Getting ready for OD

Those two are going to be monsters @Oldjoints .

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Question Sir. I know Oklahoma soil. It’s much like it is here in my neck of the woods only we have more rock than clay. I have a couple of plants outside but in 20 gallon pots. I didn’t know about digging a hole for reconditioned soil because I envision a small bowl of water and root rot after a heavy rain. I’ve got zero black dirt up here on poverty ridge. How would you deal with that other than just using pots?
I thought about using a SW facing hillside and dig out a trench for drainage. What do you think @Oldjoints ?

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Dig a hole 3 times the size you think you will need. Yes it will be all clay. But once you dig your hole take a 3 ft rebar rod and drive it in with a sledge hammer. Make a number of holes in the bottom and a few inches up the sides (gives excess water a place to drain). I then use HP Promix because it has a lot of perlite in it and drains well. I mix the Promix with Happy Soil Conditioner half and half. Take my plant and place in hole and then in the top inch of soil i use Osmocote spread equally around the top of the hole. When digging your hole on a slope take the soil you get from the hole and put it upslope of the hill in a crescent shape so if runoff comes down the hill it will hit that soil and be forced to go around your hole. Make like an embankment with it. (See Below)

This is what I do and even in this clay soil I get good results. If you look up in this thread you will see my 11-12 ft plants from last year. Also had good results 2 years ago with DJ’s Blueberry.


Thank you Sir. This checks all the boxes and makes perfect sense.

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Just looking back reminded me of those monsters. I’m still amazed at the height and fullness of them.

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Looks like a good time to me. :sunglasses: :metal:

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A little tip, if you use the te-bar to make the holes. Hit it and then wiggle it in a circle, Do this with every hit or you will never get the re-bar back out…,……


Here is an update on my OD plants, the 2 are about 6 ft:


Those are looking great @Oldjoints ! Thanks for the tips. Next year I’ll be doing some more outdoor growing. The two stealth plants I have outside are looking strong even though they are a little smallish right now. They’re kicking it into another gear though. :slight_smile:

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Very nice. Those are going to be monsters. :sunglasses:

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Ok so for my 2024 season it’s only these Maple Leaf Indica’s from Coastal Mary.
They have a long way to go:


Three more days to summer solstice… :+1:



Finally finished getting all my OD plants out. Was rough digging in mostly rock and clay.
Anyway here they are:

The group:

A couple Maple leaf Indica’s:

And a Gelato:

I also have a White Rhino and a Sunset Fritter in the group.


So a little over a week later:


Wow man… very nice oj!!! I’m seriously jealous of that!! I need to get back to the damn country!!

Holy shit bro how long is that garden hose?!?!?! :flushed: :rofl:

The caption on the first photo:

Find the sniper… :wink:


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What a great grow! Really beautiful! d8JBdDJ

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

Love the progress!