Getting older

I can not say the difference in hemp wick vs lighter but I know if I just touch the flame to the bud for a brief second with a slow light pull I can get a good taste vs holding the lighter on the bowl for a long duration which usually ends up tasting like smoke , these test have been tone with same weed same bong back to back with different people in agreement , it was very scientific and done in professional setting , I think the higher temperature diluted the Terps


Luckily theres a ton of great sources to get badass old school genetics. Im in the same boat, I dont love all the candy stuff thats popular at dispos and stuff. I personally really love Nevil hazes, Chems(91 and 4 are my favorites), old ghanis can be really awesome too. Theres more than a few breeders messing with all t hat stuff too. My 2 favorites are Bodhi and CSI Humboldt. Other noteworthy mentions are 707 Seedbank, Lucky Dog Seed Co, Top Dawg, High & Lonesome, Strayfox, Jaws, Copa. Of course theres more, but those are all breeders Ive happily bought from.


I can respect that. I like the tomatoes and watermelons we grow too, but I canā€™t imagine eating a slice of tomato on my watermelon :wink:


Excellent! :+1: I hope Iā€™m always open to being convinced Iā€™m mistaken, or at least view something too narrowly or broadly.

I agree, they taste different. And, of course, I understand that that difference, the part I apparently cling to, is possibly the worst part for me physically.

Iā€™ve been using hemp wick for many years. I remember when I first started using it commenting to someone about how different it tasted than using a lighter. There is definitely some affectation going on here with me, you know, vanity stuff, but hereā€™s my rational for using hemp wick. As you may know, I smoke almost exclusively with a bong. It takes time to get the bowl lit, but hardly a moment to get the wick going. In my opinion, burning a lighter for an extended amount of time is environmentally worse than burning naturally occurring wick for the same period of time. Also IMO, our deteriorating environment is the single most pressing issue facing the entire living world right now. For me, silly as it may sound, literally every thing, no matter how small, that I can to to mitigate the damage being done to the environment is worth it.

My friend, this clothes pin has seen a lot of bowls! Never failed me, not once. Thanks, buddy!

I believe weā€™re in athreement! Totally still tastes like smoke! And bad as it may be for my body, I do not care.

While that may be the case for the moment, somethingā€™s going to get me at some point, and I suspect it wonā€™t be all that long. I find being realistic about my death helps to improve my world view. :+1:


All one has to do to obtain such genetics is to but sit by the OG fire and listen and be kind thats it opportunity will present itself to you all you have to do is be patient and listenAs @Magu has so wisely suggested visit our Freakers balls and take a gander at the landraces that are reproduced by true To the bone Overgrow growers.Theres a lot if love put into those beans.One of our local Freakers @Guitarzan produces some of the best beans you will ever find.He sent me 5 phenos of Acupulco Gold that all were completely bitching plants and some swazipulco that eas a but of a long flower but will blow your head off. @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein is an absolute treasure will blow most dispensaries weed out the wall i give you my word my outdoor babies here are flying and i even made my own cross with her and she dominated the cross almost just like the momma but i tossed some Beast mode size to her With some african bagseed some one from Spain sent me cant wait to smoke her.Every see a plant pop tricomes in seedling ?


Proofs in the pudding in this case the budsNot even July yet brothers.Everything in here has Frankie in it And Is exploding with that Dr Earth and malted barley with EWC and basalt had to bend them down already 5 ft 6 and i want buddage this year no fucking around The big One will easily blow out that side as i pull her to the side . I have them cranked up


I spent too much to convince me, up to the last volcano and all the mods. On portative, i think i will test the mighty someday but thatā€™s all. It just donā€™t work for me, with the actual tech. I pass from an unique wake & bake blunt that make my day ā€¦ to vaping constantly.

wifey offered me a ā€œmini tazerā€ to light my blunts, actually itā€™s not bad at all and charge on USB. Very practical as failsafe, actually searching something with more electrodes and bigger.


I woulda hit that joint @MrG !
im mid 30ā€™s, and admit those vape carts are really clever, tiny, discreet and efficient.

i could never give up real herb, its just too easy, grow it dry it smoke it
the thought of settling for processing everything into a vape cart for pure convenience for the rest of my life makes me wince. nooo thankss

but in a post covid world, i can understand the not wanting to share that way

more joints for you eh?
:seedling: :seedling: :v: :metal: :grinning:



Thatā€™s a party foul no matter who youā€™re smoking with.


Yeah, I spend a lot of time observing nature too and you are absolutely right. The hummingbird spats in my yard are epic. During the pandemic, I had a whole family of quail that made it their hang outā€¦ And unfortunately, a few hawks that decided it would be a good idea to make that a hunting ground. And thatā€™s how I found out Quail can fly and pretty fast! Iā€™m treated to shows of crows taunting the hawks and the hawks every now and again catching one of them, and tearing it limb from limb in front of the other crows. Got a rabbit thatā€™s currently enjoying munching on some sacrificial sunflowers and cannabis plants I put near its little hide out in my bushes.

When I moved to the Bay Area ten years ago, one of the first things I did was go checkout what the white building on the top of the mountain range was. Curious, cause it stood out to me. One of the coolest attractions here, James Lick Observatory. Plus, that guy was a total bad ass that didnā€™t take shit from anyone and had the self -made money to deliver ā€œFuck Youā€s to whoever he wanted to.

I am constantly recommending it to people and the amount of people that live here that have never even heard of it or have any clue what Iā€™m talking about is unbelievably high. Meanwhile, you canā€™t drive the major highways around here without seeing itā€¦ Which is exactly why he built it on the tallest area peak!

One of my favorite parts when I first got to do hiking out on the West Coast was seeing these huge shadows of a flying bird that would encompass my whole body as I was looking down at the trail ahead of me. Very soon realized that those are vultures coming to take a look and size me up. It was a little comforting to know that they generally wonā€™t attack you unless youā€™re already wounded. Absolutely majestic creatures, full of death and disease. I love to watch them from the ridges out here.


Iā€™ve always liked hash but now that Iā€™m older I smoke it pretty much exclusively.

Itā€™s partly because I like it and partially because itā€™s a harm reduction strategy. I have to smoke way less to get the same results.

And hash is just awesome.


I hope I donā€™t get look at differently because I feel like Iā€™m one of the rare young people on here. Iā€™m 22 turning 23 in a few months, i see the same thing with people around me. They prefer vapes over flower, I just love flower but that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t vape here and there. I feel like the vape is more convenient, get high without the smell. But in my opinion turning down a fat J from my elder is blasphemous.


You are an old soul. Welcome my friend! :grin: :rainbow:


a friend gave me and the wife one several years ago now and it didnā€™t get me high. it worked fine for her, but i could smoke and smoke and not get high so i would hit a bowl afterwards. kind of took away the reason for having it so we gave it away to another friend.


I smoke by myself these days :man_shrugging:t2: thatā€™s what getting older has meant for me.

It blew my mind ten years ago when my now wife bought us two new bongs because she didnā€™t want to share bowls. Whatever floats your boat.


These days, I smoke almost exclusively out of a portable flower vape (storz and bickel, same company that makes the volcano). Most of my smoker friends do the same, and we do pass them around. Definitely not against joints/blunts (which I smoked for many years), but they are noticeably harsher on my lungs/throat and I find the flavor out of a flower vape to be far superior. I smoked out of bowls and bongs for years also, but finally switched after trying my friends flower vape.

The liquid vape stuff is disgusting in my opinion. Iā€™ve smoked enough to know that it gives me a lingering tickle in my chest and dry cough of sorts. I donā€™t know what they put in them, but I donā€™t trust them. They give me a noticeable and prolonged negative reaction.


Well since you passed me the joint, Iā€™ll tell you a story. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I mainly smoke spliffs but whenever I roll up, I guess Iā€™m part of the old cloth where sharing is part in parcel of the experience. Iā€™m 31 and most of my friends are close to the same age or older, all mainly smoke flower in joints. Pack bowls at home. We all went thru the wild glass phases in bongs and then when dabs hit, it was another glass rush.

Back then, a friend bought a Volcano vape and had some really good SSH. After an hour session of ripping a couple vape bags I had to drive home. It was a hard time sitting in traffic that day haha.

Fast forward, time goes on and we all ended up getting rid of the rigs and bongs to go back to smoking spliffs or joints for convenience. Itā€™s rare to see anyone smoking blunts now a days.

As for sharing, its typically 3:1 ratio of joints to people being passed since were all big stoners and roll up one or two each. The younger heads [20s] that I know still enjoy the flower and get into rotation of the joints. Itā€™s very rare to see them with a dab vape pen. They prefer to vape flower in one of the PAX things or the other ones.

Knowing their preferred method, I like to give my homegrown to them to try and help me get feedback on the taste profile/effects [Gets out a little note pad and start jotting it down] since their taste buds arenā€™t as destroyed as mine from the gallons of coffee I like to drink.

Growing up I remember making mud pies as a kid out in the backyard, They were a little crunchy :joy:
Immune system needs to be exposed to everything early on within reason, but it makes sense how the garbage men very rarely get sick from the flu.


None of the vapes hit like flower does, period.

Vapes are just like cookies theyā€™re usually made from. 20-30 minute buzz and thatā€™s it. Not high, not stoned, not baked. Just buzzed for a bit. I find theyā€™re good to take the edge off while traveling when I canā€™t actually smoke flower, but thatā€™s all theyā€™re good for, for me.


Have you gone anywhere in public in the last eight years or so? Look around, everybodyā€™s just staring at their phones. I see it all the time, where Iā€™ll walk into a restaurant and thereā€™ll be four kids sitting at a table and all of them are scrolling scrolling scrolling, not talking to each other, no communal experience whatsoever.

Or Iā€™ll pull up at a stoplight and look at the car next to me and itā€™s four kids sitting in it, staring at their phones. Even the driver has to look at their phone in the sixty seconds it takes for a light to turn from red to green. Nobodyā€™s talking, no laughter, no youthful joy or the excitement that the freedom of a car brought you when you were youngā€¦ Nothing.

Iā€™d say the individual vapes thing is just a symptom of something larger. Itā€™s all very odd to me.


Agreed. Vapes suck.