Good OG Kush in seed form


I love OG Kush : this lemony/earthy (biker kush) or just earthy flavour like kosher kush is incredible !

So I could bought :

  • karma : josh D, white OG
  • rare dankness : scott og
  • DNA : holy grail kush, og18, kushberry, OG kush
  • barney’s farm : vanilla kush

Because it’s sold out I couldn’t bought

  • karma biker kush
  • DNA Kosher kush

But it’s not enough :slight_smile:

My wish is to have a variety of strains. So if you have recomendations for strains I say you a big thank you.

All the best everybody


am currently growing out bog’s blue kush …so far so good … am only 23days into flower …it has a very berry sweet smell and i am loving the way they are growing short and bushy…just thought i would mention it since you seem to like kush :slight_smile:


A friend used to run one called Ken’s kush that was a really nice strain. Big, potent and had that classic kush flavor. I don’t know where he got it, but I know it was from seed… helpful I know lol

I’ll see if I can get ahold of him for some more info.

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Kens kush is from ken estes grand daddy purp genetics. Hence the name kens!



Josh D’s appear to be in stock .Pm him on IG ?

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Nice find, thanks! Sold out :imp:


Sale of Josh D OG by Karma Genetics… Check em out … If not I messaged Josh … I’ll link you when he gets back !! Good luck . I haven’t found better than the Kosher … But Josh’s OG gets great reviews …