GM Xmas OG Grow

That’s fantastic news. Looks like a Mango hp leaner, curious to see how she grows out.

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Yeah man, the structure of this plant is pretty damn good. Solid plant. The males were impressive as well. Good to know she’s leaning towards the Mango but it’s still early. I’m excited to see how she does barring any problems.

I’ll be cracking more of your seeds this winter. I’m super impressed with the germination rate and overall growth these put out. Very nice seed.

I’ll be posting up some progress soon. I’m going to bury this girl in a bigger pot. Knock down some height. Start her training. Here we go again…lol


That’s awesome, once you want some more let me know. More than happy to send more to people who grow them out.


They are never to big to bend over…

My veg tent as it stands after I molested the ones on the left…lol All of these plants are 6.5weeks from sprout.

GreenCrack MangoHp and the SFV OG…these girls shot up to roughly 30". Not in my tent…lol They all now sport double bends in the main stem. One to bend her over and one going sideways. All secondary growth has been crushed and trained outwards. About a week out I’ll plop a 12x12 floater screen on each one till flower. Then Ill remove the small one and replace it with a 20x22 floater.

Very pleased to see these 2 Blue Moon Rocks girls happy and healthy. They are in 1gal bags and about to get an upgrade. On e up potted these too will sport floater screens.

Lastly, the Cap Junky. These 3 girls are doing fine over on the side. I’ve not paid them much attention in regards to training them down. The training they received early has the plants ready for the floater screen to spread out the multiple branches. I’ve got some ideas to try on them. More soon


Some thoughts as I go…

I need to rethink the sexing method. Initially I had planned on taking a few cuts and throwing them into 12/12 but instead I just threw the whole plant in the flower tent till they showed sex.

Not sure I like that way. The plants got out of control, stretchy with long internode spacing. Once they showed me sex and I returned them to the veg tent. I’ll not be doing this next time. I’ll use cuts to ID sex.


Trying out some 12"x12" floater screens in veg stage. Took just a few minutes per plant.

Cap Junky…a few before pics.

After all the floater screens are in place.

These should help spread them outwards and prepare them for a larger 18x20 floater just before flower.

Got them all about the same height now. I had to secure the screens down for now. Before long the plant will push upwards and the wire holding the screen can be removed.


Use the leaf stem…

If your working some branches around under the screen and find that one branch that just doesn’t want to stay where ya put it.

Sometimes if it’s not to much pressure you can wrap the leaf stem and tuck it. This will often hold it in place until the new growth comes.


How long were they in the 12/12 tent before they showed sex?

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Just found ya grow old mate! :ok_hand:t2:
Locked in and watching now :sweat_smile:

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It took them two weeks to show. I threw them in there at 2weeks old. I’ll not do it that way again. Next time I’ll take cuts and sex those.


Thanks for dropping in. I’m hoping I can squeeze this grow out by Xmas. Gonna be close

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Glad I found it! Hey I saw you write ur running a C99, did you get a cut or from seed & from which breeder? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Also u have some pics?

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I ran that c99 in my other thread. Cut it down the other night. It was a regenerated flowering clone. The original seed came from Growers Choice.


Those screens are the bees knees. So high i thought this started last year. Looks great. Here for it all. Did you say that you feed every watering? Thanks for OGing.


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Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, I feed every watering with Jack’s. The dose is half. So if I water 2-3x a week they are getting the proper weekly amount. They seem to adjust well to it.


Huge buds mate!

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