GM Photo ReRun Grow

Time has come to start another thread. This one will be a rerun of some photo fem strains I grew out this spring.

So far the line up is…

Cinderella99 #2
SugarBlackRose 1&2
These clones were taken at 3 weeks into flower. They have since rooted and revegged and are ready for a little one on one with the 300w.

On hold for now is the rooting clones I took at 8+ weeks into flower. These may or may not join the group. I’m seeing white nodes in them so roots shouldn’t be far behind.
Cinderella99 #1
Durban Poison

These clones have been under 24hour light. I’ve been anxious to get them some rest. I don’t like running 24/7 all the time. To me they already look a little stressed. Hopefully they will settle in. Lamp is 100% and they are getting 25000lux. I’ll be up potting to 7 gal grow bags this grow. I want to see if it makes any difference. I think it may. After checking out the 5gal fabric pots from my last grow I see they are pretty packed with root. So maybe a little more room will help.

One again Jack’s will build all the bud. My last run with Jack’s pretty much sold me. If your curious to see what Jack’s can do. Go check out my last thread…GM Multi Photo grow.

Promix HP myco, Jack’s 202020, Jack’s 103020, calcium nitrate, Epsom salts. This will be my big lineup of fancy growing stuff…lol Keeping it simple works.

Cornbread has been eliminated from the group. Upon her Mamas harvest I find bud structure I don’t like. A ton of fluffy larf, buds no so dense, and seed…damnit.
Oh well, she now resides in the dumpster and we move on.


It’s looking promising on the clones. All appear to have kicked out small roots. I except more to pop out of them white nodes soon.

They are looking a bit rough but they are alive and well. Such a simple way to clone…no matter the cycle your in. All I do is change the water every few days…if I remember…lol.

Now that I know the odds are pretty good I’ll have seven plants to grow I must figure out which ones I plan on growing. I’m only using the 4x8 for this grow.
So, I’m in the process of drying the harvest. I’ll sample them all over the next few weeks and decide which I want to grow.

This lady here will be one. I have sampled this and I’m impressed considering it was a quick dry bud. Has a nice kick that lasts and that’s a green quick dried bud. I expect even better after some cure.

Tangie… in for the rerun… I’m really considering putting this girl under a screen. She’d make a beautiful scrog.


And then there were three…

Today Ive taken the SBR 1&2 and released all restraints I had on them. i then crushed every stem I could find and bent it over. I plan on doing this for some time. I did it at 3w in flower last time and it produced a ton of colas. So, thought I’d start from a fresh clone n see what happens. Got a little while before flowering so I’m going to spread them out as far as I can.

Left rear needs another week of growth before I fold all of her branches.

Up potting to 7 gal grow bags for these this round. I think I may end up with some big bushy plants so a lil extra room won’t hurt. These will explode once I up pot.

I’m not really going for height here. I’m seeking a wide bush and as many bud sites as I can squeeze out of them with the main intact.


One more has been added to the list. Cinderella99 #2 will join the group. Tried a sample of her and I liked it. She grew some gnarly headed buds but they were pretty good size and solid. So she’s a welcome addition.


Yesterday I see more roots emerging from the Durban Poison clone. I got lucky. I only had one chance with this clone and it pulled it off. I’ve since thrown her in a 1.5 gal pot. It’s gonna take a while to reveg but it is on its way now.

So if all goes well from here forward I’ll have the Durban Poison joining the ReRun grow. I’m excited to grow this one again. Super easy grow with large dense solid bud that is very frosty.


Got some training in one the Cinderella99 #2. With the main bent over at almost 180 degrees I’ve brought forward many new sites on top.
I’ve taken all branching and crushed the stems to bend them outwards. Just as I did the other two. She’s looking crazy right now but sometimes it’s gotta be ugly at first in order to grow up beautiful.
She’s still kicking out the single and three leaf sets from the reveg but that is fading fast. I’m hoping to get this girl flowering by the 1st but if she’s not ready I’ve got plenty of time.

The other two are in recovery mode from training and I see a lot of new growth forming. Amazing how much branching happens with these clones.

It’s just a matter of a few more days and the other two clones should be kicking out some roots. I’m looking forward to this grow. Been forever since I’ve grown with some flowering clones.


It looks like she’s going to be a fantastic addition to your garden.


Thanks bro, and thanks for stopping by.

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Your plants are looking well bud, very nice.

I like flowering clones for perpetual they’re easy to care for initially and they usually grow a nice structure for a mother.

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Sadly some things are going to change in the lineup of plants I’ll be growing.

Now that all is dry and curing I’ve been sampling the plants I’m considering. The SugarBlackRose is not doing it for me. Looks great, smells wonderful, smooth smoke but two king size raw blunts and the wife and I are barley buzzed. Prob good for someone with a low tolerance but not for us.
Unfortunately the two larger clones above will be eliminated. Really hate to but…


Down to two plants now. The C99#2 and the Durban Poison. The Cindy was up potted the other day. She was getting pretty angry with her last pot so up she goes. Seems to be in a state of shock. Normally this doesn’t happen. I think I waited to long to up pot. Gonna take her a few days to unravel and grow new roots. She was pretty root bound in the 1gal pots.

The Durban Poison is slowly coming around. I’m seeing those little spikes pushing out from the bud so I think it’s on its way to regeneration.


Not having huge success with the clone attempts from late flower. At 3weeks into flower they root just as fast as any other clone out there. However, clones taken late…8+ weeks…are a bit harder to root but not impossible.

Will I take clones in late flower again? Well, only if I need to. My taking them late was just a last minute decision to try n grow out the plant once more. In hindsight I should have taken more clones in the late stage. This would have increased my odds of getting roots on at least one plant. The Tangie and c99#1 are still trying. Nearing a month in the jars now. The white nodes are there but they are not rooting yet. I’m not waiting much longer on them.


I wouldn’t give up on them yet bud ime 99% will root eventually, they looked like they were about to sprout roots it wouldn’t surprise me if they do.

For plants late in flower check out air layering, you can root them on the plant before cutting it off.
It’s a more reliable way with older plants 8/9 wks.


I’m giving them some more time. Maybe they will root. Air layering is an option. If I was taking a larger branch I prob would try. Thanks for the info.


Well, I’m patently waiting for this clone to completely get with the program. The plant overall is healthy but notice the left side of the plant. Things folded under and stalled. I’m pretty sure this is the result of being a little to heavy handed when I was crushing stems. At least now I’m starting to see some new growth in the damaged area. So hopefully it’s just a matter of days before the whole pot is in sync.

The good growth is moving right along. Still spitting out hairs as she goes. I bet this one goes right into flower when I flip.


Bought some promix yesterday. Had to get the small bag. I still have this catheter in so heavy lifting up a flight of steps sucks. So, I had to go small. Oh well, I’m not growing much at the moment.
The remaining clones…tangie n c99#1 still have no roots. They have until the weekend. If nothing happens it’s in the garbage they go. Taking clones late in flower is a little tougher than early in flower but at least I got the Durban Poison to root. So not a total loss. Hell, ya never know till ya try.
So if these clones don’t take off there’s an option I do have. I can start 1-2 Cap Junky/Chem91 fem seeds.

The Durban clone will take over a month to regenerate so I have time to veg up a new plant to go with her. I plan on no more than three on one side of the 4x8 and one under a screen on the other. Should be an interesting grow with the flowering clones.

The Durban Poison clone is slowly and I mean slowly starting to grow. It takes them a while to unfold. Ya can see it starting but she’s taking her sweet time right now.


Scrog screen in yesterday.

Also got the C99#2 up potted to a 7 gal and thrown under the screen. All set.

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She’s in the screen!!! Well, a few branches have reached it with many more to come. The roots must be digging in well since up potting. She’s perky and growing fast.

A peak below and ya see I’ve got a ton of branches going on. Most of these will engage the screen. The small growth will be removed as the branches grow. Cleaned out some unneeded debris and watered.

Just for fun I plucked off a start, did the 45, roughed it up, and threw it in a jar of tap water. No gel this time. Let’s see what happens.


I don’t remember these flowering clones kicking out pistols all throughout the reveg process. She’s still throwing them with every branch. It’s like she’s in a steady state of one week flower…lol When I do flip the switch these will be super fast to develop.
She’s a rich green color. Dancing on the edge of N toxicity but that’s just how Jack’s rolls.


So the C99#1 is out of the race. Not because of death. The clones were fine. It’s just the wife and I decided we just don’t care for it. Heavy to smoke…cough, cough. Nice buzz but seems to just be one of them plants that doesn’t agree with us. Her sister, who is the one under the screen is a nice smoke. Racey buzz.

In their place will be these…

Ive been anxious to give these a go. I have room for two plants so why not something new in the garden.

The DP is growing but not very quickly…lol. The bud that came off that plant was super dense. I’m guessing that’s why this one is taking so long to unfold. I can tell it’s growing…just slowly. I moved it closer to the light.

The other two look like a trainwreck but they are still green under all that mess. I only need one so whoever perks up first is it.

C99#2…Bushier than an 1970 bikini bottom. No topping for this girl…lol