Going to need to move soon

Boat life. It’s cheaper here not sure how feasible that is where you are though


rent to own :slight_smile:

is how I bought my place

had no money, no credit

all the best



Perhaps downsizing might be your best bet. Not sure what type of place your leaving, but sometimes a downsize is good. People use 90% of their things 10% of the time, and 10% of their things 90% of the time. Might be a way to purge some stuff you dont use or need (also lightens the load for the move)…I imagine a smaller living space also means lower rent. Hope it all works out for you! Keep us in the loop. Try and find peace in your time of chaos. Moving sucks at the best of times, but being forced to move at that time of year is brutal.
:beer: have a beer and relax for a bit.


I dream of living on a boat smoking hash on a canal


I’d be happy on a boat, in the middle of fuckoffsville. Or on a boat, on fuckoffsville canal. Or similar named place.


@anon58740919, i like the idea! Not sure what the litfa would think lol.

@dequilo i thought about that. Not much out there though. I think im going top have top move into the city. I found some houses to rent. But that means the kids need to change schools again.

@Tappy, downsize?! But i love my stuff! Lol i do have a lot of stuff that i “might need some day”.


that is a drag :frowning: for sure

here where I live lots of empty places and the markets sucks

I bought my places back in 1995 , we just drove around where we wanted to


looked for empty places and made lots and lots of calls

found a place that had been empty for a couple of years and made a deal to

rent to own

Had no money, no credit and no job, just finished working for

New York State Department of Correction for a few years, housing can be a bitch

all the best and good luck


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Ugh…tell me about it. I have to rent a haul-away (big garbage bin) and start going through all my “treasures”. Could easily let half of everything go. Have tons of wood, plywood, 2x4s, 4x4s 4x8s, 10x2s, 12x2s…all lengths, full to cut-offs…lol. and tons, tons, tons of other shit. My latest score/more shit to add to my pile was found yesterday. Dropped off some hot water tanks and saw a bunch of vinyl tubing on top of the trash. Asked the guy if I could have it, he said sure. Scored about 10 feet of clear vinyl tubing that fits perfectly onto my submersible pump and roughly another 10 feet of black hose that fits perfectly on my air pump. Score!!! However I have no use for any of it and dont see myself using it in the near future…so it goes to the top of my pile.
Might only be a couple bucks of material, but it didnt cost me a dime.


Im the same lol. Always checking for “cool stuff i could use”

I would like to state my belief on life, more to remind myself than anything else. i would not be with the person i am with now with out going through all the lunatics before them. I would not be where i am and have what i have with out going through all the hard times. It’s hard to remember when you are in the hard times. It will lead you to where you need to be.


So, I’m looking at renting a house in town with neighbors. there might be a small spot to grow in the basement. What im wondering is should i. Im in a prohibition state. I still don’t know about being able to vent to the outside.

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So, the negotiating with the landlord failed. I still haven’t found a place, and we are getting ab eviction notice. We have two weeks from today to get out. Happy days…


ok, all moved. not quite unpacked yet. just got internet set up today. ended up moving to the girlfriends parents house 3 hours north. they had the house up for sale, but a pipe burst in the basement. had a foot of water in there before it froze. it’s all covered under insurance. he had a company come out and take out all the water damaged stuff and clean up the water. they are done, water is fixed and heat is on.

now we both need to find jobs. i am probably going to do the work remodeling the basement for her parents. things are looking better. although i’m not sure about growing here yet.


Glad you are all sorted out.

On the basement remodel just add a hidden grow room :joy::joy:


i’m thinking about it lol. her parents a footing the bill there, so they might want to see what’s going on. :grin: for the moment i have some autos that i might start in a while so they can finish outside. i also want to start the remedy x RCB from @cannabissequoia. thats the only really important one. i’m hoping to get a clone back from the guy i sent most of my plants to. but i also still have a few seeds left.


Slow & steady get’s the…harvest, or whatever. :blush:

Glad you pulled through that mess. Sounds like she’s a keeper. :wink: :thumbsup:



Glad you settled, make sure the parents know, or you might just end up on the street again. Roof and girlfriend r more important. You’ll find a place to grow. …


if there’s any possibility the owners would’t be chill with growing on their property, I’d recommend converting the trailer to grow space (trailer park boys style) if that’s an option. keep it parked on the property and you can always tell neighbors you are working on restoring the interior if they ask about it. and of course you will have the ability to move it if/when necessary,

I tried moving things there earlier this winter. It still gets to cold in there. I would have to run propane heat. It would get costly. I don’t plan on growing till i find out how things go here for a bit. Also, the trailor is still at the old place. They gave new tool the 19th of this month to get it out. I couldn’t get it out with all the snow. Also the ground is still not frozen here. The truck got stuck in the mud trying. Im going to have to find a skid steer for rent to get it to the driveway so i can move it.


You can DIY something like this… I’ve seen a few variations just using the axle & wheel.

:joy: :maple_leaf:


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That third one looks like a great way to bend your driveshaft! There other two look like really good ideas though!

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