Going to need to move soon

so i just got word from my landlord that he is putting the house up for sale. he is going to start the paperwork. he has given me no dates or anything yet. but he said he would like me to stay till the house sells. so it’s not vacant. i literally just got a new job selling supplemental insurance where i should be able to make a good amount of money. i wanted to wait a couple months to see how things turn out with this new job before talking about contract for deed. so i asked him today and he is good with the idea, but i’m not totally sure i can afford this place. i’m in my knee jerk reaction time and think all is lost…

i’m in a prohibition state and i’m not sure what to do about my plants, i have a few mothers and a bunch with about a month left in flower. if he’s putting it up for sale i don’t know how much time i have before some one will want to see the house. and i can’t have any plants in it.


Yeah if he has it up for sale expect some showings as soon as it goes on market. Personally unless he reduces your rent I would leave asap. Renting a house that is on the market is a major pain in the ass for tenant. I sold my rental and gave my tenant half off rent for the 6 weeks it took to sell.

The grow has to move unfortunatley. Especially if illegal. My good friend has a wife that sells a lot of real estate. She said seeing tents in houses is very common these days. But I’m in a legal country.


I guess there’s always the option of a van down by the river scenario! Hope things work out for ya!


Sorry man forced moving is tough. I hope it turns into blessings and something better comes out of it.


i hope so too. on the plus side, i found a mostly built house for sale pretty cheap. it has basic floors, exterior walls siding windows and roof. basically just needs the interior built out.

also, i have a camper trailer that i could move my plants to if need be. i forgot i had that!


yea i’m looking for new places. i just don’t have the cash. but i do have a camper trailer i can move the grow to! :slight_smile: just to finish off what i have going. i’ll have to start over when i get a place figured out.


it’s official. i’m going to have to move once the house sells. i was hoping he could do a contract for deed, but no dice. so i need to move plants to some where they can finish up, including my mothers :disappointed_relieved: not sure when i can start again. that will depend on if i can find a place.

i’m giving some clones to a guy i know, hopefully when i can grow again he will still have them so i can get a couple clones back.


this is moving faster than i want. :frowning: the house is listed and we have had 5 showings in three days…

i got everything moved out to a trailer that i can lock up. but it’s been in the 30’s here. they are stalling out from the cold. i can’t run a heater in there due to electric limitations…it’s just staying warm from the couple lights i have going.

on the plus side i have found a few houses that would work for me. i’m setting up a showing today hopefully. if i can get a house soon i can move the vegging things and not have to dump them. and this would be my house, no more renting.


Financing fell through with the parents house sale. Septic didn’t pass inspection. So our help fell through. I think we will have to find temp housing till they can help us… good times…:persevere:

That also means everything has to go…

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Shitty luck man. Things will work out for you. Stay positive :v:


Im trying. It’s just one hit after another.

Im giving clones to some one with the hopes that when im ready, i can get some back. I also still have seeds to start from. But i need to get rid of a few animals (i have some pigs) find housing for us, find a place for all my shit (i have a lot of shit). Right now it looks like public housing until we can get a house loan. The stress is oppressive.

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Been in your shoes brother… But far worse. I know what your going through, I feel your pain… Just do your very best, and please, be STRONG! Its gonna be alright. :slight_smile::+1:

Best of Luck Man,… You are in my prayers. :relaxed:


thanks man. i appreciate it.

if anyone has any ideas how someone with low income and crap credit can get a house, i’m all ears.

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still looking for a place. i moved all my plants out to a camper i have. they have been doing good up till last night. well, the cold temps at night all but stopped growth. but last night it got just too cold. i checked them this morning and they are all drooping :frowning: i think i’m going to cut it all. i gave a friend clones of everything i have, so i can get them back when i get settled.

most plants are done or within a week or two. but i am really bummed about the dragonsblood. it’s only about half done. so i probably won’t get any good bud from it. but i’ll try.

the way it’s looking, i wont be able to start again till spring…sigh…


I was thinking about you the other day… Things will work out, … Hang in there. :slight_smile:

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”


thanks, that is very much appreciated.

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so i had an idea. i was running a 1k and 600 HPS in the trailor. that was all that the electric would take. now that i took all the plants that were done or very close, i took out the 1k hps and put a small heater in the room. i hope that will make things better. i really want to see how the dragonsblood turns out :slight_smile:


So, an update on needing to move. I gave all my clones away and harvested everything that was ready. All i have left in flower is the dbhp (i snuck a bud and it is a sleepy time strain! Earthy, spicy, yummy creeper) i thought i had a place to rent till the in laws sold their place and could help us. Didnt get it. But talked to the in laws and they are signing on their place next week! Sho we are back on finding a house.

Also Got a certified letter from the landlord today, order to vacate by jan 1st. If i can’t get out by then, he will have to do an eviction. Im not trying to be an ass to him. But it takes time. And it sucks having to move this close to the holidays. I can’t wait top get in my own place!


So, help from the in laws has fallen through till late spring. Some how things will work.

this is one of the reasons I have dogs
and that come at me bro attitude