GM Xmas OG Grow

I think jaws might have posted somewhere at one point that they could 1 of 3 or 4 strains he was working on at the time earlier in the year or last year(?), but I don’t recall with 100% certainty. Nonetheless, looking good and I’m sure there’s goodness to be had from them! Have a great day. :green_heart:

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No doubt or hesitation in planting any of Jaws gear. Man, that stuff he has growing right now is really beautiful.

We know knot what she hides beneath that green coat. Ive got one shot. I hope it’s a girl. Looking a little more perky today. I culled the other plant.
@JAWS ForgetMeNot


2 weeks old today. They have recovered from the up potting. I’ve had to cull a plant so I’m down to 10 unidentified plants. All in 1gal bags for a week. Then a short stay in the flower tent.

I want 4 females outta the 10. I think my odds are good. If I get more I’ll figure something out.

2wks GreenCrack/Mhp @JustANobody Very nice plants.

2wks ForgetMeNot @JAWS I’m down to one. I hope it’s a girl.

2wks Blue Moon Rocks @DougDawson

2wks Cap Junky @LoveDaAutos They are doing okay. In need of a new pot which will happen soon. I’ve found I’m not a big fan of foam cups. Next time I’ll start them in 1gal bags.


Hell ya! Thanks for running my seeds. Can’t wait to see how they do. Looking good so far!


They’re all looking nice so far. The Caps do love room to move their feet.


These 4 will go in a 4 x4. I like giving a plant at least a 2x2 space. I train plants down pretty hard. So I’m shooting for wide n low versus tall and omg wtf…lol Im super excited to grow these out. Ive read all I can find about them and I’m expecting some goooood strong weed.


Very cool, got a nice variety there bud. Going to be some nice smoke in your future. :v:

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Found some space under the screen in the big flower tent. Maybe by next week they’ll show me something. Then it’s back to veg and start training these.

This ForgetMeNot solo @JAWS is a shorty with big intentions. Very healthy and stout. Man I hope this is a girl.

The GreenCrack/Mhp @JustANobody has been the winner on growth. All three are getting big fast and popping stem all over. Got 3 chances for a girl with this one.

2 more strains SFV OG and Blue Moon Rocks are in there as well. All doing just fine. I’ll update when I find my ladies.

Y’all have a great day!


Cap Junky…4 total feminized photos. All at 22 days today. Slower growth on the two right side ones but healthy. I’ve kept the light down a little. I don’t want rapid growth just yet. These will not go into flower till early Oct so I e got some time.

As ya can see training has begun already. I need that initial bend so I can mount a floater scrog on top in a few weeks. I want them low and wide by Oct.


Getting big seems to be the theme of this lot. One is damn near in the screen. 1 week in flower. Of course no sex yet but soon I hope. Them leaves on that GreenCrack/MangoHp are huge. They’re all a lil thirsty tonight. Been a week since any water. Feeding them Jack’s classic.

SFV OGbx3 @Budderton

ForgetMeNot @JAWS

GreenCrack x Mango Hashplant @JustANobody

Blue Moon Rocks @DougDawson


Okay guys, someone help me out here. I know not what I have here. Some funky growth for sure.

Should I cull this thing? Will it develop? What is it?
Plant is roughly 30 days old and growing very slow compared to the others.

Ive removed some leaf and bent it over for a better view…what ya think it is? @LoveDaAutos Have ya seen anything like this before in the Cap Junky?


Let it ride. I had a freak/slow PBD in veg and it has the best high and flavorbof the group I ran.


From everything I’ve seen with the Cap Junky, and a lot have been grown they are pretty vigorous growing plants and are a go with the flow kind of strain. Easy to get along with as far as training, nutrients etc. As we all know when dealing with nature there can always be exceptions to the rule. You having issues with all four of the CJ plants or just that one?

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I have two growing normal. They are doing great. The one posted is a freak. Another is similar but not a freak…lol.
I’m gonna grow them out a while and see what happens. May be something special. Who knows. I’ve got about 6 weeks to veg them so I’ve got time.


I’m gonna let it go a while. So ya had one kicking out double stems on stems? This thing is weird but I’m curious to see what I get. Thanks


If that stem is wide and flat I’d most likely put it to rest.

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Looks like it’s two plants in one and every branch it makes is another pair…craziest plant I’ve ever grown. So ya think this is a lost cause? I have no emotional attachment to the thing…lol.

Thanks for your input.


SFV OGbx3…

Found two females tonight. These shot up to about 18". Leggy secondary growth. That’s okay. I’ll fix it later.

Threw them in the veg tent and gave them a little leaf trim. Opened up a lot of light removing just a few big leaves. It doesn’t take many. I always leave plenty for the plant. Leaves are important.

The leaves of a few strains have been pretty big n wide.

My veg tent has taken a hit. The two SFV are kinda large and taking up space. I’ll be moving out the Durban as soon as the C99 is finished.


Blue Moon Rocks…found 2 girls. 1 male was culled.

So that leaves me one unidentified plant to go… GreenCrack MangoHp. I’m hoping tonight I see a female. That will leave me 9 plants for the Xmas run. I can manage that in the 4x8.


Okay, so the stage is set. Today I found my last female. So the lineup is…

3 Cap Junky
2 Blue Moon Rocks
2 SFV OGbx3
1 GreenCrack MangoHp

My last girl… GreenCrack MangoHp She’s big and ready to go back into veg. I’m pretty happy I got at least one girl of this strain. I think it’s going to be a winner.