GM Xmas OG Grow

Well, the time has come to start giving some thought to my next grow. The photo regs on the block are all from a veterans giveaway here on OG. Setting this grow up to finish near early December.

Regular Seed…
Cap Junky @lovedaautos
Blue Moon Rocks @dougdawson
Green Crack x Mango HP @justanobody
ForgetMeNot @jaws
SFV Og @buddertons

5 strains. 3 seeds of each will be started. Except the Cap Junky. I started 4 of them. If the Canna Godz are with me I’ll get around 8-10 ladies to choose from. I plan on only running 7 of the most vigorous.
I gotta keep in mind though that all this is subject to a tweak as I go. Seeds can be fickle creatures so it all depends on what cracks and what doesn’t. The lineup may change a little bit no doubt the fire in the ones left will come burning through in the end.

This grow will feature Jacks nutrients once again. My last grow has sold me on the power of Jack’s so why change anything. I use…

Jack’s 202020
Jacks Bloom 103020
Calcium nitrate
Epsom salts
Tap water

These 4 ingredients in promix hp myco work great. If it needs water it gets Jack’s. Can’t get much more simple than that.

7/18 soaked all these beans.
7/19 transfer to paper towels
7/20 everything has tails.
All planted in 20oz cups.

Great to see all of them crack right away. I’m expecting some green in a few days.


I’m in, subscribed! Can’t wait to see the run!


This will be a very interesting grow. I am in on this adventure! :smiley:


Pretty sure the Canna Gods will be smiling down on you with those Cap Junky which are fem S1s so all will be girls. :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:


Killer lineup. Im in for the show. Thanks.:+1::v:

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Looking forward to this…what a killer line up!! Best of luck and happy grow🍻

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Awesome, I had no idea they were fems. That makes me feel a lot more at ease. I started 4 in hopes for a few girls. Now I’ll have plenty… thanks for the info and for dropping in.


Nice! A veritable who’s who of Overgrow breeders/chuckers :metal:

FWIW, I’ve been using Farmer Freeman testing for my regs, i recently got sex test results on day 15 from seed! IMO that’s insane, naturally it can take about 8 weeks before you know which males to pull.


It is a rather eclectic mix of beans…lol.

Farmer Freeman testing…that’s new to me. And yeah I agree…insane. I hope your not going to leave me hanging here…lol. What is it?

I don’t really have a set way to find sex. I’m always open to other methods.


Farmer Freeman tests only require a snip of leaf to sample. I take my samples off seedlings that are “this” old (see pic), usually i take samples around day 10-14 but this time I was able to get a sample at day 8 from seed.

You just mail in a piece of leaf in a pre marked envelope, mark that plant with a like-numbered stake included in each envelope, and wait for email results. (Outside of US, you send in a “press card” where you smoosh a piece of leaf onto a card)


Oh I see. A service. Sounds interesting. I’ll prob just do it the old way. I’ve got plenty of time. These won’t go into flower till late Sept.


Nice selection, best of luck with your grow. :v:


Thanks for dropping in guys.

15/16 above ground. I’d call this day one for the whole lot of them.

That last ForgetMeNot may pop up tomorrow. I’ll give it a few days. But overall I’m pretty happy with 90% coming up strong.

I’ll post some pics in a few days. Seedlings are lovely but kinda boring…lol


:popcorn: Interested to see your grow progress. Enjoy your smokes.

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I’m sure you’ll get a couple of nice, chunky Cap Junky ladies. I can’t wait to see how they do and smell.

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Seedling update:

5 days old today. All looking good so far. 15 of 16 emerged. I have 11 unidentified but I have plenty of time to sex them.

These GreenCrack/MHPs from @JustANobody are growing like identical triplets. Man I hope I get a lady from them.


13 days above ground. All are doing well.except that one ForgetMeNot. I went ahead and up potted her. She may bounce back, may not.

All in 1gal grow bags for now. I’ll let them go till next week. Then it’s going to be a short trip to the flower tent to identify.

The Cap Junky fems are on hold. I may need more promix. They’ll go in some 1.5gal trash cans.

They all got 1/4tsp jacks classic. I’ll start adding calnit and Epsom soon.


Well, I tried but this little ForgetMeNot lady or man just wouldn’t get with the program so it no longer exists. It looks nothing like the other one. I gave it some time but it kept kicking out odd growth so it had to go. I’m down to 10 unidentified plants now. I need 4 girls.


Good morning! I am curious to see what you end up with out of the Forget Me Nots. I have a pack of them too, don’t think you can go wrong with anything from jaws no matter what it is and sometimes the mystery can make it even more fun. :green_heart:


Exactly why I cracked a few. He said they are a mystery strain. A mess up when sorting. So he just named it that and made them freebies.

I cracked 3 and only two emerged. One culled and the other is doing fine. It’s first set of leaf looked like a Maple leaf indica. I know it’s not but…odd leaf. It would be cool if it a female. I’ll find out soon.