Going forward with forward growing!

oh boy your right on about needing less water when growing with leds … never thought of this when i switched over and lucky i noted something did not look right and when i lifted my pots i realized how heavy they where … am watering less then half as much as i did with hps


the first of the batch of cuts to take off in the cups. Cupped a few more last night. This is a orange goji.


Heres an OHGA that got cupped last night. Interested to see how she looks today.


The small raspberry sunshine plant is perking back up. I definitely need to work on my watering technique after up pots. I was actually chatting with @ifish on someone else thread a few days before i up potted these about watering technique when plants are first in their larger pots. Not to my surprise, i totally forgot about the convo and disregarded the tips he gave me. I will get it right next time.


YUP…small plant is fine! Good job, you will get the hang of watering…isnt it nice, That is all you need to learn to do properly. When soil/nutes WORK…allows you to watch plant and learn. You will LEARN a bunch in this next grow. The one after that will be auto pilot ! Gonna get some octo’s??? Could not spend your $$$ any wiser in my opinion.


Im heavily considering them.


What about a diy octo build , maybe ?
: )


Thanks to high wind my power went out today. Hopefully its back on before the flower tent is suppose to light back up. And im gonna have to reset my timers again. This happens every flower run to me atleast once.

Bummer. Hope it’s on soon.

Just a few weeks ago, my area power went out during lights on. I hung 2 flashlights in my flower room. The batteries were almost dead when finally the power was restored.


First up pot of the cuts i got from @Jetdro. Orange Goji in her new home. Watered with 1 teaspoon per gallon of TVF. Also, my soil has been adjusted with more perlite. After speaking with jet i discovered i had the soil mix wrong. Its pretty much a 1:1:1 mix of Promix bx, roots organic soil, and perlite. Need to edit my above post with the soil mix so no one uses it and has watering issues like i did. Live and learn.


Did you notice a difference watering them after the re mix ???

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Sure did. The water runs through much easier now. Glad i got it cleared up. I was getting frustrated for a bit.

Good deal, no more soggy pots and too long between waterings now. That should help you immensely

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BTW the OG’s look great, nice tight node spacing from your LEDS .

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My thoughts too. Those 3 gallon pots stayed wet way too long. I still have to repot those tonight.

It always feels good when your happy with my results. Makes me feel like im succeeding.


Yeah, they will respond much better to the correct mix.

Thinking not to water too heavy till they fill those pots with roots and get some size to them .

WHY I “stair step” all my plants up through pots, prevents over watering and wet media.

If I was gonna end in the 3’s I would go "

Dixie…to 5 x 5 …to 1 gallon…then up to the 3’s .

I would add in one more step between the 5 x 5 and the final 3 gal soft. IF you do “pot in pot” there is absolutely NO TRAUMA to the plants when you up pot, none. Can also see the roots too…if not engulfing the pot, stick them back in the existing pot a few more days…easy to check them by just popping them out…you understand what I mean right???

Keep the OG’s in the 5 x 5 's till you pop them out and they have GOOD ROOTS SHOWING all round …a bit more than you show in the pic with the one un potted OG…a bit more rots and tighter around the root ball…not too much more, but more. Then I would go to 1 gallon…then your 3’s…

Play it by ear, now you have well draining media, will be easier to judge your watering, and the mix will not stay near as wet. When you get the mix right, it is close to the same wetness all through pot.

If pot is really wet on bottom, but dry up top, media DOES NOT drain well enough. If pot gets dry way too quick, too much drainage…we want the middle ground .

When you have free time…take the mix, fill a 5 x 5 with it, water and watch it…compare the mix the 3 gallon Raspberries have…to your new mix…

When you up pot those Raspberries, save some soil, enough to test in the 5 x 5 's and a 1 gallon if you have them.

Do it side by side with the new mix and see the difference. Count how much water it takes to ge run off in each…will help you SEE/UNDERSTAND the proper mix. We want it to run through fairly quickly, but hold some too. .

I think you understand what I am trying to say…let me know if NOT!@!! @Grohio lol


I understand completely. I will get some 1 gallon pots on the way. I really appreciate how much you chime in and make sure i always have a gameplan for the next step.


And, i would say that the new mix drains through quick and still feels like it retains a bit of water. I think i got it right this time.


Good Deal…once you get it right, you shall KNOW…once you know, and watch it , you will always know!