunted autos growth by watering to much and feeding to much before they get to where they need to be in order to grow like normal. the method i use is low and slow on the nutes only once the plant is established enough, watching to see how they react. the clawing and burn tips are consistent with over feeding.


I Thought I was in the low end of feeding for Coco and autos.More under than over in my thoughts.But I can’t connect how this low EC runoff Is there.Then It should be underfeeding.It Is supposed to be equal or more than inflow Ec,not so lower

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Looks minor.

A little more flower ferts.

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the numbers things are reference points at best. you have to observe what its doing to the plant. is it helping or hurting . then adjust from there. you are correct clawing to is much nitrogen. burnt tips is almost always to much nutes. not sure what is the direct cause of burn tips is maybe root damage because of excessive nutes / nitrogen.? like i said i learned directly that some autos dont need much. they are just ready to grow and go by design. when you see the need for feed then give it to them but not before. seeing the things that your plants are doing i’d do a good flush with just water let them dry up /recover and go from there. good luck and enjoy the grow.


I would avoid hydro with that tap water or invest in a RO filter. This appears to me as Potassium, agree with the rest rhat looks a bit hungry … beer3|nullxnull


I have an RO filter on its way to my mail box,yes,my tap Is shitty.Very hard.So I should Upp EC?I have Coco A &B and they must be used together.I am feeding 1 Ec pH down included
Also I am Sorry but I Always get the wrong section in my threads,feel very Sorry :’(

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Thank you for providing pics.Yes It is very similar to mine!

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Thank you very much friend.I Hope you are having a good time at growing these ladies

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It also fits in the thread you posted, it is just that I’ve got an alert in the Sick plants thread and missed this one … :sweat_smile:

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If your outflow EC is lower then yes you can bump it up. 1.2 EC should be ok. The lowers sometimes just die off when they don’t get light, just clean it up and check back later.


Thank you George.You Always answer to my questions.Appreciate It a lot,really.:heart:

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I have the reservoir set on 1Ec After PHing with nitric canna pH down.Since I upped from 0.8Ec feeding the runoff has climbed a Little:0.2 to 0.45 EC today.So my next watering Will be manual at 1.1 EC.But One thing bagfles me.I am getting Nitrogen toxicity.Should be some kind of lock out in the other plant?This One I uploaded the Pics Is having no N toxicity,but the other Is experiencing N tox and This problem also.Different seed though.What would you do to the plant in the pictures?(I care more for this one atm)

Stop using the nitric acid for ph down, that will help. Those plants look great, I’d keep doing what your doing.


I could use citric acid.The main thing that baffles me Is how the hell am I running a flawless 280 ml solo Cup this being my first time in Coco and how the hell I am screwing in the bigger pot using same products except for Canna pH down and EC being 1.1-2.In this solo I am using Citric Acids and Biobizz humics/stimulants+enzymes.


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Too much N can cause a lock out of other nutrients.

The third pic in your first post looks very much like a P dificiency.


Thank you @Shadey :heart:
Should I go back to Citric acid as pH down?


Actual amount of nitric acid used to get to 5.8 is very little. It’s strong. Stronger than phosphoric acid. Not nearly enough to give him “N toxicity”.

OP, bump pH up to about 6.2, not 5.8. It’ll look a little better. Coco pH should sit a little higher than active hydro. Check your runoff. Coco can lower pH especially handwatered. Do not use citric acid.

That being said, old lower leaves grow old and die. I don’t see much to be concerned about.


Thank you very much :heart:
I actually add about 25 ppm or 50-60ish us/cm of Nitric acid to get It 5.8 pH because my tap Is hard,got 160ppm of bicarbonates

25ppm of how strong a solution?

I too have extremely hard water. 350-400ppm. It does at times require some workaround but I do like how pH stable it is. Try to look at it like free calmag. and iron. And silica.